Day 100 Hard Mode!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Fork2323, Apr 5, 2017.

  1. Fork2323

    Fork2323 Fapstronaut

    Today is the day! 100 days nofap, no sex, and no dating.. lots of ruff patches along the way, but My entire experience with life is changing. Cute girls i see on the street lost that crazy pull. I see them as people now more and less as objects to posess.. when i see couples walking down the street i used to imagine them in sexual positions, this has completley gone away. The urge to look at porn-subs, bikini babes is fading.. now i see those girls working it so hard and i feel sad for them and see them as lost souls desperatly seeking love and attention and have conpassion for them. My drive to earn and make money is crazy now. And my morning wood is comming back.. not full yet, about 70%..

    Ive made it to 90 days 3 other times in past 20 years.. im going for 4 months Hard Mode.. then check it from there to see if safe to start dating only Healthy girls with no daddy issues.
  2. The Shadow Boxer

    The Shadow Boxer Fapstronaut

    More power to you, it must feel great to accomplish such a monstrous task. I can't wait until I get to where you are now!
    PotentLife likes this.
  3. fapnaut95

    fapnaut95 Fapstronaut

    Hey man good job on your success so far. wish that you continue doing great. Btw what are girls with daddy issues? I've never heard of those issues, what are they like? aha :)
    iWILL123 likes this.
  4. Sparkle

    Sparkle Guest

    I assume that girls with daddy issues are the type of girls who want YOU to do everything for them, so that they can lay back and then blame you if something is wrong. To these girls you are never enough, and you are never accepted, loved and appreciated the way you should. You are only as good as value you bring to them. Basically master and slave relationship.
    Fork2323 likes this.
  5. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    Good stuff. Sounds like you will find yourself in a position of strength regarding women. And then you'll be able to be super-selective.... better to be single than with the wrong girl. Good luck~~

    Day 53
    iWILL123 and Fork2323 like this.
  6. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    Girls with 'daddy issues' are emotionally broken. They can make men's lives hell.
  7. ATW504

    ATW504 Fapstronaut

    Keep Going Strong Brother!!!!!!!
  8. Fork2323

    Fork2323 Fapstronaut

    WOmen whose dad left when they were a little girl, cheated on their mom and was a player, beat or molested them, or just was checked out and ignored them.. tend to have lots of relationship issues and crave male attention. They are prime canidates to work in porn, be a stripper, or use men for sex and money. Their hearts are shut down and they are surviors. They are experts at being hot and manipulating men to get attention to cover up low selfesteam for feeling rejected by their dad and use sex to hook men in, but have no love or heart connection.
    IF you have been jerking off for years to women like that, you will be tuned into that frequency and connect to that part of women you meet in real life.
    It is part of my reboot to break off and chang being attracted to and trying to date women like that. I know its a no win sitution and i cant fix broken people. I now try to find out a girls family history b4 i date them.. my ass has been kicked way too many times and i accept defeat that i cant get involved with any women with those issues. Im not a theropist and dont have the tools to deal with them and i just get taken down. Im trying to try to not get love from a cactus. These girls look so hot and spend all their time to be the hot chick. Let them. I want a heart connection and need to reboot who im attracred to also. That is why im doing no dating too in my reboot to change my bad news babe radar.
  9. Veeav

    Veeav Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    It sounds more like Princess-like girl :D
  10. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    I can't date a gal with Daddy issues. I prefer gals that have been red-pilled.
    Fork2323 likes this.
  11. fapnaut95

    fapnaut95 Fapstronaut

    You seem like you know about the subject eheh :) I never had a girlfriend (22 y.o.) and I've been jerking off for years (5) to women-bodies in porn.
    To be honest in real life I've never been attracted (or in love) for girls which are the "hottest" and have the behaviour that you explained as daddy issues-oriented.
    I usually like the cute and smart girls which have a good personality and are "down to earth"-type but ,of course , strictily speaking in sexual arousal, the hottest attrack me more, but just in a instinctional manner.
    Fork2323 and iWILL123 like this.
  12. frogg05

    frogg05 Fapstronaut

    I completely relate to this!
    Fork2323 likes this.
  13. Bran Cao

    Bran Cao Fapstronaut

    great dude. I have also encountered some hot girl in the past and it doesn`t feel like healthy relationship and didnt benefit the two of us. And I just hide away natrually.