Cold Shower When Sick ?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Pradeep, Sep 29, 2015.

  1. Pradeep

    Pradeep Guest

    Hi I have not been keeping well since couple of days, sour throat, slight temperature, cold and stuff. But I still continue to take cold water bath every morning. Water is about 6 to 8 degrees Celsius. Is it OK ?
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2015
    Calm likes this.
  2. Am in the same situation as you except I don't dare to take cold showers now that I'm sick. Do you feel like taking cold baths is making it worse or better or neither, @Pradeep ? I would like to hear an opinion about this from a cold shower veteran too.
  3. Pradeep

    Pradeep Guest

    Yeah, I dont feel like... I start with hot water...then cold..then hot....ending with cold. Which feels good for next hour or so. But later I feel not that good.
  4. Calm

    Calm Fapstronaut

  5. Pradeep

    Pradeep Guest

    Yeah thats the way to go !!! Rain or Shine No excuse !! that's what I thought since it has many advantages...
    So will continue with Cold shower !! @Calm thanks for sharing !!!
  6. Calm

    Calm Fapstronaut

    Wait man who is saying to take them when sick lol?

    The link explains why you don't have to when sick :)
  7. Pradeep

    Pradeep Guest

    Hey Calm, but I thought it said not to give reasons... and cold water is good against flew, cold etc... did I read it wrong ?
    Calm likes this.
  8. Calm

    Calm Fapstronaut

    No there is no wrong or right, I suppose you interpret the responses how you want, really it is up to you.

    A cold shower when sick may not be a great idea for some people, perhaps if the thought doesn't bother you too much by all means.
    Dizzy Lotus and Pradeep like this.
  9. Pradeep

    Pradeep Guest

    Today I showered again in Cold water, although I was a little sick, the temperature was about 8 degrees. I have started enjoy cold water these days. And its doing many good !!
  10. Spiral

    Spiral Fapstronaut

    I'm ill at the moment. Still having cold showers anyway. I just go in for a shorter time as to not get more ill.
  11. JoePineapples

    JoePineapples Fapstronaut

    I'd avoid it if you've got a fever.
    Ultra Zork likes this.
  12. johnwick

    johnwick Fapstronaut

    I strongly suggest giving up cold showers when sick. I have a cold now and I said F it I will do it anyway yesterday, and since then I have horrible cough.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
    Ultra Zork likes this.
  13. ThoughtCriminal

    ThoughtCriminal New Fapstronaut

    Hello all, hope this clears up your question and answers a bit about cold showers.

    The point of a cold shower, and the reason you feel so good when doing it, is because it stimulates the vagus nerve. This nerve connects from your central nervous system to your tongue, esophagus, lungs, heart and stomach. Thus by stimulating it with cold water, you are activating your body's parasympathetic nervous system (this is when the body believes it is calm so it can eat and digest properly vs the sympathetic or "fight or flight" mode).

    Now you shouldn't take a cold shower if you are very sick with a chest cold or having a problem with your lungs, definitely wait until that clears up because you're just going to exacerbate your symptoms !!!BUT!!! there is a way around this.

    If you still want to get the effects of a cold shower, just putting your face into ice water works quite well. For any lurkers, this is a great way to ease yourself into cold showers. Still get the benefits on your system while allowing your body to heal. If I'm very sick I fill up a sink with cold water and then dump my whole ice tray in the water, let it sit for a minute and then use that. Also is great when you're running out the door, don't have time for a shower but still want that little boost.

    Hope this helps.


    google BulletProofExecutive cold thermogenesis vagus nerve. I can't post a link since I'm still new here
    Dizzy Lotus, Pradeep and johnwick like this.
  14. Pradeep

    Pradeep Guest

    Yeah sure !! I went without cold shower for 2 days and now y body is recovered. I will try cold shower again in couple of days.
    johnwick likes this.
  15. johnwick

    johnwick Fapstronaut

    Glad to hear you made it, I am still recovering and still sick a little so I have to hold up, man it is so much harder without them
  16. Pradeep

    Pradeep Guest

    I wish we start the Cold cold shower soon ;)
  17. theDoctorSmith

    theDoctorSmith Fapstronaut

    I caught a bad case of the flew about 4 or 5 days back. Haven't stopped with the cold showers. Start with hot and end with cold. I feel amazing when I take cold showers. I haven't gotten any better. There's that too.
    Pradeep likes this.
  18. Sinner

    Sinner Guest

    Well, if it works for you... I personally cannot stand any cold water on me.
  19. theDoctorSmith

    theDoctorSmith Fapstronaut


    The flu is almost gone. Still continuing with the cold showers.
  20. Pradeep

    Pradeep Guest

    Me too, today I started with the cold shower again.. it was pretty good as usual.