Afraid that NoFap isnt going to help me.

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by SW02, Jul 15, 2018.

  1. SW02

    SW02 Fapstronaut

    Hello guys I hope you're all having a wonderful day.

    I've been reading and watching videos about NoFap for a while and while I do understand the effects of porn in our lives I cant stop to wonder if will ever handle stuff like you all do. Please know that I have the utmost respect for you guys for doing that and sharing information here.

    I guess I need say some stuff about me, idk why, but I want to get it off my chest.

    At the time of this post, I'm 26, male, single, had 2 relationships in my whole life, but I always lived far from my ex's so my sex life wasnt as active as normal couples I would say.

    Mainly in the times that I was single or times that I was weeks without seeing my ex's I would run to porn, I still do that now, I want to stop, but having social problems (I'm the typical introvert guy that plays games when has free time and not hangout often) and not having luck with women in general makes me afraid of the experience of NoFap'ing.

    So, in short: How to deal with NoFap and wanting a relationship when you cant find many options or ways to start ?

    I'm sorry for the long post and for any english errors, its not my native language.

    Strange10566 likes this.
  2. davem7

    davem7 Fapstronaut

    i think you can find helping on this place
  3. Hey, thanks for sharing that. I understand that the thought of no pmo was correlated with not being lonely and having the instant urge to “live again” well I’m here to tell you that no pmo does wonders but when that’s done you’re supposed spend the time you spent pmo-ing doing something productive, finding a partner and so on.

    Pmo is a very bad habit so try to still avoid it.
  4. SW02

    SW02 Fapstronaut

    Thank you all for taking your time to reply !

    I think I might find similar cases here in the forum but I'll ask anyway.

    How is the best way to start without screwing up and staying strong with NoFap ?
  5. SaneNate

    SaneNate Fapstronaut

    Hey, SW Oh Two,
    I think I can help you through the psychology articles and videos I've covered.

    You're doing what's called "concreticism." I hope I spelled it right .

    Anyho, concreticism is about gathering all aspects of your life and assembling it as one unit. If that unit is causing you trouble, worry, etc., break down that unit and focus on the part that is the underlying cause.
  6. SW02

    SW02 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing that information ! I've tried to find videos about it in youtube, but not sure which is the correct one. Can you please share the link ?
  7. SW02

    SW02 Fapstronaut

    Hi again guys, I just wanted let you know that I'll start this, I dont want to live like this any longer, its time to improve my life. Thank you all and I hope to see everyone here around the forums !
  8. SaneNate

    SaneNate Fapstronaut

    Hey, SW02,
    Go to Google and search Jungian concreticism