A quote for life.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by FightingTriton, Jul 20, 2019.

  1. I love reading quotes from movies, novels, and video games that you can apply to your life and live by. One quote that finally dawned on me when I began this PMO journey was from one of the best movie series of all time, and it reads like this....

    "The future is not set. There is no fate, but what we make for ourselves."

    Before NoFap, I always believed I was destined to be the guy who never got married, jacked off to porn his whole life and lived like a pathetic loser.

    No. Not even F**king close. I refuse to become that guy.

    You have the power within to make a better person out of yourself. Your future is what you decide. If you want to be that guy I just mentioned above, that's your choice.

    if you want to be Tyler Durden, you can be Tyler Durden. If you want to be Diana Prince, you can become her. You can be whatever you want to be.

    Whenever you feel weak and want to submit to your PMO addiction, just keep reciting those words to yourself. "the future is not set. there is no fate but what we make for ourselves."
  2. thanks buddy absolutely right
  3. ItalianStallion

    ItalianStallion Fapstronaut

    This is so great, I needed to read this. I've even gone through that same thought process. Thanks for the wisdom!