90 days without pornography or masturbation

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Man08, Feb 10, 2019.

  1. Man08

    Man08 Fapstronaut

    I did it, 90 days, this is not the end, it's only the beginning.

    I had a very hard time when I was around 80 days, I had urge after urge, my mind was giving me only sexual thoughts and images but I was strong enough to keep on fighting, I kept on reminding me how awful I used to feel while I was watching P and M.

    Benefits? In my case, things are slower but I feel the benefits, I feel like every single day I recover piece by piece the old me, the one who had tons of energy, motivation, inspiration and a very clear mind.

    I totally stopped watching pornography videos.
    I totally stopped dreaming about girls.
    I totally stopped masturbation.
    I totally stopped using sexual video/images/thoughts to stay away from pain, now, when the pain comes, I let it be, I've learnt that it's not a good solution to run from pain
  2. motion2082

    motion2082 Fapstronaut

    Well done Man08, not too far behind you ;)

    At day 81, I feel like desire is no longer the main motivator in my life. I have even gone off PC gaming. Going to the gym 4 times a week for the past 7 weeks has been awesome. Although I feel like I still have a long way to go. It's weird but I'm feeling tired/bored and a little uninspired by not having a strong sexual desire for randoms anymore. Always loved the chase or dopamine from PMO with an unattainable female. NoFap has made me focus on other things besides fantasizing about sleeping with as many woman as possible...which is a good thing however it brings out thoughts about what's truly important in life.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2019
    Ogikubo, Man08, Srisurya and 5 others like this.
  3. ImpureHuman

    ImpureHuman Fapstronaut

    This understanding is just beyond the PMO recovery.
    RebootIan, Man08 and SLAA1 like this.
  4. selfimprovement8008

    selfimprovement8008 Fapstronaut

    very true you have to charge pain when it faces you , you face it very proud of you man would love to reach your level
    Man08 likes this.
  5. LifeWorthLiving!!!

    LifeWorthLiving!!! Fapstronaut

    Great job, man. Inspiring post!
    Man08 likes this.
  6. 4DCreator

    4DCreator Fapstronaut

    Well done, great!
    Man08 likes this.
  7. congrats. I like what you said about embracing pain. That sounds like your character is developing.
    Ogikubo, Man08 and victory15 like this.

  8. amazing bro congrats!

    I find that I too was having so many temptations as i was noticing getting closer to the 90 days, until i saw a video by a guy onyoutube who was on his 7th month and he mentioned about the benefits of being present, more positive inner dialogue and being less impulsive.

    Then I saw another video which reminded me of the truth of compound interest. that all the actions, self-control and disciplines we are taking now, will result in long term accumulative effect.

    So we may not notice the benefits of our way of life until years from now.

    in my case, I watched porn for around 20 yrs so 3 months is a very small time compared to the years of addiction behind us. so I'm aiming for long term but taking it one day at a time.

    here is a picture that shows the compound interest and the positive effects of our efforts over time. Most people go back because they cant see the benefits right away, but once the benefits come they come in massive amounts!

    Attached Files:

    victory15 likes this.
  9. victory15

    victory15 Fapstronaut

    Great work man! Keep going and together we'll win!
  10. Man08

    Man08 Fapstronaut

    Thank you all!! 96 days and still going! Thank you, thank you!!
    Ogikubo likes this.
  11. Man08

    Man08 Fapstronaut

    I know, it takes time, this is why it's so important to not give up because then it's harder and harder and you need more time to recover, in few days, I will reach 100 days! :D
    Freeddom_Taker and RightEffort like this.
  12. Man08

    Man08 Fapstronaut

    In few days you are going to reach 90 days, keep the good fight and don't give up, it takes time!
  13. Man08

    Man08 Fapstronaut

    You can't run from pain, I used to masturbate and watch pronograhy as a way to escape from pain but it was never enough, it lasted just one week, then, more pain and more pain, finally, I couldn't take it anymore, I decided that I need to face the pain and believe me, the pain hit me so hard that I was lifeless, what I could do, I let the pain do its work, you can't run from it, you have to face it, this is the only way to get rid of it.

    I also want to thank God for helping me, the only joy I had in life was M and P, now, I feel the freedom of enjoying little things.
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.
  14. Man08

    Man08 Fapstronaut

    100 DAYS!!
    RebootIan likes this.
  15. RebootIan

    RebootIan Fapstronaut

    What a milestone. A true inspiration. I am so excited about getting there myself. This is it
    Man08 likes this.