31 Days Strong!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Izlude, Aug 31, 2016.

  1. Izlude

    Izlude Fapstronaut

    Well, I made it to 30 days! There were ups and downs and day 27 or 28 I almost blew it but luckily logging on here and being reminded how close I was to the goal gave me the motivation I needed to stay on track.

    So, things that helped me:

    • Staying busy. Without a doubt the number 1 thing that allowed me to succeed this far was not being home and doing things that got my heart rate up. So, working out, various sports, followed by dinner with friends or family.
    • Normal schedule. The worst days were when I ended up staying up too late or sleeping in too much. Trying to stay on a routine schedule and get into a habit of doing active things after work or on weekends helped a ton.
    • Staying off FB, instagram, etc. There were 2 or three occasions where I spent 15-30 minutes on there and then I caught myself. These started feelings of frustration and made me want to fap.
    • Coming to these forums regularly. It reminded me why I am hear and also allowed me to read through other threads and see what others are experiencing.


    • No libido. Have not really had a libido at all the entire time. I can be near an attractive woman in the flesh and think that something is wrong with me because I don't feel anything.
    • Some erections during night and some erotic dreams.
    • More energy and less frustration in general. I still get down and lonely sometimes but I would say I do not get as frustrated about not having porn-like experiences.
    • This may sound weird but I have a different feeling when peeing...don't know how to describe it...maybe someone else has described this.

    Thanks to those that have been reading my journal and supporting me. I look forward to continuing the journey as I see no reason to stop now. The real challenge will be when it gets colder out in a month or two...but for now, gonna keep on keepin on!
    Believe and L Coroneos like this.
  2. That's awesome you've gone that long! Congrats! I need to keep myself busy in general as well, not just limited to the purpose of avoiding PM. I left FB awhile ago but in my downtime (which there is a lot of) I go on LOL Pics. Like it's insane in all sorts of media I'll see attractive women. You're spot on with the advice of maintaining a routine regularly. If I create a strict routine there is always the possibility that I can never fall out of line. Do you feel more attractive to women like people are always saying?
  3. Izlude

    Izlude Fapstronaut


    Well, I do think my moods have been more consistent and I have been more confident, so I have had more positive interactions with women. I've also dressed better and made more effort to be well kept (hair, face, etc.). Has nofap caused it directly, I don't know. Will see how it goes.
  4. wayne09

    wayne09 Fapstronaut

    How can u have no libido when u almost lost it at day 27&28?
  5. Izlude

    Izlude Fapstronaut

    It was the frustration with everything and desire to feel the dopamine and libido that tempted me, not horniness.
  6. L Coroneos

    L Coroneos Fapstronaut

    Well done @Izlude dude! Here's to another 30 days, and then the big nine-zero. You must keep track of your successes and failures along the way, such as that tendency to get "hypnotised" by softcore material and fall into voyeuristic tendencies. It's good that you're keeping an eye on that, because that was one thing that caused me to lapse recently.

    I think maybe that strange feeling that you get when urinating is your urethra repairing itself from the nerve damage of too many orgasms, however that's just a wild guess. It could be your prostate secreting small amounts of fluid to flush itself out, which it doesn't seem to do when you are regularly discharging semen (which is bad). There's a doctor around on these forums who posted on my journal, you might like to call on him (username @aenaon2000) to answer that question.
    Izlude likes this.
  7. wayne09

    wayne09 Fapstronaut

    Ah, okay. So you probably got your flatline then.