142 days , anxeity depressen worse

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Hopeforlife, Apr 14, 2019.

pllz help

  1. ocd

  2. help

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  1. Hopeforlife

    Hopeforlife Fapstronaut

    Hello evrybody ,
    this is my story ,

    i used to Pmo since 13 YO , was PMOing even 4 times day , i tryed to stop but i couldn't evry time i go back to PMO ,

    when i had 19 YO i was sobber for 20 days
    but suddenly a HOCD thoughst appeard and
    and i had extream anxeity about it for weeks , i never thoughts about Withrawals so i went to psychologist after 4 months suffring from HOCD that time i did not recongnize what is happning and i was just masturbating ,
    so the psychologist doctor gave me medicines and diagnosed me with OCD ( knowing that i did not talk about PMO with hime )
    after weeks of antidepressants i felt good and i went back to PMO and i statted gaining weight a lot ! after that doctor start reducing medicines and i start having other thems of OCD + HOCD ,
    days after days and still suffring for 5 years after that from OCD and PMOING at same time a things going made , ( depression anxiety , brain fog , lack of motivation ... )

    i came across NOFAP and i anderstood that i might be misdiagnosed and that days when hocd poped up was only withrawals ,

    today is 141 Days of nofap , and things got worse , ocd quardupaled , depression as hell no motivations , horrible thoughts and im waiting to see light at the end of the tunnel

    NB : i was a heavy PMOer , min 3 times a day

    plllzz help me if im in the right direction .
    Srisurya likes this.
  2. 220woof671

    220woof671 Fapstronaut

    Looks like you just joined NoFap.com today, Sunday, 4/14/2019.

    You say, "today is 141 Days of nofap." (?????)

    Is that No PMO...……. or just doing NoFap on your own (as a 'member in spirit' of NoFAp; no posts etc.).

    “HOCD” (Homosexual OCD) -- is a specific subtype of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) that involves recurrent sexual obsessions and intrusive doubts about one’s sexual orientation. Straight individuals with homosexual OCD experience obsessive fears about the possibility of being gay."

    If you are sincere ........ then you are at the right place NoFap.com.
    By doing No PMO.......... making posts........ encouraging others....... and reading Success Stories
    for Tips and Advice........................ you can be Successful at NoFap.

    Your HOCD will gradually disappear. As your days of No PMO increase -- your anxiety will decrease.
    Because doing No PMO gets rid of all fears, guilt, shame and anxiety.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2019
  3. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    How is this a success story? This should be moved.
  4. We all seem to have our own struggles that seem very uncontrollable but at the same time the negative things we do that we can’t control can also influence other things we might need to improve on in controlling or maintaining. It seems like with the uncontrollable PMOissue it can also lead to uncontrollable thoughts especially sexual thoughts which isn’t good, but with nofap it allows you to train yourself with self discipline and self control and with strong self control you allow to have the power in maintaining and resolving other things that we have issues with such as OCD thoughts. Now I’m not saying Nofap itself will cure those thoughts but it will definitely give u the power in finding habits in not focusing on the thoughts and learning to maintain your thought patterns and have a better life so it won’t disturb your day etc.
    Freeddom_Taker and 220woof671 like this.
  5. Its always darkest before dawn.

    Continue riding the wave and just dont give.

    Wait for it to happen
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.
  6. Hopeforlife

    Hopeforlife Fapstronaut

    thnks for your reply ,

    i try to go gym but for only 1 hr , and i try to meet my freind as much as i can , but still feeling bad and depressed

    i used to PMO always more then 2 or 3 times a day , i always felt 1 pmo will not satisfied me at all

    hope i will see light at the and of the tunnel .
  7. Hopeforlife

    Hopeforlife Fapstronaut

    thnks for your reply ,

    i try to go gym but for only 1 hr , and i try to meet my freind as much as i can , but still feeling bad and depressed

    i used to PMO always more then 2 or 3 times a day , i always felt 1 pmo will not satisfied me at all

    hope i will see light at the and of the tunnel .
  8. When you feel the most tempted to give in, that is where the rewiring process is doing its thing.

    You dont need to interrupt your body's natural recovery process by going backwards.

    There is so much more to life than PMO.

    Get a book to motivate you, continue exercising and find something new to study, something that gives you meaning and develops your character, something that will lift you out of the dark spot.

    Not scaring you, but your 141 days become 282 because you reset and there is always a danger that you quickly relapse and spend another 60 days finding yourself.

    You are getting there by the day, I urge you to get stronger
    Brain Fog likes this.
  9. Hopeforlife

    Hopeforlife Fapstronaut

    thnks for your reply , i think there is a misunderstand here , i did not reset my counter and i wont , im still on 141 days on going on ,
    in my answer i was explaining that before i start reboot i was PMOering a lot 2 or 3 times or more per day
  10. Toomuchh

    Toomuchh Fapstronaut

    Maybe youre gay and this denial is causing some cognitive dissonance.

    Nothing wrong with being homosexual, its fucking 2019
  11. theoptimist

    theoptimist Fapstronaut

    My dear brother,

    First of all, I am very sorry about the tough things that you have lived. There is a difference between abstaining and recovering.

    Abstinence is defined as “the fact or practice of restraining oneself from indulging in something, typically alcohol.” Therefore anyone who does not indulge in alcohol (or other mind-altering substances) can be considered abstinent.

    Recovery is defined as “a return to a normal state of health, mind or strength.” Judging by definition alone, abstinence and recovery are not one and the same.

    Real recovery is about taking care of all aspects of one’s self – physical, emotional, spiritual. It is about making a sincere effort to live with honesty and integrity. It is about admitting when one is wrong and taking the necessary steps to make things right. It is about being of service to others and letting go of self-obsession. It is about taking steps every day to become a better version of one’s self.

    Every day is a learning lesson from life. Take care of yourself my dear brother :)
  12. NASALiftguy

    NASALiftguy Fapstronaut

    Have you tried CBD? It has many uses for the problems youve stated with the mental issues.