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May 4, 2024 at 8:37 AM
May 15, 2015
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Sep 12, 1964 (Age: 59)
Miami, FL


Fapstronaut, Male, 59, from Miami, FL

NoFap Defender

Asi es @incredulo , sin embargo cada dia que pasa los urges son menores y los puedo dominar mucho mas facil Apr 13, 2016

fercho29 was last seen:
May 4, 2024 at 8:37 AM
    1. goldstein
      Compañeroooooo!!!!!!! que sigan los éxitosssss!!! :D
      1. | Nico | and fercho29 like this.
      2. fercho29
        Gracias por tu apoyo en los momentos difíciles, sos un excelente AP
        Nov 24, 2016
        | Nico | and vxlccm like this.
    2. damirios
      Fercho you are an inspiration for me!!! Thank you!!
      1. | Nico | and fercho29 like this.
    3. Connor MacManus
      Connor MacManus
      1. | Nico | and fercho29 like this.
    4. Decoder™
      Brother you are so damn consistent. I look up to you!
    5. Ubertired
      Hello fercho29,
      I'm 51 and i need help overcoming this. I've been fapping to porn since I was 12 yrs old. My longest streak is a little over a month. I'm tired of lying to myself. I know this is where I need to be and I feel it's the older guys I need to talk to.
      1. esforzado
        Tú puedes, busca la libertad, verte libre de esa esclavitud. Quisiera poder continuar comunicándome contigo. Suerte y bendiciones.
        Mar 17, 2017
        | Nico | and Atlanticus like this.
    6. incredulo
      Fercho para comunicarte que anoche volvi a caer en el habito de la masturbacion. Estuve mirando Porn y ese fue el resultado..asi que lamento comunicarte que estoy sintiendome mal . Que tenga ud. un buen dia
      1. | Nico |, Sanc-Hos, esforzado and 2 others like this.
      2. fercho29
        Arriba el animo @incredulo . Tomalo como un tropezon el la carrera, no te dejes caer. Tu ecrebro adicto quiere eso: que te desmoralices. No dejes que se salga con la suya. Levantate y sigue luchando. Seguramente aprendiste algunas cosas en el primer intento que te serviran para enfrentar el proximo urge
        May 24, 2016
        | Nico |, vxlccm and Sanc-Hos like this.
      3. esforzado
        Fercho, así son las cosas, es prácticamente imposible mirar porno y no terminar desahogándose, quisiera poder conversar contigo hasta que logres tener éxito con este problema tan común.
        Mar 17, 2017
        | Nico | and Sanc-Hos like this.
    7. BackToManhood
      Congrats on one year! You're an inspiration for us all.
      1. fercho29
        Thank you @BackToManhood , I am glad my story can inspire you and lead you to a successful reboot
        May 13, 2016
        | Nico | likes this.
      2. strongman
        So how was the pmo free year?
        Jun 11, 2016
        | Nico | likes this.
      3. strongman
        How long were u addicted before overcoming this problem?
        Jun 11, 2016
        | Nico | likes this.
    8. Mustnotfapinberlin
      Greetings Fercho! I guess you're still in the afterglow of your one-year celebration, yes?
      1. | Nico |, Knight Solaire and fercho29 like this.
      2. fercho29
        Ha,ha! Yes, my wife bought me a gift as if it were my birthday, and we went together to have massages to a nice place. I ended up very relaxed and happy, totally different as I was feeling one year ago :-)
        May 13, 2016
    9. JWar
      Congrats on your one year man keep it up
    10. JS3516
      @fercho29 great job man, you are an excellent role model for the rest of us. Keep going, never stop. We will all join you soon in the 1 year hall of fame.
      1. fercho29
        Thank you @JS3516 , my life has been a mess and I am not exactly what you would call a "role model", but thank you very much for your compliments anyway :-)
        May 13, 2016
        | Nico | and vxlccm like this.
    11. J_s3ph
      Fercho, I heard you reached an entire year PMO free. That's an incredible accomplishment and I have nothing less than genuine respect. Congrats, you've earned it. I wish you the best for the future.
      1. fercho29
        Tank you very much for your comments @J_s3ph !!! Very much appreciated
        May 16, 2016
        | Nico | likes this.
      2. strongman
        Did u ever go to rehab for pmo or just stop by self control?
        Jun 11, 2016
        | Nico | likes this.
    12. Knight Solaire
      Knight Solaire
      Incredible feat Heir! One year strong! You are going in the Hall of Fame! Don't ever stop being wonderful. Make sure you do a one year report on the barracks!
      1. | Nico |, JS3516 and fercho29 like this.
      2. fercho29
        Hi @Knight Solaire , thank you very much! Proud to be a Heir, your group keeps me grounded and alert, with such a big number of participants every day! I have posted my "Victory Speech" post yesterday and I will write about what differences I feel after a year today
        May 13, 2016
        | Nico | likes this.
    13. fercho29
      Asi es @incredulo , sin embargo cada dia que pasa los urges son menores y los puedo dominar mucho mas facil
      1. | Nico | likes this.
    14. incredulo
      Fercho me imagino que la tentacion estara ahi, siempre hasta el final de nuestros dias. Que ijueputa yo pense que ya no te excitaban las peliculas. Yo por eso no voy a cine ni veo television.
      1. | Nico | and (deleted member) like this.
    15. TheAVExperiment
      Hello, Fercho, thanks for sharing your story, it is very inspirational. I have some questions for you: what changes have you tested after all that time with no PMO? and did you do any time of hard mode? And if yes, what happened after the hard mode? Thanks!
      1. | Nico | and beat432 like this.
      2. fercho29
        Hi @TheAVExperiment , I had sex with my wife during my reboot, I could have never gone hard mode. First time was in week 4 and I was scared but too excited. My orgasm was so strong, I felt like a teenager. The last few years I was so drained by PMO that had ED and was very hard for me to ejaculate with my wife
        Apr 3, 2016
        | Nico | likes this.
      3. fercho29
        About the changes: I feel happy, do not feel that sadness inside my chest that I had for so many years. Also, I have much more time, so I started practicing Tai Chi and going 3-4 times per week to the gym. I also feel much more focused.
        Apr 3, 2016
        | Nico | likes this.
      4. TheAVExperiment
        May 5, 2016
        | Nico | likes this.
    16. fercho29
      Time Magazine article about "Porn vs. Sex" today explains our addiction to the world! What a big breakthrough!
      1. | Nico |, JS3516 and Crispy21 like this.
      2. JS3516
        That is what brought me to this great place of wonderful and determined people such as yourself
        May 12, 2016
        | Nico | likes this.
    17. incredulo
      Fercho I am 66 and I also have an addiction to MO. I would give anything to give this up. I am sick and tired of it.
      1. | Nico | likes this.
    18. incredulo
      Fercho hang in there. I got to go now but my prayers are with you. Oh man I love your story and I can relate in some ways Please don't give in.
      1. | Nico | and AsharKiller like this.
    19. Mera
      Bienvenido a Heirs of the Sun. Se trata de un grupo serio y dedicado. Espero que tu eres tambien asi.
      1. | Nico | and fercho29 like this.
    20. fercho29
      Hola @beat432 . El libro se llama Breaking the Cycle, y el autor es George Collins. Es excelente!
      1. | Nico | and goldstein like this.
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  • About

    Sep 12, 1964 (Age: 59)
    Miami, FL
    Journal Thread Link:
    View my Journal


    I started my reboot on May 12th 2015 after 40 years of severe PMO addiction. I stayed clean 3 years and 2 days (1097 days) during my first streak. I had several relapses over these years. It is not pretty relapsing, but every time I fell I get back into this fight, never giving up. There is a world worth to see at the other side of the barricade! (Les Miserables)
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