24 year old virgin

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by vivava, Aug 21, 2017.

  1. vivava

    vivava Fapstronaut

    hello everyone, I'm a 24-year-old virgin as the title said, I am single and I do want to be virgin until marriage, for me its berry important but i have problems because i started watching porn and now i'm an addict, i was thinking in making exercise to release energy, i really don't know what to do.
    will apreciate alil bit of help or some advice from you guys thanks !!
  2. S.Imon

    S.Imon Fapstronaut

    Hi vivava,
    Same here (26 yo virgin by choice until marriage and Porn addict for many years). I always wanted to quit but never got beyond Day 4. Now I am past 50 Days.
    What made this possible for me was information. Knowledge is power. And the fact that my taste in porn was becoming really odd.
    I would recommend to get yourself some information about how porn addiciton works in your brain, how it can affect different aspects of your life and what the possible consequences of porn consumption are. Read some success storys and what benefits others got from NoFap. I highly recomment Gary Wilsons ted talk
    Make a list of why you want to quit Porn and when you are sure you want to do it, set a goal (I went for 90 days) and start a reboot journal here so you can track your ups and downs and identify your triggers so you can avoid them and also the benefits so you can keep your eye on those during hard times.
    There are plenty of tips here in the forum. Look for those that are most promising to you.
    Always go back on track when you fall.
    Never surrender!
    WesternWolf, AM141 and vivava like this.
  3. S.Imon

    S.Imon Fapstronaut

    AM141 and vivava like this.
  4. Well every man has its own battle with fapping bro. Try to soften your addiction by watching less and less. In best case try to fap from memory and later maybe abstain even from this. Try once in a week. Every organism can win with addiction, it just needs time to learn new habits.
    WesternWolf and vivava like this.
  5. sfmark12

    sfmark12 Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Don't worry about losing your virginity man, if it happens it happens. Just create healthier habits rather than masturbating.
    vivava likes this.
  6. vivava

    vivava Fapstronaut

    thanks guys for all the support and the advice, appreciated
  7. Wolves of Wisdom

    Wolves of Wisdom Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Yeah, I'm going on 25 and I'm in the same boat. The one thing I loved reading on here is that if you do relapse don't be so hard on yourself, we are all human! I like to exercise often but I think my issue is a racing mind and tempting pictures.
    vivava likes this.
  8. vivava

    vivava Fapstronaut

    well in my case my mind drags me crazy every day, it's a huge fight all the time
    WesternWolf likes this.
  9. Wolves of Wisdom

    Wolves of Wisdom Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    It's getting even crazier for me abstaining from PMO. I either look at a woman and get irritated or feel like an absolute animal in my thoughts. I also have hiking on my list of distractions lol.
  10. vivava

    vivava Fapstronaut

    yeah i can understand what you say man, i need to make changes because i almost left college again this year, and im sick of thinking the worse sexual stuff everytime i see a woman
  11. mcgrim

    mcgrim Fapstronaut

    Exercise is a good idea and when it comes to the urges like I read in another post they will subside if you don't give in.

    I am a virgin as well and it seems there are quite a few of us here. Stay the course you have set because it is the right one.
    vivava likes this.