If you see this, you'll make it. I promise

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by anony mous, Aug 11, 2017.

  1. anony mous

    anony mous Fapstronaut

    God I miss you guys. Everyone of you; you are fighting the demons that I fought. You showed me how damaging they are and taught me how to overpower them

    I am writing this to thank the oldies who helped me, and to motivate the newbies who will make it

    Everyone on this site will make it, everyone on this site will look back and say I beat porn addiction. It's going to be tough it's going to use up so much energy but it will happen and it will be worth it.

    The mere fact that you're aware of the problem is indication that you'll beat this addiction. All you have to do is understand yourself. Porn addiction has many underlying reasons and is one of the hardest addictions to beat simply because it's so fucking available. With that said you'll fucking make it

    I know because I made it, and those before me made it. And we are here to teach you, support you and guide you. As a matter of fact I haven't browsed this site for months

    I'm only here because it's 2 AM and I had an urge and had no idea how to beat it, until I remembered NoFap.

    I sat and browsed my post history. Damn. I won't say that I've been 'clean' for months because I haven't. But I'll say this i am in a better place due to merely trying. I understand myself more, I understand the forces pushing me to porn more.

    I've always dreamed that I can come back here and tell you that I made it because I know that if I could make it then every single one of you could make it. I just never knew if I'll ever realize my dream. Hell I never knew if I'll ever quit. I remember hating myself after every relapse because it meant that I cannot share my success story. How can I share a success story if I didn't even succeed? But I eventually did, and you will! All it takes is time and self awareness.

    I remember the relapses, how terrible I felt. I remember the feeling of resetting that fucking counter. I remember resetting it so much it became PMO-reset counter. I remember the despair. I remember feeling if I'll ever get out. I remember being so fixated on being clean that I hated being clean; it was a responsibility. All of these memories, this entire jounney taught me so much. NoFap taught me so much, it set me on a path of self improvement that I will -hopefully- follow throughout my life. This addiction is hard but you'll fucking beat it, and when you do you'll be ahead of the game.

    This is the most cliche line of NoFap but I'll say it because it's true," if I can make it so can you "

    You'll make it
    I promise
    You'll be here in success stories posting how you overcame this addiction
    You'll be here giving advice
    You'll be wiser
    You'll love yourself more
    You'll make it
    I promise
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2017
    jblaze129, adept, Buddhabro and 13 others like this.
  2. Aloha

    Aloha Fapstronaut

    Congraaats warrior
    anony mous likes this.
  3. frogg05

    frogg05 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for inspiring
  4. djmotion

    djmotion Fapstronaut

    Thank you, needed this so much. The urges are strong but I'm hanging in there and currently on my longest streak so I'm more determined this time. Congrats on your success :)
  5. axc18

    axc18 Fapstronaut

    thank you for posting. I was just looking through the success stories to help prevent myself from getting an urge, and this was very inspiring :)
  6. Great motivation. I feel like you did, so many relapses with minimal success to share to the folks.
  7. Wonderful post. Thank you for sharing, and good luck on your own struggle. For one day, you will look back and and know you've conquered everything that held you back. :)
  8. I am confused. You say, we can all do it because you have done it. In fact, you have only done it for a couple of weeks! :confused: