Does quitting porn really help you find a girlfriend?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by zxcv, Aug 2, 2017.

  1. BruceD

    BruceD Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    To follow up, yes it will help if you put the work in. Even in the days before online porn, masturbating was still rather demotivating I thought. Just start from here and don't worry about getting a girlfriend right now. You will get there!
  2. Burger man

    Burger man Fapstronaut

    I think yes. I remember that a famous pua, mystery, also recommends you to stop jacket off
    BruceD likes this.
  3. Leonidas_de_Sparte

    Leonidas_de_Sparte Fapstronaut

    Finding a girlfriend (The process of searching for it) is one of the best tool to stop porn.
    My biggest change in my fight come from the activities proposed by RSD.
    Subscribe to RSDMax and RSDTyler on youtube and all other RSD executives coachs, Learn, work hard, join the Self-development movement and you will meet more and more women by showing the best version of you. When you will find the one and only, well, you will be 100% ready to be the best version of yourself in front of her.
  4. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Not necessarily, however hopefully you would find yourself in good stead having quit porn, when you find a girlfriend.
  5. Daxos

    Daxos Fapstronaut

    It does help a lot....
  6. Leonidas_de_Sparte

    Leonidas_de_Sparte Fapstronaut

    Yes it helps a lot, like really a lot... I just want to share what can happen if you stop, it is just one path to exit but it was super mega powerfull for me and I am sure a lot of guys would agree :

    If you tell myself : the only way to have an orgasm is to meet real girls in the street. I mean really don't touch you at all, I used to tell myself, even to take a piss don't touch you, you don't have the right to touch yourself at all, and tell your mind : the only person allow to touch it is a real girl.
    Then I can guarantee you that if you don't touch yourself at all during a few weeks and months, your body is going to tell your mind "Fucking go out there and find some girls because I want to explose downthere" then your mind is going to have a +1000% increase of willpower and you will go out for the first time alone in your life and you will realize that you go out with an obsession of result and success, you will be feeding yourself with this willpower and you will see that people who did not do your effort of abstinence have zero willpower and then it happens ...
    yes the best moment of a recovery happens ... you are in the street ... you are scared of social-limiting-belief (because you have never approach a group of girls alone and all the stuff RSD teach you) ...
    ... you feel your brain is just pushing you hard outside your comfort zone, and ... after struggling hours and hours in your head, even days, one day you will just do it , you will see this gorgeous woman in the street and you are going to walk and stop her to say hi, that little moment you will have the biggest rush of adrenaline in your brain ever :) :) your heart rate will go to the moon and you will feel an increase of oxygen in your brain ...
    Then you will do 10000000 mistakes while approaching this girl ... , which is normal because it is your 1st approach :) (I did twice as much as 10000000 mistakes lol :))
    So yes the probability that this gorgeous woman give you her number or go for a coffee immediatly with you is 0.001% ... but you don't care at all because the first second when she says no, you are not listening because you are enjoying the rush of chemicals in your brain and the rush of adrenaline, you feel it in your heart and brain and it is the first time you experience something even more powerfull than P, that 's it , it 's over, you are going to be addicted to that and it is good because it is more healthy than P, you are going to transfer your addiction to P to the addiction to the Pick Up Community ! And yes for the next 3 years you will do only that and you will become super mega confident in many areas in seduction from the " Hi " to the pleasure shared with a beautiful girl and you will increase your 0.001% probability to something around 70-90%! And this is awesome !
  7. Infern0

    Infern0 Fapstronaut

    I have told this story before but i'll tell it again as far as the women attraction on nofap.

    Last year i was working at a place and there was a girl there, legit 9/10 she was HOT and she knew it.

    When i first met her i was PMO 4 times a day and also dealing with a very toxic girl who was playing games with me.

    The hot girl at first didn't like me AT ALL, a coworker actually told me she thought i was "creepy", and every time i would walk past her she would look uncomfortable.

    Anyway i got on Nofap and after around a month, I started to just say hi, did this a couple of times and had a little conversation with her and a few other people at the same time. A couple of days later i'm going out to get a coffee and she comes following me, yells my name and then goes to get coffee with me.

    We talk a few more times over the next week or so, she adds me on facebook. One night i was at a party and she messaged me, i asked what she was doing and she was at home watching a movie so i said "boring ;-p" and she was like "i'm not boring i promise, we should hang out soon!"

    Anyway long story short this girl did a complete 180 on me and it got to a point where she was basically chasing me, we made out at a bar, we made out on a couch at a friends house, she was super into me. Only problem was i was still in love with my toxic ex, and also at some stage i relapsed after like 10 weeks and started having pied issues and i basically pushed this hot girl away and ruined it with her because i became a mess again.

    But yes, if you STICK to nofap, take it seriously and really work on yourself you will become your authentic self, i went from a "creepy" depressed dude with social anxiety walking around with a constant mope on my face, to being happy confident, witty and just enjoying my life, and THAT was what attracted her.

    Had i stayed on course and not relapsed i have basically no doubt we would have ended up together.
    faplordxd and BruceD like this.
  8. Leonidas_de_Sparte

    Leonidas_de_Sparte Fapstronaut

    This is an amazing story! Love it ! Congrats Man! Pure reality !
    BruceD likes this.