Why Only a Very Select Few Will Beat This Addiction

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Matrix Intel, Aug 9, 2017.

  1. Yarxing

    Yarxing Fapstronaut

    This is what I was thinking of indeed, so much of life is struggle in one way or the other. This is why I feel like to much people ascribe to much too pmo. They are addictedbut, for me especially, I feel that pmo is the kind of addiction that messes with your abbility to solve your problems (big and small) head on and anticipate those situations. I took pmo away, and im still only on 35 days, and I feel way more levelheaded, and can deal with the little stuff without problem. Offcourse I agree, im not at once problem free, and instantly cured from the stuff years of pmo brought me, take indeed takes some time. And cockiness is a danger we all should be aware off. But even after 35 days, the heavy feeling of some issues is gone and I can dicern wich of my problems are real and wich are related too the mental state I was in 35 days ago.

    Those Inner Demons will be there no matter what I think, recognizing them for what they are is more important than doing away with them. Maybe its different for me because ive been busy recognizing my demons for a while now.. so I agree it takes time. But those demons dont come only from pmo, and acknowledging that takes the power away from pmo. In your statement ''many have been stuck deep in this addiction for nearly a decade'' I see you giving pmo this power. I mean no offense or insult. I guess what Im trying to say is that I think Aceepting all of yourself and even the parts that pmo brough maybe gives you a much cleare image off what you want to keep and what you want to do away with. forgiveness is a big part this aswell I feel and many here are only battling their demons or their urges, while it so important to ''including'' instead of only ''separating with''

    offcourse feel the freedom to disagree as this maybe sounds somewhat woolly and there are many roads to take.
  2. Apparently, you guys didn't read the whole thing, as you'd see that I'm definitely NOT struggling. Read it again before making any other commentary.
  3. It seems that people didn't really read my posts, so their just saying commentary that fits their agenda, story, etc. If you kept an open mind, maybe you people would learn something valuable. It's funny that many of you think me and others who are on long streaks are struggling, which couldn't be further from the truth. A lot of people do that to make themselves feel better about themselves, when they know deep down they got a lot of work to do. I wish all the luck to the nofap community, it's going to need it. Look at the statistics in this community. Statistics don't lie, but people lie to themselves and others all the time.
  4. Where do you draw the line? What is too much or too little happiness? Look, just look at history. The industrial revolution, along with other modern movements, have made us miserable in humanity. Sure, negativity has always been around, but it has sky rocket in the past 200 years or so. But hey, just stay in your negativity bubble and keep thinking that's the way it ought to be. Let the hate and rejection flow through you. lmao Also, if you read my posts thoroughly, you'd see that benefits from nofap continue because you face life head on, learning how to deal with challenges in life for what they are.
  5. And yeah, go ahead and say "I got a good life with girlfriend, etc." That doesn't mean shit! What really matters is how you handle when you have nothing. I've seen people lose their damned minds when the rug was pulled under them. I lost a friend to suicide because of this materialism mentality. Why don't you guys take a good look in the mirror first, fix that, and then move on with life. Tough love. Otherwise, you will most likely wind up like by beloved friend, and I don't wanna see that happen, so I'm giving it straight.
  6. djmotion

    djmotion Fapstronaut

    I think people think that it sounds like the experienced fapstronaughts are struggling because they talk a lot about "having to deal with problems head on instead of fapping", that doesn't sound very appealing or easy to most people and it's human nature to find the easiest way possible to do things. I understand that having to face problems and overcoming a really strong addiction like PMO will make you a much stronger person but most don't see it that way. They want a reward at the end of their reboot and when they get to 90 days or above and they don't receive that reward, they relapse because it feels like it's not worth it. The reward for NoFap is becoming a stronger person, that's all. From that, they have to use their improved strength and motivation to work on other problems in their life.
    Tom_Corsi and Matrix Intel like this.
  7. Yup, couldn't have said it better. I saw one video where the guy made a very good point: There are two parts to rebooting, one is rewiring, which involves improving your life in many aspects, such as dating or what have you , and the other is getting rid of the PM connections, which is abstaining from PM all together. Both of these are very important, but it's hard to do the first one when you haven't master the second one. That's just my two cents. The problem is that many down play the latter part, which is abstaining. Like I've said, the statistics say it all.
    Tom_Corsi and djmotion like this.
  8. There's a difference between saying how it is vs how it ought to be. I was addressing how life is and how it can and will be negative at times. You keep accusing people of not reading your post thoroughly when your reply clearly shows you haven't read mine thoroughly at all.
    Kenzi likes this.
  9. djmotion

    djmotion Fapstronaut

    I believe the main benefits of NoFap are physical changes such as improved erection quality, easier to get it up, recovery from PIED but as far as life problems like dating, making friends, social anxiety, depression. They're all going to require extra effort and work in those individual areas. If the addict deals with their own problems then their life will come together in the end and they will find themselves far more happier but if they just practice NoFap and don't focus on other areas then they may find it more difficult to abstain and if they do manage to abstain then these problems will still exist in 1, 2 even 5 years of abstinence. Life is difficult people and it requires effort to reach your goals and be the person you want to be, NoFap alone isn't going to cut it but it's a start.
  10. All I hear and see is downplaying, downplaying, downplaying and more downplaying this addiction.
  11. The nofap community has changed, oh has it changed. Porn and masturbation is being accepted more and more.
  12. djmotion

    djmotion Fapstronaut

    Who has accepted porn and masturbation? cause I certainly haven't otherwise I wouldn't be abstaining from it.
  13. OneWithTheUnderdogs

    OneWithTheUnderdogs Fapstronaut

    Perfectly quoted.

    This should be on a disclaimer before you sign up to NoFap ;)
    Tom_Corsi and djmotion like this.