
Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Aug 4, 2017.

  1. Hey everybody! So I'very started smoking cigarettes and kinda want to quit. I only smoke when I'm working my job bc I hate it. My parents just found a pack and talked to me. It's not a big deal bc I'm 20 and they just left me the pack.

    To be honest, I don't hate smoking cigarettes, but I don't enjoy them. I enjoy weed and drinking, but cigarettea just seem bad for you and they don't taste that well. It's just something to do so I can take a break from working. I don't smoke that much even on the job, probably 3 or 4 that day.

    Does anybody have any tips out any replacements to help quit? It should be pretty easy (especially w weed) but I just don't want it to be a bigger problem down the road. Keep in mind this has been happening for 1/2 year maybe
  2. And I hate wasting money on them, but I still find myself doing that
  3. ominous1

    ominous1 Fapstronaut

    It can be really hard to quit smoking when everybody does it at work. Especially if those are the only breaks you get, you may find yourself smoking just to get away for a bit. If you must buy cigarettes, leave them at work somewhere or don't buy them at all. What you can do is bum a few cigs as needed and buy the person you are bumming off of a pack after a while. Start by trying not to smoke outside of work at all, that should give you a good starting point, IMO.
  4. ominous1

    ominous1 Fapstronaut

    You could always vape too, recent studies published show vaping can actually help people quit, after much debate
    MrJax29625 likes this.
  5. ConstraintsTheory

    ConstraintsTheory Fapstronaut

    I would say becareful with vape you have no idea what those oils are doing to your lungs. At least with cigarettes you know what you get. Did any one say carcinogens!?

    Me personally I smoke myself American Spirits is my brand of choice. Now I've been smoking for years but the longest stretch where I quit smoking was close to a year.

    My method was I'd smoke a cigarette every hour if I missed that hour by a minute I couldn't have a cigarette until the next hour. Slowly my cravings went away and before I knew it I didn't smoke anymore. For me this was most effective and I didn't resort to gum and patches.

    Yes it takes will power but you're on nofap so you already demonstrate you have willpower...

    Good luck man!
    Millenial likes this.
  6. Perry2000

    Perry2000 Fapstronaut

    Dip may be something to consider, much easier to quit that way.
    Though the best way is to stop buying them completely, avoid gas stations and any place you might buy them. Urges will last a couple weeks to a month.
  7. TSoprano

    TSoprano Fapstronaut

    Get a vape and work your way down nicotine levels till your off of it for good. Your only 20 and need to start thinking about quitting now because this shit will follow you for the rest of your life if you don't stop.
    ominous1, Millenial and MrJax29625 like this.
  8. MrJax29625

    MrJax29625 Fapstronaut

    I helped mom with this method and it had some success but very limited it still takes a strong will to quit and following it threw.
  9. TSoprano

    TSoprano Fapstronaut

    Welcome to life.
    MrJax29625 likes this.
  10. MyMindLies

    MyMindLies New Fapstronaut

    I was a chain smoker for 8 years, I didn't get urges to smoke I would just smoke all the time, 20 cigarettes was £7 when I quit, now they're £10+ but you would never be able to have convinced me that I was wasting money or doing damage to myself, I used cigarettes as a form of self abuse, every cigarette and every inhale was an "I hate you" to myself.

    I quit 1128 days ago, or just over 3 years ago, I ran out of money and with cigarettes the only thought on my mind I thought I could survive the 6 days until payday, other than the early mood swings and hoping I found a cigarette somewhere those 6 days were easy and I set the new goal of 30 days, even easier, then after I decided on 100 days somewhere between 30-100 I just forgot, I forgot to keep count, I adapted to the life of not smoking, I use a day counter every now and then to check how many days/minutes/seconds I'm at, I would suggest small goals, 3-4 a day isn't great not I'd assume an easier road than the 20+ I was on.

    Please do quit, I would never of imagined the human being I would be today if I hadn't of quit, it was a domino affect that's absolutely changed me, I love and appreciate myself until it comes to PMO, PMO is my new cigarette.
    MrJax29625 and Perry2000 like this.
  11. plant goodness

    plant goodness Fapstronaut

    Cold turkey.

    Too easy to get hooked vaping.

    Kick 'em cold now or feel the burn man.

    Take it or leave it.
    MrJax29625 and AM141 like this.
  12. Cold turkey. Absolutely.
    MrJax29625 likes this.
  13. Infern0

    Infern0 Fapstronaut

    i need to quit too.
    Mike Bonanno likes this.
  14. Good luck mate. Hope you get rid of that sh*t.
    I quit just 2 weeks ago, and also started jogging (again after 7 years), and now I'm starting to feel really great. There's of course physical effects, but biggest effect is mental kind. When you see that you can quit two very addictive things and still not go insane, it's huge confidence boost.
    MrJax29625 likes this.
  15. Infern0

    Infern0 Fapstronaut

    For sure. The bank balance will appreciate it too im sure
    Mike Bonanno likes this.
  16. You bet!

    I used to smoke at least one 25pc pack of cigarettes in a day, which here in Sweden costs about $8,72/pack. So it's $260 in a month straight to savings account :D

    EDIT: Terrible grammar...
  17. Millenial

    Millenial Fapstronaut

    Thanks for starting this thread. I've been hooked on tabs for such a long time and I've got to deal with it.
    I've got a vape and as a smoker I can feel that it is much less harmful, it's probably the best way forward.
  18. MrJax29625

    MrJax29625 Fapstronaut

    With 7,000 Chemicals in cigarettes for cancer, diabetes, and other illness will happen why chance it? you will be the one suffering and if you've got medical and are poor you will suffer even more all of this sound cold but it's "THE TRUTH" quit now or suffer.
  19. lostandfound

    lostandfound Fapstronaut

    I stopped smoking when I started having chest pains. Cold turkey from then. Started running a lot doing cardio stuff and in great shape now. I Have the occasional one when drinking here and there because Im still addicted and too much of a pussy to stop but I just try to avoid those situations. Smoking is one of the worst things you can do to yourself. Its literally poisoning yourself for nothing.
    plant goodness likes this.
  20. plant goodness

    plant goodness Fapstronaut

    I used to be a smoker. Back when I was 17 my mom started buying me packs. Also my friends would drive to the Indian reservation and buy cartons on weekends so it was just never ending cigarettes all day starting at 17. My friends and I smoked in my basement, chain smoked cigs to cover up the smell of dank we were blazing. Sometimes we would let a cigarette burn like a stick of incense, omg how sick is that dude...

    We'd smoke so many cigs during a session that eventually we just had to let one burn to cover up the dank smell.

    Getting off topic but around 18 or 19 I went to a rehab. Quitting weed, drugs, and drinking happened before I tried to quit smoking cigs. When I tried to quit, it took me over a dozen times before I managed to finally kick them for good.

    I used patches but they didn't help. When I finally kicked them it was cold turkey. I chewed on whole cloves for a mouth fixation and one day woke up disgusted at the thought of a cigarette.

    The thought of having one makes me want to vomit today.