My success and the way I did it

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Anonymousdoingrandomthings, Aug 3, 2017.

  1. Improvement so far:
    keep my house in order (before It would take me shit ton of will power)
    Socialize much more, I'm more assertive, I influence more and I speak my mind more freely
    No anxiety or depression what so ever, I just feel happy in the moment (most of the time). I THINK ONLY THIS BENEFIT IS WORTH THE TRY! DON'T YOU WANNA FEEL HAPPY MOST OF THE TIME? It will sound crazy to you but it is possibile.
    I have much more brain power (good for investing, problem solving, learning things I always wanted to learn (chess), better spending management, reading and writing.
    ALL THE TIMES THAT YOU FEEL LIKE SAYING NO BUT NOW YOU SAY YES TO, to those friends that are not really your friends, or to that occasion that you would rather don't go but end up in it. SAYING NO WILL BE A LOT EASIER, you will feel complete, not needing.


    • YOU WILL WALK with more self confidence.

    NoFap is the best opportunity for you to change your life.
    You don't need no one to do it, and will make all the other choices to improve your life easier, and you'll be happy as ever before, like a child, more than a child.

    So I'm now on a 50 days streak (I achieved this results more than once, but I had to give it up for GF or sexual encounter, for me sex has the same effect of relapsing).

    I decided this time not to get back in the same loop I was before, I have now realized that even if my mind says something like "come on It won't change much if you do it just once" I just respond that I have been on that path so many times.
    For me masturbation / sex had also a bigger impact cause I'm afflicted (or I believe myself to be) with a sindrome called POIS.
    So I will have all the problems that all of you will experience, but much heavier (physically and mentally).
    Now I'm on my path to change my life, what I want to say to all of you is that it will change your life for the better.
    Things that use to take a lot of will power to do will look like a no brainer, you will have energie beyond imagine and people around you will feel it, being more alert, advancing with your life.
    All this things and many more are worth a try, you have nothing to loose (just record your mood day by day for 60 days, and see the difference your self).
    You will have a need to achieve and it will be a lot easier to take the right choice every time you face a crossroad.

    A funny video I just shot today (before I couldn't even bother editing my desktop imagine a video). More to come on my journey.
    I will vlog my rise (economically, socially, skill wise).
  2. I hope this one helps:

    One of the biggest issue that still exist in the XXI century is the belief that something called the mind exist in a place outside the reality we consider (solid or touchable).

    We believe there is an Identity that is somewhat screened from the outside, that the decision we make don’t really change us. That our mood, the way we feel is something completely detached from what we do.

    I will not go in the detail of why this phenomenon exist (religion, the fact that we can’t still explain consciousness and many other factors).

    What I can tell you is that everything you do, changes you at any given moment. You take a choice you become something, you take another choice you become something else.

    The ability to take the right choices (even though the wrong one sometimes are needed to make us learn the lessons) is fundamental to live an happy life. For right choice I don’t mean something objectively so, but I’m talking about all the things that the inner you want you to do, but that you keep postponing or ignoring. The ability to converge thought with action is one of the superpower you need to live a happy life.

    Now I have tried almost everything, meditation, reading (a book a day for 200 days), positive thinking, coaching and almost every single thing I tried.
    But nothing come even close to NoFap, or semen retention for what matters, I do believe in the future It will become common knowledge (Today many are saying so, but not many are believe in it) that wasting your vital energy will make you perform at a fraction of what you are really capable of.

    I’m a really advocate of this way of living, cause I don’t believe that will make people just successful I believe that It can also saves lives.
    In the grand scheme of things, there will be some people that going through the “wrong” circumstances will give up and give their lives a way. At the same time some of this people put in the same situations but with more energy will be able to surpass the storm and live through.

    Life sometime can be like a weight on your shoulder, the more energy you have the more weight you can sustain.
  3. xXkiller42

    xXkiller42 Fapstronaut

    So this could be a issue when I want to have kids in the future?
  4. Not really, when you decide you just go with it and then you take your time to get back at 100%.
    xXkiller42 likes this.
  5. phwrancesco

    phwrancesco Fapstronaut

    are you really on a 319 days streak?? legend!
    frogg05 likes this.
  6. Nish_09

    Nish_09 Fapstronaut

    thanks man......its a great post.
    Because of such posts I get a lot of energy to convince my brain to stay in fight against this addiction.
    Your results are a big hope for me..thanks again
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  7. xXkiller42

    xXkiller42 Fapstronaut

    Even when someone hasn't done all the things we did and never had to stop would have to work on getting back to 100% after that? Just curious but Thanks for the answer man.
  8. Last but not least on top of the brain power that will it will give you, I find it fascinating that you'll need less sleep to operate at higher standard than what you usually do.

    Feeling energized even after 6 hour of sleep (even if I would raccomend more) is a huge bonus...
  9. Just to give you an Update, still strong with my streak. (I actually now have, for the first time, the clarity to say: "I wont O for a year, no metter what").
    Being in relationship for a total of 12 years, I won't miss sex that much (and keep in mind that for me sex is bad as much as Masturbation, it really kills my mood and my energy).

    In the last post I talked about brain power... So let me tell you one thing! I see things really clearly right now!
    and I'm doing my first investments. It sound crazy, because my old me couldn't really have done what I'm doing, I have the balls, but that comes actually for the major clarity I now have.

    It is amazing. I know it is hard to not relapse (me my self, went for long streak and then lost it all).
    But what I can say is the following.

    You have nothing to loose, don't listen to your mind!
    Your life can be better, with more energy the heavyness of anything become less of a burden, just keep that in mind.

    Say to your mind I have been on this path for long enough, Many are still in this path, is time for me to take the right approach, is time for me to understand how I work, and that from every action I take there are consequences.
    Not the one I think there are going to be, but the ones imposed by the nature of things.

    I say this because many times to justify a relapse I told my self: "It won't really metter, I have platly of energy I will have it afterwards aswell".
    But guess what you wont. For 7 seconds of happiness you will spend around 148h regretting.
    Not a good investment!
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  10. Totally agree.
  11. loneuglywolf

    loneuglywolf Fapstronaut

    any tips on not orgasiming????
  12. to me it all comes to remember how I used to feel and how i'm feeling now.
    That I do not want to be with the masses but be better and understanding that is worth it.
    Kind of the same reasoning I would do with drugs.

    I just think that the quick fix and the long shitty mood is not a good investment and I quitted.
    My life is going pretty good.
  13. Reeboter314

    Reeboter314 New Fapstronaut

    That video was really funny. Props to you for the streak man, you're awesome.
  14. Let me update you guys in the journey.
    Everything is going super well.
    I feel happy most of the time, it is really hard for me to feel any negative emotion (especially any depression like).
    I started investing and reaping the benefits of it.
    I always had a bunch of money put aside but never had the brain power to think about what to do with it.
    Scared of loosing them, and not being able to have a good salary I always choose to keep them stall in the bank.
    Now I wake up in the morning and I'm a machine. Doing al kind of stuff.

    Today wok up at 5.30 and had for breakfast a croissant and a fresh coke-zero, felt so happy working.

    We have been lied, so much and from everyone.
    I don't think it something done with a malicious intent, but that everybody still don't understand how we work, and what kind of energy we need to be in a certain state.

    Having sex I'm going with Karezza all the way, is the only way sex makes me feel energized afterwards.
    You will feel sitisfied (at least after a bit that you'll try it out), and you'll have energy to spear.

    Wish everyone a wonderful day.

    Keep improving, and do not give up. It is the best path you can take.
  15. Absolutely amazing job!
    You are my inspiration dude.
    Am going to start NoFap ASAP.
  16. rockstarpsr

    rockstarpsr Fapstronaut

  17. hotshot_platinum

    hotshot_platinum Fapstronaut

    im doing well, have had this fomer fap laptop for over a week or more, and have not given in to pmo. Just dont want to be controlled or be made to feel weak, and depressed! I do worry ill end up having sex with a hotty and then lose all my semen powers LOL!!!!!!!
  18. Mkngitwrk

    Mkngitwrk Fapstronaut

    How did you manage to hold back? Didn't your partner notice? I can't stop...i lose it at the end. I am sure your wife enjoys the extra time it takes before you climax....