Successful long term rebooters?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by saneagain, Jul 27, 2017.

  1. saneagain

    saneagain Fapstronaut

    Going for 8 months through withdrawal / flatline is tough. Still having physical and mental symptoms.

    Are here any long term rebooters who recovered from debilitating symptoms like brain fog, memory loss, no concentration, fatigue, no sex drive? I am looking for people who can claim that they are fully recovered.

    Or please post some links to journals of long term rebooters who are healed.

    No advice or tips. I need success stories. Have not found any. Yes I know Gabe Deem from reboot nation.
  2. Curious to see new post as well.
  3. phwrancesco

    phwrancesco Fapstronaut

    Fully recovered? Not yet. But i'm incredibly better then before and i had successful sex once :)
    Espi1971 and Coolyorky like this.
  4. saneagain

    saneagain Fapstronaut

    I am talking about 1 year+ reboots.
  5. Veronico

    Veronico Fapstronaut

    7 months and I'm fully recovered. Here are the benefits I had:

    Farewell brain fog - Memory improved :

    I literally have now a photographic memory. It takes me just 1 or 2 times to read something and comprehend it and not forget it forever. It's about reading and understanding the matter. I don't even summarize anything anywhere on any exercise book. I just read and I understand what I'm reading. I'm able to memorize things after just reading 1 time. ( Not saying NoFap gives you a photographic memory, but it improves your ability to memorize since your dopamine receptors are back to normal - I happen to have a photographic memory now and I'm totally surprised by it, discovered it last month exactly during my exams of final year of High school. - I did not study during the exam and I came out with 72/100. Imagine if I studied. - Yeah, I did wrong on not studying though ).

    I don't see women as sexual objects anymore :

    I see a beautiful girl, I appreciate her beauty but I don't fantasize about having sex with her.

    I don't have sexual desires that leads me to watch sexual videos and fap to them :

    No sexual desires. I don't have the need to go and fap to sexual videos anymore.

    My libido is still there and works amazingly.

    Even though I don't have the need to fap, that doesn't mean that I'm in flatline because my libido is still on. I can just think about a sexual scenario and my penis goes up or when I see cute girls on videos, my penis sometimes erects too. My penis also erects itself when I read love messages.

    A simple pic of a sexy girl won't make me hard :

    A sexy butt pic won't make my penis erects, but if I start thinking about a scenario where I'm having sex with that girl, then it erects. Isn't it amazing?
    I decide when my penis can erects itself. I'm in self control with my body. I can on and off my libido.
  6. [​IMG]
    horny nerd and Solo5ky like this.
  7. saneagain

    saneagain Fapstronaut

    Did you go through a period of having no memory and concentration at all? And no libido?
  8. Veronico

    Veronico Fapstronaut

    My memory has started to improve from the first weeks and now it has improved a lot. About concentration I had some moments of no concentration during the reboot. About libido, yes, I've gone through a small period of no libido when nothing would give me sexual feelings, but it did not last long, after it I was able to have erections.
    saneagain likes this.
  9. BeanBurrito

    BeanBurrito Fapstronaut

  10. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    I've met several men with over 2 years sobriety. None, however, would claim "full recovery". They all considered themselves addicts, now and forever. I met a few with over 10 years.
    Dai38 and Fapenstein like this.
  11. Cafax Xafac

    Cafax Xafac Fapstronaut

    Are you being sarcastic?-_-
  12. saneagain

    saneagain Fapstronaut

    We are porn addicts forever, right. But I am talking about the disappearing of debilitating withdrawal symptoms and having regular sex like a normal person.
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.
  13. Being honest...:)
  14. Cafax Xafac

    Cafax Xafac Fapstronaut

    No you're soo fake
  15. [​IMG]
  16. nofepfepforlife

    nofepfepforlife Fapstronaut

    Did you guys hard mode it the whole time or did you relapse?
  17. saneagain

    saneagain Fapstronaut

    I MOd twice in an attempt to reduce withdrawal symptoms around day 100 and had sex with a prostitute somewhere at this mark. But it did nothing for me. Beides that I am hard mode. I have no urges to watch P or MO, so the abstaining part is really easy. It's all the different withdrawal effects that make it impossible to go on with like I did it for 27 years.
    nofepfepforlife likes this.
  18. nofepfepforlife

    nofepfepforlife Fapstronaut

    What were morning/nocturnal woods like for you? Mine seem to fluctuate in quality and occurrence a lot. About a week into nofap mine where hard every mornng at 100% capacity and wouldn't go down for ages. Then they went a way, then came back a month or two later and then last month they've vanished and only showed up sometimes but were quite weak. For 2 days in a row recently they were quite strong again and now this morning it's back to being weak. Its so god damn infuriating. I started nofap in beginning of march but I did fap several times in the first few months (to check my penis) but I never came close to Oing, I ust wanted to check my erection. Then I left it alone for ages the about 26-32 days ago I fapped properly to hard porn and edged a few times and that set me back hard. That's when I realised I had to go true hard mode. Anyway it just bothers me my nocturnal and morning erection quality can vary so much. I know that before my serious relapse I was capable of having a wet dream and then falling asleep and waking up with a solid erection an hour or two later which to me, meant a HUGE improvement. Early in nofap if I had a wet dream that would knock me into a flatline hardcore. In fact, the last day I relapsed I had a wet dream that morning and still managed to edge later that day, so again, another solid sign I was recovering back to my old self.

    Anyway I'm just wondering what your experience has been with sleep and waking erections (REM sleep and morning wood).
  19. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    Oh. I feel both now. I'm sorry you're not. But perhaps it is because you've not yet figured out effective means to combat stress? Most of my PMO use was a coping mechanism. Without it, i had to learn new ones.

    Is it possible your symptoms have to do more with the underlying issues that PMO was covering up?
    Majik likes this.
  20. saneagain

    saneagain Fapstronaut

    They fluctuate. Sometimes i have boners at night, sometimes not. Sometimes morning wood. Still having wet dreams about every two weeks. It is fucking annoying. Some symptoms are present 24/7. Some come and go or move around.

    Pretty sure I have no other conditions. Been checked thoroughly by multiple doctors.

    Any other impressive success stories?