The ultimate habbit to make reboot 100 times easier

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Steve Sancteria, Jul 13, 2017.

  1. Atlanticus

    Atlanticus Moderator Assistant
    NoFap Defender

    But keep in mind, not having urges is not the best benefit you get out of this, but one of them.
    Steve Sancteria likes this.
  2. topjobmate

    topjobmate Fapstronaut

    Nice, like I said I'm yet to watch the video. I'm looking forward to it. I am really into these types of things and am keen to give it a go.
    Steve Sancteria likes this.
  3. Petros Santos

    Petros Santos Fapstronaut

    Your post is very good. I'm going to set some goals to each day and see what happens and of course I will see the video. Keep going like that man. Thanks.
    topjobmate and Steve Sancteria like this.
  4. topjobmate

    topjobmate Fapstronaut

    I started the vid and got distracted. I'm pretty familiar with tr's work tho so I'm most interested in doing the exercises.

    Can u plz summaries it? (I will still listen I prefer to do so several times).

    Make goals everyday? Review?
  5. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    Mindset Exercise
    • Write down 5 or more questions that bring you into a positive state, for example "what am I grateful right now" or "how would it look like if Iǘe achieved goal X"
    • Then ofc start answering them, after that you define it more, what is it about that thing that makes you happy, how does it look like when youǘe achieved your goal?
    • Then, RLY IMPORTANT!!! feel the feeling and focus it for some secconds
    do that with 5 or more questions and thoughts about negative vanish more and more, I spend 1 hour in total doing that exercise each day.

    Each evening you gonna review a set of 5 micro-goals you've set for the day, it's not a to-do-list, write down stuff that move you forward in what you love doing or your career

    After checking the achieved goal, rly think about it, how do you feel that youǘe just achieved that goal?

    After checking all goals, you are motivated enough to set 5 goals for the next day. In that hyped state, you might write down better goals cause you think you can achieve them than writing goals down while you feel like crap.

    Only daylie practice will bring benefits, if you take it too easy, don do it properly etc. then you might miss a great chance of personal improvement
  6. topjobmate

    topjobmate Fapstronaut

    Ok I'm onboard. I'll listen to the tape properly now and I'll do the exercise tomorrow.

    Spending one hour may be too my h for me tho. I'm already pretty Fucking motivated so I have a v busy life
    Steve Sancteria likes this.
  7. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    it´s not like I am spending 1 hour each day for that cause I have a lot of time, it´s about developing a positive mindset which holds for the entire day.

    But yeah I use it also in the noon to get motivated again.
    Always keep in mind, unusual stuff does not happen on usual flat streets.
  8. topjobmate

    topjobmate Fapstronaut

    Damn it didn't get to listen but did practice a new method of focus.
  9. topjobmate

    topjobmate Fapstronaut

    I listened and made my 5 questions.

    Which video does the micro goals come from ?
  10. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    I've watched once a video about it and the relation with the "winner effect" but actually I came up with seeting 5 goals for myself, donno which video it was.
    I always tried to make weekly goals but always failed doing so, so I thought before I go building a wall I should learn how to place bricks properly
    syndicate-london likes this.
  11. Survivor12

    Survivor12 Fapstronaut


    Thank you thank you thank you. This was remarkable I've been listening to this since 17th July. It helps a lot
    Steve Sancteria likes this.
  12. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    your're welcome :D
  13. I like a simpler approach, using a snap band. You're absolutely right that the issue becomes focus (we get fixated on P and M). A snap band gives you just enough of a mental break that it literally "snaps" you out of the temptation mode. I literally just had the most massive urge to look up Overwatch hentai, but I snapped my band three times and it was gone (my brain immediately changed the "topic" from P and M to, "I should probably check out why the nerves in my right wrist are suddenly alert")
    topjobmate and Steve Sancteria like this.
  14. topjobmate

    topjobmate Fapstronaut

    I'll get a band. However I'm not using this technique to no watch p, I am just using it to get better at shit in general.
  15. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    Starting new reboot today. Got to 26 than relapsed. Trying for Labor Day which is 45 days. 26 days really helped the little fella.
    Steve Sancteria likes this.
  16. syndicate-london

    syndicate-london Fapstronaut

    A great way of making the days count instead of counting the days! :D
    Steve Sancteria likes this.
  17. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    never fix a running system, the snap band does it magic, for sure.

    Duo my lifestyle "ALWAYS STRIVE FOR IMPROVEMENT" I´ve started 2 years ago, I always look up to add more and more value if I implement new strategies.

    The snap band does nothing more than it should do: kicking the urge away and you also start to associate (did I write it properly? xD) urge with pain,
    the snap band does certainly the trick, however you gonna associate urges with pain if you get used to snaping your snap band.

    With the exercise mentioned you train your mindset and how to get back proper focus to something that's more important than...I donno some random news for example.
    You add some real value for your life, with a snap just have a mechanic to get rid of urges :D and hey any mechanic more helps the reboot
  18. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    hahha yeah exactly, that's a good way to describe it
  19. I would like to note that the purpose of a snap band is not to inflict pain. The main goal is to refocus your brain.
    Steve Sancteria likes this.
  20. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    but to what is the focus changing?

    if you ask a certain question that will always change your focus to something positive, you also recieve positive emotions.
    Thoughts are bined to emotions and emotions to thoughts.

    If you ask like "when the hell will the urges fade away?" you actually keep your focus on the urge and the topic around it as well as you will feel bad cause this question certainly comes up with a bad emotion. Negative thought = negative emotion

    If you ask like "what can I do right now and have fun doing so? What can I do to feel great about this day?" you totally change the focus to something positive that has nothing to do with NoFap or urges and so you create positive emotions.

    What exactly do you feel after snapping your band? :D or to what is your focus turning?