Why are you doing this?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by GettingMyShitTogether, Jul 17, 2017.

  1. GettingMyShitTogether

    GettingMyShitTogether Fapstronaut

    There are plenty of us here doing this NoFap Challenge and trying to reach a 90 days goal but what usually happens, is we go a couple of days or weeks or months and then relapse. And this cycle goes on and on...

    Now this post is for people who are like me, feeling stuck and lost and beyond hope and feeling like were doing this NoFap Challenge and were falling into a repetitive cycle of Relapsing, Binging, Undergoing the challenge, going well in the challenge and then BAM, back to relapsing, Binging...and the cycle goes on and on.

    Why are we doing this?

    Under this addiction, their is a root to the problem, just like how when you are depressed, there is a root to the problem. The thing is my fellow NoFappers is if we do not find the root of this problem, then we will never never be able to stop this addiction, not really. What I mean by this is question yourself why do you watch porn, why do you Fap, why?

    This is a difficult question to answer and maybe you wont be able to answer it today or tomorrow or even next week, but one day it will hit you and you will realise whats causing you to go back to porn. That's when you realise the deep dark secret of the root to your problem.

    For me for instance, I am doing this NoFap challenge for maybe more than 1.5 years with successes of 65+ days on same attempts and other attempts is just merely getting 3 days. I recently broke a 70 day of NoFap attempt. I know a lot of people are in the same boat as me or are in a similar boat to me. Now I can go on about all the benefits and stuff because they are there, without question. But, every attempts i did on the NoFap challenge, I was never really happy and there was something deep inside me feeling OK I am a lot more confident, people enjoy being around me etc etc; but why do I still feel like shit!!?

    That's when it really hit me, I focused on my NoFap challenge to improve how sociable I am and I focused on getting people to like me. This meant at times feeling like I am doing things or saying things just for the sake of being sociable...because apparently being sociable is very important. But after I recently relapsed, I did a reflection like I do with most relapse and I realised that deep down, people may like me when I am doing this challenge because I am more outgoing and sociable, but at the end of the day, I don't love me and I don't feel comfortable in my own skin. And I do think I go back to porn and binge and relapse because porn gave me some sort of short term fulfilment and happiness (WHICH IS NOT REAL) and this is primarily due to the fact that whilst in my everyday life I forgot to think about myself and ended up putting on a charade to impress people and it was driving me to depression. This depression of not being comfortable being me drove all my relapses on every attempt I did of NoFap when I clearly think about it. And I need to work on loving myself and working on myself.

    So what I am trying to say my fellow NoFappers is until you find the root to your problem, I think you will find it very difficult to fully recover from porn addiction.

    So I question everyone on this community, Why do you relapse? Why do you binge? Why are you doing this?
  2. This is very valid to do this. There are always unmet needs driving our relapses. This time around I am looking at finding what these are. Thanks for posting.
  3. GettingMyShitTogether

    GettingMyShitTogether Fapstronaut

    Your welcome, and the best of luck KeepOnWinning on finding out what drives you to relapse :)

    I really do believe this is the key to recovery of this addiction and when everyone is able to find the root to their addiction, they will finally start healing fully from this self-destructing addiction.
    plant goodness likes this.
  4. Petros Santos

    Petros Santos Fapstronaut

    You are like me. I'm trying to get sober to more than 30 days and never got that. I started to see this as an addiction 1 year ago and since than I tried all I could possibly think to overcome this, but like you, I think that I'm not seeing the root of all this. The reason why I fall in this. What I can say is that I watch porn and masturbate, because I'm afraid of intimacy and I'm insecure about life. I'm afraid of starting something and things not doing well. It takes courage to be a man when life knock you down. Now I'm starting doing meditation, but it takes patient and resilience. I can't say the reason why I do this things with clarity, because I'm a bit broke but with all this I wanted to give you some help.
    Take care man.
  5. Ixthus

    Ixthus Fapstronaut

    I want to recover the clarity of being alive I have had in periods before while PMO free.
    Life has become anxious of late and that brought on the old habits.

    I have been struggling for a long time, so I don't expect an instant miracle however, I do know that it is possible.
  6. seba5116

    seba5116 Fapstronaut

    I am tired of looking at porn and having few sexual experiences with girls in my life. I am also tired of needing porn to be aroused at this level. I mean i can be aroused by a hot girl and other stuff, but not as much anymore. I want quality, natural erection and a high, natural libido. At the same time, i want to enlarge my penis while, and nofap is a great way to pair with PE, as NOFAP i know, gives better erections and can even add a cm or two ;)
    GettingMyShitTogether likes this.
  7. WuTangFinancial

    WuTangFinancial Fapstronaut

    If you continue you with your meditation, I am sure the answer will reveal itself to you. That is a practice of great significance and tends to be overlooked or underestimated in the west.
    plant goodness and Petros Santos like this.
  8. Brockfoor9

    Brockfoor9 Fapstronaut

    GettingMyShitTogether you are absolutely right!! Spot on. Before I took the NoFap challenge for which I can currently on Day 5 I spent the last year getting real with myself and getting to the root of the problem. In that time I identified THE reason why I would PMO. And that is boredom. In fact, I feel most of the people on this site PMO due to boredom over any other reason. It would be because I was truly bored and new it would be fun to look at p for a while or I was lonely on a Friday night with no girlfriend and PMO kept me from dealing with the loneliness. For me, boredom is my trigger 96.73% of the time. So that solution is to be busier. I'm going to bible study, hanging out with friends and family, playing basketball, coaching football, and others just to stay busy. I want the positive effects on the other end of this. But, living a busy and fulfilling life makes me comfortable and confident already!! Don't get me wrong, I don't feel like I'm totally rebooted yet or the guy I want to be in 90 days. That's because I just started this journey and I know the first month especially is the toughest time for anyone doing NoFap so I'm being on guard and alert for triggers big time. Eventually I can control these with ease as I win back my mind.

    I think you made the best point of anyone I have seen or heard on this forum. To win this challenge and your life back you have to identify the root cause. And, you also have to change your life!! You can't sit day by day doing only NoFap and expect to win. You have to get out, discover new hobbies, be around people, and so on. Controlling triggers is a primary focus for many people at the beginning of the battle. At least it is for me. But as your confidence grows doing these things becomes second nature.

    Stay strong friends!!!
  9. seba5116

    seba5116 Fapstronaut

    Oh wow, that is an accurate estimation for such stuff :O hahaha ;)
  10. plant goodness

    plant goodness Fapstronaut

    For some people I'd say there are underlying emotional/psychological traumas driving them into hurting their life force through fapping which just compounds the trauma.

    For others I'd say solving the issue is as straightforward as growing up.
    GettingMyShitTogether likes this.
  11. plant goodness

    plant goodness Fapstronaut

    I don't want to go deeper because this simply is not a secular issue for me. I know that there is a solution for me but it lies with spiritual people and teachings.
  12. Rockyroad

    Rockyroad Fapstronaut

    I think that this is an important discussion point. My issues revolve around anxiety that I have felt throughout my life and how rejection at a young age from friends and family led to a sense of 'porn escapism'. After a while, the enjoyment of the orgasm and the general feeling of pleasure led to an addiction that I'm trying to break. Due to my issues with self-esteem since I was young, I had issues with getting turned on with another person present. For a while, I was wondering if this was an issue of ED or just performance anxiety from old feelings of self-doubt. So the challenge is to guard against feelings of anxiety that only trap a person within his/her addiction. PMO was one of my forms of solace. The goal is to find a more positive source of comfort when things become difficult.
  13. GettingMyShitTogether

    GettingMyShitTogether Fapstronaut

    I believe every one of us are alike to an extent and that gives me great comfort as I know that I'm not the only one struggling through this.

    I 100% agree that there is an underlying emotional/psychological trauma that causes some of us to go back to porn and masturbate and I know I am included in that list and until I tackle through those emotional scarring, I won't ever really be 'Happy'. But I guess that's my root of my problem to this porn addiction and I do hope time is on my side and with time, I do heal and open up more about these traumas.

    NoFap is without a doubt a brilliant, brilliant platform to overcome this addiction. But for everyone that is reading my post, I do suggest you do not fully 100% rely on a community to help you through an addiction. Yes, this place is very good and inspirational and motivational and can really bring you back on track, that's without a doubt. But, at the end of the day...do remember that this addiction is something YOU have to face and YOU alone. You may get help from this community and motivate you to go back on track. But really, if you want to overcome this addiction, YOU need to work on this addiction and find the motivation to tackle it yourself. As if you rely on others to kick you in the ass, I'm sorry but you might find it difficult to reboot and I say that with experience.

    But, this community is brilliant and can be a waking up call and extremely educational, so use this as a minor tool to help you overcome your addiction. I also recommend actually not thinking about NoFap and how many days you are porn free as I 100% believe its very counter-productive. Some may disagree but what I believe is that if you want to overcome this addiction, you shouldn't be thinking OK I'm going to go 90 days free...but then what? From my personal experience also I have realised when I focused on the idea that I am on NoFap, I was more likely to relapse but the last couple of months, I have taken the approach of not counting the days I'm porn Free or the idea of NoFap and this left me more room to work on myself and generally has been positive so far.

    All I say is use this community and the ideology of NoFap but don't make this community and the notion of NoFap another addiction.
  14. My original goal of NoFap(And how I found it) was to restore penis sensitivity. Looked up how to get it back, NoFap came up and here I am. But now I see it as a lifestyle. If it wasn't for this I wouldn't be such a better person than I was before and that keeps me moving.
    Here is the post if you want to view it.
    GettingMyShitTogether likes this.
  15. you will after 90 days plus.
    GettingMyShitTogether likes this.
  16. Pheanix

    Pheanix Fapstronaut

    My Marriage has been sexless for the last 10 years. I used porn to cope with that. Unfortunately it made me spiral into hyper-indulgent behaviour (e.g. spending hours on sites such as chaturbate, waiting for them to tease and show a little bit more etc...). I've wasted way too much time and money on those things, when I really should have been trying to sort my marriage out.

    Last year I bit the bullet and tried to get myself sorted out. I would consistently avoid masturbation for 1-2 week blocks. I did get myself sorted out to a large degree. Lost a lot of weight, started dressing better, was more confident, got out of my shell and took more social risks. Unfortunately I was doing it for the wrong motives. I was trying to get people to like me. It didn't work on my wife and after a few events which made me doubt my appeal, I relapsed back into the cesspool.

    This time things are different. What prompted this was partial ED, in that I can't sustain an erection without touching myself. I'm also trying to fix my marriage through counselling etc, but one thing is clear - I can't change my wife, but I can change myself. I need to do this to feel good about myself. I am training myself to no longer "need" the validation of my wife or to hope that women are checking me out. I need to build up my core self and be the best person I can be... and that will give me the secure base regardless of whether the people around me respond to it or not.

    This is where my journey begins.
  17. Infern0

    Infern0 Fapstronaut

    Im doing this because i got addicted to pmo to numb my feelings of lonliness and low self esteem from child neglect.

    I know deep down i can be so much better than i am and be a success and have a good life and be proud of myself.

    Im going to a counselor starting tomorrow because i need help and im truly ready to be done this time.

    Its cost me too much already
    GettingMyShitTogether likes this.
  18. Michael Beets

    Michael Beets Fapstronaut

    Real motivating post.:)

    NoFap for me started as a way to get my libido back, that urge I got when I was a teenager. That drive that energy... I craved the old me. Now, a couple of months in it has become much more. It has helped me see the things in my life that I neclected before NoFap, the kind of simple everyday things, like cleaning my house, keeping in contact with friends and family, staying well groomed.

    It wasn't that PMO was the main problem (although a big contributor), it was the fact that it contributed to all the other underlying issues I had in life. I've been with the NoFap community for about 5 months now, if it wasn't for your support, I would not have been able to do it. Compare who and what I am today, to what I was before NoFap and you wouldn't say it was the same person.
    GettingMyShitTogether likes this.
  19. GettingMyShitTogether

    GettingMyShitTogether Fapstronaut

    I really do hope so I feel like the true me after 90 days or whatever days really. I mean truth to be told, if you dont feel comfortable being you, then that is one of the most depressing things you can endure.

    So, not trying to sound like a hippie but really love yourself and everything will come into place. Time to stop using PMO as a defence mechanism for every shit that's going wrong in life and deal with the crap instead of hiding.

    Every post I have read on this has actually been very inspirational. We all come from different background, different stories, different goals and objectives...But at the end of it, we want to be the best of us. If you actually think about it quite deeply, I'm sure everyone here has some idea of what they want to be or who they want to be, but what's stopping you? Every action we take has a rippling affect on our future and the person we are going to be. But feel proud that the action of taking on NoFap is without doubt a step in the right direction and I may not see it 100% clearly yet and you might not see it 100% clearly yet, but not using PMO as a defence mechanism is having such an immense impact on our future and on the person we can potentially be and dream off. So guys and girls, keep on fighting any form of temptation and work on you and purely you because theirs always a glimmering beam of light at the end of this. It's just really a question of if your willing to walk the distance...