5 days in and feeling way too horny

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by JamesCullen16, Jul 7, 2017.

  1. JamesCullen16

    JamesCullen16 Fapstronaut

    so I know this already from the past that I get extremely horny when I don't wank for a few days (I'm already an extremely horny guy) And it makes the temptation to Masturbate so much more worse. I want to restrain myself until I get back to school in September when I'll get to see my girlfriend again. (we haven't seen each other in weeks and won't see each other till the start of term)
    So my goal is to quit porn all together and restrain from masterbathing for 2 months to give myself a reboot. Any tips for not feeling horny so I don't get the urge?
  2. It's naturally going to come. You just need to stay strong and take it a day at a time.
  3. Sozboss92

    Sozboss92 Fapstronaut

    If you are not into fitness, get into it. One of the best ways to relieve the pressure is with phisical activity. Let's be honest, you're on this form bc you have a porn problem. You have a porn problem bc you have time. Therefore "I don't have time" is not an excuse. I'm not saying become a body builder. But do something.... treadmill, biking, walking, running, even pushups every morning right after you get out of bed. Your body is meant to move. When you don't get things moving, your body starts to stagnant. That's when urges have the most power over you. I was able to get into fitness with type 1 diabetes and it really helped me in more ways than with porn. I strongly suggest you get phisical. If you already do, try doing something every time the urges come up. You're browsing through your phone or watching something and a trigger comes up. Get out, go for a run, hit up the gym. THIS WORKS! Everyone's body is different. Experiment to find out what works for you. Don't get discouraged. Don't give up. This is an opportunity to build your self discipline. Remember, real sex with real people is better. Hang in there and keep going!
    Pastafazool, male! and sfmark12 like this.
  4. You will always have urge - after all, you are a guy! That's not gonna change. Managing the urge is the challenge.
    Pastafazool, Lion's Heart and EL88 like this.
  5. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    Focus on something other than your dick
    Pastafazool likes this.
  6. Hit the gym man it's the best treatment for anything.
  7. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    By horny I mean I feel my anatomy and have a sex drive.
  8. EL88

    EL88 Fapstronaut

    Where exactly is the difference...!?
  9. JamesCullen16

    JamesCullen16 Fapstronaut

    I am extremely physical and active guys,
  10. JamesCullen16

    JamesCullen16 Fapstronaut

    Do you guys think it would be a good idea to hold off, and not masturbate at all,then let my girlfriend please me a lot when we meet again, Would it help my brain reboot better?
  11. Most Irish guys are that way, no?
    JamesCullen16 likes this.
  12. JamesCullen16

    JamesCullen16 Fapstronaut

    Most Irish guys are like what?
  13. JohnSmyth1620

    JohnSmyth1620 Fapstronaut

    The beginning is always going to be the worst because the body is trying to get release it has grown so used to.
    Instead of looking at the two months as a intimidating whole, break it down to a more manageable block of time. Whether that be month, week, day, or hour. Yesterday, I was home alone for a long stretch of time and I was running hour to hour trying to keep myself from relapsing.
    What you can do to curtail that pent up energy is to go running, swimming, any form of exercise really. It releases endorphines and gives you another way to create a positive physical change in your life. Wishing you all the success
  14. Any that's also human. tips for not feeling horny so I don't get the urge?

    Your sex urges are the same as hunger urges. You aren't going to get rid of them. We are sexual beings - like it or not. The challenge is managing those urges - which can be opportunities to exert your control over your bod. You are not denying yourself - you are asserting yourself. Sometimes we fail but thats just being human. Enjoy the struggle!
    Mike5 and Flyhigh like this.
  15. JamesCullen16

    JamesCullen16 Fapstronaut

    Ah depends, I am and my family are
  16. JamesCullen16

    JamesCullen16 Fapstronaut

    Do you guys think it would be a good idea to hold off, and not masturbate at all,then let my girlfriend please me a lot when we meet again, Would it help my brain reboot better?