The ultimate habbit to make reboot 100 times easier

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Steve Sancteria, Jul 13, 2017.

  1. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    Hey guys :D

    So as we can tell, urges are the reason why we fail on NoFap.

    Especially we "beginners" tend to have that problem in the first couple of days and we start relapsing and we can´t break through to our goals, no matter how bad we want it...and then we feel bad.

    However, (I know I am only at day 12 yet but never passed day 16 cause I usually have daylie urges that are strong), I had no serious urge once so far and I blame a new extreme powerful habbit I´ve learned and mastered the last 2 weeks, multiple times daylie, for it.

    Not only I have no urges at all, I also feel extremely well, engaged into my life and being excited about what comes next.

    This topic might be usually for the "self improvement" section of this forum, however, since I´ve noticed that this trick made it so easy for me passing the days with no thoughts about urges and any p-stuff, I thought this will be very great for people that wanna have a better reboot experience.

    I better let the best of the best explain how it works and why it works, but I wanna let you guys know: "when ever we have an urge, no matter when, we have it because we FOCUS a certain thing which is related to sexual arousal, right? But we just don´t find any way to turn it off."

    I want to share my, yet best, way to handle NoFap (and I´ve tried a lot of things the past 6 months, including most common tipps and tricks you can find on YouTube, reddit or on this forum)

    I did listen through that entire session each day at least once in the first 7 days, just to really understand how and why it works and ofc. I´ve practiced it.

    Try it out for at least 7 days and I´m 100% sure you´ll have an easier experience doing NoFap, and if you have urges, you know how to kick them off.

    As a side note, the actual exercise is explained in the end of the video. (00:37:00)


    On the left side, my 5 micro-goals + current habbits I wanna master, on the right side, my personal questions and how I answer them to put me into peak state.

    In the evening, I check off all goals I´ve reached and ask myself how it feels having it done.

    With the motivation gained, I set 5 new goals for the next day with the absolute beliefe that I can reach them, and they become more and more difficult thanks to that hyped moment.

    In the morning then, I take both papers, go through my questions first, putting myself into peak state to set the tone for the day, then I review my goals and imagine having it done, feeling having it done.

    ...and then I rock'n roll the day.

    As you guys might be guessing right now, there is pretty much no time left to think about any naughty, triggery thoughts about PMO or what so ever and that´s why both habbits, asking good questions and setting micro-goals, are so beneficial for rebooting.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2017
  2. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    Another habbit I´ve mastered works extremely well according to "the power of focus"

    Each day in the evening, I check and also write 5 micro-goals for the next day on a piece of paper and hang it somewhere I can see it most of the time.
    There are many effects doing so, checking goals can increase testosterone thanks to something called "the winner effect"
    It will make you want to achieve all 5 goals more and more and you can take that for your advantage to get things done.

    It doesn´t even matter how big or difficult these goals are, but make sure "this is not a TO-DO-list".
    Really allow yourself to set goals that make fun or let you progress in the things that are important for you.

    So now, why does it help for NoFap?
    As I said, urges occur when ever our mind focuses a sexual arousal, in order to change it, we need to change our state of mind, our focus.
    So when you have an urge at home, you can walk to that paper, look which goals for the day are open and which one you can do next.
    This will change your focus, especially if you start getting the goal done.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2017
  3. We CAN Do This!

    We CAN Do This! Fapstronaut

    That was mad inspirational. I'm feeling so much like I can do it and I can succeed. Thanks for making my day :D
  4. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    You´r welcome, trust me you have enough reasons to celebrate every single day, you only need to search for what you already have :)
    We CAN Do This! likes this.
  5. ErikJS

    ErikJS Fapstronaut

    this is great help. thanks a tone for posting!
    Atlanticus and Steve Sancteria like this.
  6. ErikJS

    ErikJS Fapstronaut

    I'm listening to the Tony Robbins' video now. Great perspective...focus...i need all the help I can get so I appreciate you sharing this...will keep moving forward...PMO free today and focus on positive parts of my life today and take actions to build a great life...5 goals...ok...i'm gonna do that at work today and see what happens next...
    Steve Sancteria likes this.
  7. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    from own experience, I can tell that in the beginning, achieving all 5 goals won´t be so important for you, but as you start checking off the stuff you did, you want to achieve all 5 goals more and more, so really give it a little bit of time, it only becomes better :)
    ErikJS likes this.
  8. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Good audio clip, man.

    I'll be honest, I usually roll my eyes at Tony Robbins, but I decided to give this a listen. By the end of it, I'd written those 5 questions on a Post-It and stuck them to my computer monitor.

    Thanks for sharing!
  9. Connor21

    Connor21 Fapstronaut

    My words exactly. Thanks for the post man!
  10. Noflap

    Noflap New Fapstronaut

    what time frame does he began to talk about the exercise?
  11. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    great idea :)
    I also written down 6 questions on a DinA 4 paper which is attached to my whiteboard, as well as my DinA 4 paper for my micro-goals which I write down each evening.
    Then In the morning I can go through both :) If you put yourself on a peak state, feeling amazing thanks to the questions and then look on your mirco-goals, then you have the energy to reach all of them and rock n´roll the day :D
  12. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

  13. david_alphastyle

    david_alphastyle Fapstronaut

    Thanks, that's very useful tip, I haven't realized benefit of reading to-do-list before.
    By the way, I'm new to this forum, glad to see everybody
  14. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    it´s a micro-goal list, not a to-do list :D, a to-do list is something filled with a bunch of stuff you sort of have to do, cleaning the bathroom or what ever.
    A micro-goal list is something filled with your desires, things that let you take the next step in your life, something you like to do.

    If you wake up in the morning and go like "oh yeah cleaning the bathroom today, so exciting" then guess how impactfull your day becomes... sarcasm warning ^_^
    Deleted Account and ErikJS like this.
  15. david_alphastyle

    david_alphastyle Fapstronaut

    Ok now I understood, micro-goal will become my inspiration and keep me think bigger than short-term satisfaction. I will follow your advice for sure. Thanks
    Steve Sancteria likes this.
  16. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    So I passed 2 weeks for the 2nd time in my NoFap career that´s going for 6 months already.
    Amazingly enough, the first time having a streak with no urges.
    So far I had 3 moments where an urge could potentionally come, but I´ve instantly asked myself "What can I do next to get more value out of this day?"
    My focus changed and no urge ever knocked at my door :)

    Let´s see for how long this keeps up, would be kind of fun doing 6 months of NoFap with no urges ^_^
  17. topjobmate

    topjobmate Fapstronaut

    This is spot on stuff.

    I will follow along, study it, and keep you updated.
    Steve Sancteria likes this.
  18. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    Yeah give it a try, today is my record day and had no urges so behonest, I am way too bussy thinking about the good stuff going on, I really blame that exercise for that :D
  19. topjobmate

    topjobmate Fapstronaut

    Record day ?have not heard whole thing yet
  20. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    I did never ever pass day 17 , now I did ^^ and it feels a little bit like cheating, but I invested 30 minutes for this exercise each morning.
    Now I did change it up a bit:

    30 minutes in the morning
    15 minutes in the noon (fueling my mind up with energy)
    15 minutes in the evening when I check and write down new goals

    A happy and excited sleep is a good sleep...and the dreams are better :D

    But keep in mind, not having urges is not the best benefit you get out of this, but one of them.
    syndicate-london and Atlanticus like this.