My Dilemma after 150 days.

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Hungry_Shark, Jul 5, 2017.

  1. Hungry_Shark

    Hungry_Shark Fapstronaut

    almost 150 days of nofap.
    i was addicted for 15 years , pmoing 5-6 times everyday.
    i used orgasms as escape for life,
    if i felt happy - i orgasm
    if i felt sad - i orgasm
    if i got any good news or sad news - i orgasm

    so i used orgasms to sleep, to wake up, so you know how addicted i was and my libido was in the toilet,

    i believed completely that i am asexual and just the thought of holding hands with a woman used to make me vomit, i used to laugh at couples and used to think "hahaha, these idiots are so stupid, i am so great, i will go home and fap to porn and will get more enjoyment"

    i never realised what i am doing and now 150 days of hard mode nofap,
    i am extremely tired right now and in a flatline (i had almost 10 flatlines),
    now, i am no longer an asexual, i want to hold hands with women, want to kiss them, cuddle wih them but no sex, maybe my horniness for sex is down because of flatline but atleast i am not asexual and a normal dude who wants kisses and hugs and love.

    i am using supplements, nmda antagonists, testosterone boosters, exercising but i think i am at the last milestone where i hope this is the last major flatline after which i will get all engines going and get my libido .

    i am extremely tired, fatigue, lathargic,panic attacks, insomnia, no libido, extremely hungry one day and no appetite at all the next day,
    these are exactly same symptoms when i hit my first flatline, then i faced almost 10 minor flatlines with no major withdrawal symptomd and now 2nd major flatline with severe withdrawal symptoms,
    i hope this is the last flatline i experience, best of luck to you guys ,
    nofap really works , my penis has become almost twice thicker and longer (looks like honestly), the days when i am not in flatline aaahhhh!!! i feel i am in heaven i feel libido, full of energy but it doesnt last more than 2 days and i hit flatline again, so i know i am improving alot but the key is hang in these zombie days of flatline, just trust the process,
    its like you are getting your puberty all over again, mood swings, fatigue etc, our brain is using all of our physical energy to do the healing,
    best of luck guys.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2017
    Aloha, GinBall, struggle27 and 7 others like this.
  2. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    See a doctor.
    Whitemode, DBug and Dannylzl like this.
  3. sknnyjns

    sknnyjns Fapstronaut

    Nice post! Congratz on the 150 days, impressive! I just couldn't figure out what your dilemma was? My own sex drive came back at 30 days and after 60 days it was really crazy, definitely felt like puberty again. Great that you want to be intimate again and im sure that once your intimate with a woman, the sex drive will be there. About the flatlines, do you workout on a regular basis? Do you eat healthy, take cold showers etc? This could help with your flatlines.
    GinBall and Hungry_Shark like this.
  4. Hungry_Shark

    Hungry_Shark Fapstronaut

    Maybe you are not the damaged like i am, i am addicted for 15 years, 5 orgasms everyday, thats alot man,
    My sex drive came back like after 60 days but only for 2 days when i felt really horny but it went away in 2 days and i entered another flatline.
    I think because there is a HUGE drop in my dopamine levels, my brain takes more time to re-set my baseline dopamine levels. thats why i am taking more time than normal to heal.
    And yeah, I jog for 1 hour everyday and do some dumb-bells , weight lifting but at home not at gym, and I eat very healthy with multi vitamins and no junk food at all , no alcohol or smoke.
    I have seen that my social anxiety has gone down and I am a bit more calm, overall i am OK but it's libido thats bothering me.
    My only libido right now - To hold hands and kiss and cuddle with a woman and no interest in intercourse maybe because i have a dead dick.
    But i am waiting for my libido to return.
  5. sknnyjns

    sknnyjns Fapstronaut

    Yeah that is possible, been addictive for 12/13 years but for the last years did it only 1 or 2 times a week. But still what you do or don't can effect your reboot. But maybe you already tried that.
    Believer* and Hungry_Shark like this.
  6. MeAgainst Fap

    MeAgainst Fap Fapstronaut

    wow dude congratulation, im still struggling with the "PMO" and now maybe want to install K9 to help me
    Hungry_Shark likes this.
  7. Crimson

    Crimson Fapstronaut

    Can take some guys like 9 months to reboot like think of gabe deem it took him 9 months to get to a level where he could have sex and 15 before he felt fully cured it's just a long ass process man just hold on and congrats on the progress you made so far
    GinBall, Buddhabro and Hungry_Shark like this.
  8. Don Gately

    Don Gately Fapstronaut

    That guy who says see a doctor might be right, but he might not. PMO is so similar to a drug, and you were a heavy user for a very long time. I know I get very weird reactions after a binge, and that's nowhere near the regularity of what you were used to. So this timeline doesn't surprise me too much. I hope you continue to get better, and congrats on your progress! My longest streak was about 90 days, not counting the 6 months that I was living without internet. So I'm really happy to see how far you've made it! On and ever onward.
    Hungry_Shark likes this.
  9. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    I found on both my last two long streaks, when I get near 90 days, I become a sexual Tyrannosaurus, and I become like a bloodhound dog but seeking pussy.
    Hungry_Shark likes this.
  10. SkyFallBack

    SkyFallBack Fapstronaut

    Hold on there tight man! Just 4 more days to go and you'll hit your 150 days mark! Definitely go out and drink and dance and have fun with your group. There is always somebody nice available out there IF you show your genuineness!
    Hungry_Shark likes this.
  11. Dont worry aboout libido. Sex drive will come back once you get action with girls after few times kissing with a girl and cuddling, making out your body will wake up and you will have erection all the time while with girl.

    Anyway stop using supplements cause you dont need them and dont use antagonists too cause thats drugs. If you want to use some supplements then use protein powder but dont use pills as they are bad for health. Just good balanced food works much better than supplements. I dont suggest drinking for more than one beer cause recently read about guy who had 400 days of streak and he lost it because was drinking too much and couldnt fight MO urges at that state.
    Buddhabro and Hungry_Shark like this.
  12. Hungry_Shark

    Hungry_Shark Fapstronaut

    I will if I dont get better in few more months.
    Don Gately likes this.
  13. Hungry_Shark

    Hungry_Shark Fapstronaut

    Yeah i know the damage I did in 15 years cannot be resored in 15 weeks, its just a very long process and i am ready to live like a monk unless i completely heal myself.
    Lightseeker and MeAgainst Fap like this.
  14. Hungry_Shark

    Hungry_Shark Fapstronaut

    Yeah i was a super heavy extreme addict so i know i will need much more time to heal.
    Don Gately likes this.
  15. Hungry_Shark

    Hungry_Shark Fapstronaut

    I wish it happens to me too.
  16. Hungry_Shark

    Hungry_Shark Fapstronaut

    I have no libido, no motivation to even go and have a piss and you say to go to a party lol,
    I just want to lay in bed whole day whole night, im in severe flatline.
    Buddhabro likes this.
  17. Hungry_Shark

    Hungry_Shark Fapstronaut

    I read somewhere that supplements specially nmda antagonist (memantine) help in brain plasticity and upregulate dopamine receptors.
    Buddhabro likes this.
  18. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    If it's not better by the first of the year I really think a visit to the doctor would be the best idea. There could be an underlying medical issue unrelated to porn.
  19. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    I'm not into self diagnosis.
  20. saneagain

    saneagain Fapstronaut

    I bet no doctor will find anything. I am in a similar situation and I visited all doctors. 7 months: insomnia, digestion problems, shaking, whole body aches, depression, anxiety, palpitations, depersonalization, muscle twitches, brain fog and memory problems, eye floaters, dizziness, fatigue.

    You can go and visit a doctor. He may find some minor health issues. In my case it was Vitamine D deficiency and Gastritis, but they will find not the cause oft your symptoms. At the end a neurologist/psychiatrist will prescribe some AD drug.

    But I would do it anyway to rule out other serious illnesses. I would tell your doctor about the addiction too.
    GinBall and Don Gately like this.