94 Days---The Road So Far (Update 2.0)

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Rodrigov600, Jun 28, 2017.

  1. Rodrigov600

    Rodrigov600 Fapstronaut

    Well around 30 days ago I decided to post my findings on reaching day 60. I also took the liberty to confess my background, and as well as what my next steps would be.

    Well today is day 94, I have not watched porn, have not masturbated, and I have not ejaculated. However these past 7 days have been nothing but hell. I suddenly began having these intense urges as well as images of past porn videos in my head. I honestly thought that once the 60-80 days were cleared I'd basically be liberated. Fuck no. It was like getting ambushed in your home turf. There were only a couple differences that I changed in my daily routine 80+ days.

    For starters, I began taking cold showers as opposed to hot ones. These improve circulation, testosterone, energy, willpower, etc. I have also began researching relationships and self-image, so I gave a boost to my confidence there as well as I treat everyone with a more alpha attitude. If you recall from my previous post, I was just out of an amazing relationship and felt a bit low. Just in the past 30 days I've encountered three other women who genuinely showed interest in me, going as far as asking my family members everything about me.

    I had my first wet dream in about 7 years (give or take) and I gotta tell you I was scared to death as I saw the mark in my boxers. I quickly googled "Do wet dreams count as a relapse" but fortunately I found out it's actually a sign of major recovery. Despite having naturally lost semen without my consciousness, I feel way more motivated, I feel like my voice has more gravitas to it, and I feel like I don't care about opinions anymore. I definitely feel the power.

    My thoughts are clean and concise, I feel disciplined and ready for anything. I am however still a bit hunched from bad posture, but that is something I'm working on day by day. I have improved relationships with my family, my new attitude has paved a new level of respect from my peers and my superiors. I have also gained this unknown urge to start a business... I wonder who woke that idea up! I do not however work out, well I mean I do like 20-25 push ups every night (started with 10 and gradually increased capacity)

    I have also began meditating, but this is actually something that I am doing for my stress /anxiety as well as listening to anxiety relieving music during work (I work in a very noisy area with alot of machinery going on in the background). I do still feel a tiny bit down about my ex, but I believe it's the dopamine wanting more of her presence to cover for the porn dopamine. I have these urges to go to her house and I catch myself and control myself before I go and bother her.

    Now that I am on day 94, I feel mature, more "grown up" and I am excited to move forward. As I said before, fight the urges, they'll get weaker and you'll get stronger. I definitely recommend cold showers (just google it's benefits as it'll help boost the recovery process). Google Corey Wayne, he helped me understand relationships and what my exact role is in one. Google Anxiety Relief music, it will help with your day to day stress/fears. I also recommend the app Headspace if you really need proper meditation. In the literature sections I've been reading three super useful books, Tools of Titans- Tim Ferris (tips from magnates/powerful people), What Every Body Is Saying- Joe Navarro (Learn read body language to decode people), How To Be a 3% Man- Corey Wayne (Learn how the pickup process works, Learn to understand females and how to be a better negotiator for yourself)

    I swear by these tools, It's made me transform myself into a better person, which combined with Nofap I literally feel like there is no turning back. I will achieve greatness, no matter what.

    Keep hitting, dodge the urges, take cover when the flatlines hit, and keep hitting again. The fight will be over before you know it and the hill WILL be yours.
  2. Mybrownblanket

    Mybrownblanket Fapstronaut

    So wet dream doesn't really count as relapse? Are you sure?
  3. Rodrigov600

    Rodrigov600 Fapstronaut

    Positive. After so much research, I came to the conclusion that it's a natural occurence of your body to dump all the old semen to fill it with new one. According to basically everyone, if you didn't PMO intentionally and it happened while you were asleep, then it doesn't count as there was no dopamine rush to reward you for it.

    Mainly what you're doing during Nofap is healing your dopamine receptors, and well your body doesn't reward you for normal day to day functions expected from you.
  4. Well said! This is truly inspiring and really motivates me to continue on my journey ahead! Thank you!
  5. Don Gately

    Don Gately Fapstronaut

    I am. It's an involuntary process that starts at a young age and guys that try to control it end up freaking out and worrying for no reason.
    Mybrownblanket likes this.
  6. Don Gately

    Don Gately Fapstronaut

    This is great! I have a lot of work to do on goal-setting and career, but seeing how long a guy like you has been able to abandon the PMO vice is really heartening.
    Brown Sugar and Rodrigov600 like this.
  7. Rodrigov600

    Rodrigov600 Fapstronaut

    It's more of a day by day thing really. The day I wake up and feel like I don't need to PMO or that I even have the faintest desire to PMO then I will consider myself rebooted.

    Part of what keeps me going right now is the fact that I tend to see girls differently. I am able to apply what I learned from Corey Wayne and it's backed by my improved testosterone levels. Just this morning I had a random text from a random number. It turned out that it was this 10/10 girl who keeps begging me to be with her. Look at it from a script-ical standpoint: Hot girl gets new phone, goes through the trouble of transferring me there, hits me up at 3 am to "hang out". I am definitely not ripped, and if you read my previous post you know that most of my life I thought I was going to die single.

    It's the attitude and mindset that makes you the man, not the trinkets and the toys, those come by themselves after you've set your boundaries.
    Don Gately likes this.