Truth about NoFap

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by r4429, Jun 19, 2017.

  1. Hezeru

    Hezeru Fapstronaut

    dopamine is the key here, but not only. The more you masturbate the less enjoyable your life becomes.
    Xience likes this.
  2. Spiff

    Spiff Fapstronaut

    I just made love with my wife - I was amazed at how turned on I was by her face, hair, and hands. She's beautiful and I've always thought so, but when it came to sex I tended to focus on her other parts.

    It's truly amazing how quitting PMO enhances your life in ways that you would not even predict.
  3. Hezeru

    Hezeru Fapstronaut

    Matrix Intel and Spiff like this.
  4. [​IMG]
    Matrix Intel and Spiff like this.
  5. You see what happens when you try something? lol
  6. Noland

    Noland Fapstronaut

    Whose mans is this?
  7. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    Auto-eroticism is perverted... literally. Per-verted... you are turning away from the world and into yourself. Perhaps it's just the logical consequence of a self-centered culture......
    Spiff likes this.
  8. PasterofMuppets

    PasterofMuppets Fapstronaut

    The NoFap is pretty fucking open about sex, you idiot.
    And I'm the first to understand that it's mostly in my mind, but it makes me feel a lot better anyway, therefore I'm more focused, productive, creative, energized and confident.
  9. r4429

    r4429 Fapstronaut

    Lmao im fapping to this post idc
  10. kingpietro

    kingpietro Fapstronaut

    We are not saying masturbation isn't healthy. We are saying its a trigger to porn.

    i would compare NoFap with alcoholics. its ok to drink a bear but if you are a alcoholic its best to avoid any kind of alcohol.Most of us are porn addicts and have serious problems that causes us to have a unhealthy life. We are so addicted to porn that even the slightest ejaculation by masturbation can cause you to relapse to porn.Or when people masturbate they start doing it to much wich causes unhealthy situations. That’s why most people do no masturbation because they know that they can’t find a great balance between it.

    Is alcohol bad only if you do it in moderation but if you know that you can’t do it on moderation you should avoid it. The same goes for masturbation.To much masturbation isn’t good. That’s why people are doing NoFap because they know that if they start masturbating again they will do it to much.

    And to be honest it isn’t a placebo effect. Its scientific proven that in sperm there is zinc wich increases testosterone. So doing a long period of no masturbation orgasme causes you to increase testosterone and get more attention from woman.

    But more importantly no masturbation causes you to cure you're dopamine levels wich causes you to get a drive to seduce woman.
  11. Xience

    Xience Guest

    Sexual transmutation > fondling your own genitals.
  12. Xience

    Xience Guest

    Actually masturbation is extremely unhealthy.

    Ask me to start posting videos.
  13. Xience

    Xience Guest

    Jing, ojas, prana?
  14. LoyalKnight

    LoyalKnight Fapstronaut

    Masturbation is not healthy. It is the opposite. I am getting quite enraged when I see people like this OP which are trying to bring us back to the path of destruction. But we will not give in, whatever one may say.

    NoFap transformed me to another person, and every time I relapse I feel just drained and bad for days afterwards. I do not have to type more - here are lots of brave fighters which brought on solid arguments why NoFap is the path to success.
  15. kingpietro

    kingpietro Fapstronaut

    I would love to hear you're opinion so yeah could you please post video's about that topic?
  16. kingpietro

    kingpietro Fapstronaut

    I get angry when doctors are saying its healthy while they should kow better
    LoyalKnight likes this.
  17. I have interacted with many psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, et al. Nearly all of them believe masturbation is a normal human function. Most agree the internet has put masturbation into a new paradigm. The accessibility, participatory nature and proven changes to neuropathways - with excessive use - is what's damaging. These doctors and social scientists are more concerned with the content of the [internet] porn, than with masturbation. The content of the [internet] porn we consume is what troubles the medical field, not consumption. Close examination of the content is central to understanding the human condition and full healing. So I view NoFap PMO as a healthy approach if your use is excessive (you know if you're an addict). For me, it's also important I look at the content of the [internet] porn I'm consuming with reflection and reframe it. My viewing habits have revealed much and been critical to my healing process. We are drawn to specific sub-sets of pornography for a reason. It is not just a matter of "escalation." This is where I agree with the doctors: what the porn's content says about us and our underlying issues. But I do loathe the fact doctors so often ignore the consumption rate of the content they're so concerned about, missing the addiction. Their more traditional psychodynamic approach to content and user has reduced PMO for me. Almost reverse-psychology. Hmmm.