Would you call this a relapse?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Jun 16, 2017.


Do you think I relapsed?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Wouldn't count it but never again

  1. I masturbated but got close to the point of no return and squeezed my muscles so I didn't ejaculate. Kind of had some mini orgasms. Afterwards I felt satisfied but I feel a tiny bit off right now. Not going to count this as a relapse but I don't think I'll do it again. I was doing research about sexual energy and some people suggested that semen retention is key. I really cannot be sure because when I have a wet dream I feel fine. Anyway if I feel up to par tomorrow then it's all good and maybe in the future when I have a girlfriend I could do this to last longer in bed.
    Dragonnlife likes this.
  2. I will win

    I will win Fapstronaut

    Yes, it's a relapse.
    Bel likes this.
  3. John_Smith

    John_Smith Fapstronaut

    That's a relapse.
  4. Tantra_Shaft

    Tantra_Shaft Fapstronaut

    I beg to differ and say that's not a relapse because you didn't use porn and you didn't ejaculate (and assuming that you didn't replay images/videos from the porn stach you have I the back of your mind). But it depends on what you want to achieve and when was the last time you used porn.
  5. Yeah I was not thinking of anything or using any porn/pictures whilst I masturbated. I have been 150 days without PMO in the past so my genitals are resensitized.
  6. My day counter made it a little confusing. I am trying to quit ejaculation via masturbation. My main goal is semen retention so in theory I could do that type of masturbation I described above as much as I want. Of course there is a dopamine aspect so to do that all the time would not be good.
  7. Dragonnlife

    Dragonnlife Fapstronaut

    First of all, that's a pretty impressive maneuver. I don't think I'd be able to pull that off (literally). Secondly, just keep going. If it feels like you are cheating yourself then go ahead and reset your counter, if not then you are good to go.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. Tantra_Shaft

    Tantra_Shaft Fapstronaut

    I don't think you will get the same level of dopomaine spike if you don't come. I was practicing that even while having regular sex with an ex, and it's amazing how good you feel afterwards (instead of turning around and going to sleep, you can't get enough of holding and touching your partner). Also the morning after, no post sex hangover and tiredness even you have not slept that much.

    So I wish you happy practising in controlling your sexual energy! !
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. Yeah I'm have reset because I have done it a few more times since writing this thread. But lol it's difficult and dangerous since you could easily go over the top.
    Dragonnlife likes this.
  10. I have chosen to reset because since writing the thread I have done this a couple more times and one time it lead to me leaking a little semen because I tired out my PC muscle. I will do this no more than once a week unless I get a girl.