Quit nofap?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by FindingAName, Jun 16, 2017.

  1. FindingAName

    FindingAName Banned User

    apart from my other threads which i assume u can somehow find by looking into my profile, another fucking thread in the dating while on reboot section, this guy who has been off porn for months is basically having trouble getting his friend to perk up :) he is having trouble getting an erection before sex in the middle of sex and usually stops before it begins, he cant maintain an erection at all. so im wondering if theres any point in trying to quit. if i cant get hard when getting in bed with women {or men} what is the point of nofap? sure sex is a small perk of quitting but it is still a goal a virgin like myself wants to meet {im 16 btw}
  2. Bearish

    Bearish Fapstronaut

    This old man here advises:

    Life is all ahead of you, and these present years are always a tumult. Try not to worry, although I know that's easy to say. I didn't have any sexual encounters until college, and they were horrible, so wait for the right person and the right time: it will work out.

    It will get better. Focus on the work in front of you, and on being a person of integrity. You cannot make it go faster.

    In compassion--
  3. FindingAName

    FindingAName Banned User

    sorry but this just seems like gibberish
  4. Bearish

    Bearish Fapstronaut

    I know. But if you keep the words in your head, you might be able to pull them out again when they become useful.

    In other words: You're young. You're impatient. You're trying to push things forward. That's the answer to your question. Stop pushing. Stop worrying about erections. Focus on being where you are right now, doing the work you need to do. Breathe.
  5. FindingAName

    FindingAName Banned User

    how can i not worry? people have fucking said that after several months of no PMO and they still get erection problems. im sorry but i cant just ignore this
  6. Bearish

    Bearish Fapstronaut

    In the pressing for an answer, you perpetuate the problem. Drop your expectations and relax. Things will happen when they happen: you cannot make them happen. Ever.

    Grab yourself by the scruff of the neck and tell yourself to cool down and be patient. You'll only make everything worse the more anxious you are about why things are or are not happening.
  7. Hi, guys. FindingAName, we are definitely here for all and each of us, including you. Bearish came up with great ideas for you. But no matter how many answers you may get, your life is nobody else's fight - it's your own fight.

    My life as a teenager was a living hell, though my parents have always loved me and taken care of me. But I was lonely, spent a lot of time indoors, and had no girlfriend. And I masturbated a lot, which made things even worse. Don't go through the same hell I went.

    You are a very intelligent person, but in order to become a man that attracts a woman, you also need character, moral and physical strength, self-confidence, not only intelligence. Sorry I come up with the same old cliches, but our personal experience has taught us that nothing else works. Of course, you may try thousands of other ways: going to escorts, call sex hotlines, cyber-sex, or I don't know what else.

    Are you motivated to have a normal life? Go out, watch those more experienced guys who are successful with girls. Learn from them. Nobody will ever bring a woman into your bedroom. We are here for you, your mates may give you lots of support and advice, but the one who has to act is you.

    You have to start fighting for your happiness and for what you want. Watch the guys who have girlfriends. Imitate their behavior first, no matter how lame you feel you are. Then you will develop your style. And please, don't try to become a bully or some sort of con artist. Don't be dishonest. Also, if you like intellectual activities, don't give them up. Sports, study and girls can go hand in hand just fine.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 19, 2017