I sleep about 5 hours a night. Is it too little?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by overclocked, Jun 15, 2017.

  1. overclocked

    overclocked Fapstronaut

    What do you guys think. I go to bed around 10 to 12 pm. It takes about one hour to fall asleep. I would usually wake up around 5 am, which means I sleep only 5 hours a night.

    When I wake up I feel refreshed and have no trouble getting up, I don't feel tired during the day.
  2. The_Monk

    The_Monk Guest

    Its due to your testosterone increase. Now you know that how much energy pmo used to drain from us. However, you need a sleep of 7-8 hrs. Try to have a green tea before sleep.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2017
  3. That is absolutely too little. If you have to get up at 5am, go to sleep earlier.

    You should not be getting any less than 7 hours sleep in the longer term.

    If you've had trouble with relapses and resets, I can guarantee that your low sleep is probably the #1 or #2 contributing factor to that. ALL of my resets/relapses always happened on days where I didn't get an adequate amount of sleep.

    Over time with sleep that low you'll develop low testosterone and sexual issues. You'll also be unable to think clearly, and so judgement will suffer, which is why the reset/relapse thing comes into play since you'll be much more likely to convince yourself that "it's okay just this once".

    Honestly I've tried a lot of things over the years, exercise, healthy eating, meditation, working out, consuming lots of knowledge, running a business, NoFap, etc, and all of these things are very conductive to a healthy happy life - but the foundation at the base of all that is good quality sleep. The moment you start getting insufficient sleep, even if you're doing all the other things I mentioned, they're not going to be able to give you their full benefits.

    In my opinion this should be your number 1 priority to fix now. When you start getting 7-9 hours every single night, you'll notice the difference very quickly. You'll also notice it's 100x easier to keep a NoFap streak going too! So win/win :)

    PS if you don't have one already, buy yourself a sleep mask. You'll fall asleep much faster with one, and you'll be able to sleep longer and deeper. They improve the quality of your sleep since normally our sleep is regulated by a chemical called Melatonin, which is released in response to darkness. Since we have standby lights from computers/tvs/other electronics, street lamps outside, and other artificial sources of light bothering us at night, Melatonin production and your quality of sleep suffers greatly.

    You have two choices for ideal Melatonin production: Completely black out your room (i.e. unplug all electronics, use blackout blinds, block out the crack under your door) at night. Or the simpler option: Buy a $5 sleep mask and wear it.
  4. Genji

    Genji Guest

    Not expert or anything, but according to my fitness book "Bigger Leaner Stronger", a minimum of 7 hours of sleep is recommended.
    Warrior Within and JesusGreen like this.
  5. overclocked

    overclocked Fapstronaut

    Ok thanks. I don't know what happened but two months ago or so this started to happen to me. Only I woke up at night and fell asleep again. Now I'm waking up too early. I could actually throw my alarm away. No use at this point.

    The only thing that I could improve is not eating before sleeping and lying on the side. If that doesn't help I should probably see a doc.
  6. silenteagle

    silenteagle Fapstronaut

    Its all quite subjective.Every person has different sleep characteristics.If you are not sleepy/tired in the morning,then there is no problem with your current schedule( P.S,6 hours is the ideal amount of sleep :D)
  7. Has nothing to do with testosterone increase.

    You will have extra energy from PMO but this is short lived and you will acquire sleep debt.
  8. The_Monk

    The_Monk Guest

    And what is the source of that extra energy then !!!
  9. SheMonk

    SheMonk Fapstronaut

    Sleep is paramount for good health.
    I aim to sleep at least 8 hours and feel best if I hit around 9 hours and/or wake up naturally (without alarm clock).
  10. vulture175

    vulture175 Fapstronaut

    I don't see any problems here. I sleep 7-9 hours a day and get really tired after waking up. I feel better when i sleep 5-6 hours i just couldn't manage to do that. Quality over quantity. Sometimes i sleep only 2 hours and feel like 6 hours, wow, but it doesn't always happen. I prefer to sleep for regular hours 5 days a week, then less sleep on the other 2. (6-7 hours from Monday to Friday, 4 hours on Saturday and Sunday), though they say keeping sleep cycle stable is better
  11. overclocked

    overclocked Fapstronaut

    I do feel great when I wake up but maybe I would feel even better if I slept a few hours more. When I wake up I can fall asleep again so maybe I just won't get up until I have 6-7 hours of sleep behind me.