90 days hard mode complete - How this changed my life - Must read

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by troyan, Apr 23, 2017.

  1. troyan

    troyan Fapstronaut


    I´m male 28. Had a severe case of delayed ejaculation and had low sensitivity.

    When I first joined this site, I was reading the success stories here and damn how I wished I could some day write my own one. And here it is! :)


    My problem was that I had troubles reaching orgasm... I just didn´t feel enough and could sometimes go on for an hour or two without stopping. After doing some research this was from a combination of low sensitivity and brain not responding to dopamine or something like that.

    I decided to give this no PMO challenge a go and see what happens. I remember some people told me "You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain" and "Don´t count the days, make the days count". I kept repeating these two sentences over the last 3 months.

    I improved a lot how I think about myself, how I see others and I also met a girl, who is my best friend now (too bad she is not something more), but hey, she is now my wingman and helps me a lot with everything, and I also explained my problems to her, so she also gave me a lot of advices from a girl´s side. :)


    - No touching - During 90 day challenge, I never touched myself, only washed my penis with water. After about 2-3 weeks from when I started the challenge, I lost all libido (I guess this is normal and called a flatline or something) and I never knew if/when this was going to come back. So I bought bio MACA powder and Ginseng capsules which are known to help with that. First week nothing, I was skeptical and after 2-4 weeks of taking them, I became really really horny again, but I controlled myself.

    - Oils, creams, silicons scar sheets - All the same time I was using coconut oil, to help moisture my dry glans, which I now keep covered 24/7, after completing restoration, after being cut at young age. And I also use man1 man oil here and there, and silicone scar sheets. I cycled their usage from week to week. Those are the things which helped the most.

    - Healthy food - I always ate healthy anyway, but I´m sure this also helped - You are what you eat they say. Because I go to the gym anyway, I also had the chance in the middle of this period to switch from one diet (High carb, low fat) to another - keto (Low carb, high fat).


    Reached day 90 today (which was my original goal, as suggested on this site). What was the result? Previously I lasted 1-2 hours, which was in my opinion a quite severe case. Well today I lasted 50 seconds and I finished! It looks like my delayed ejaculation is solved and I have nofap forum to thank for that. :) And I know what you might want to say - that now this is a premature ejaculation, but I can not tell you how happy I am with this condition after not being able to get there before. I know I can always improve back to some normal time.


    1. I´m going for another 90 days. Should help my sensitivity to increase and help with glans dekeratinization after being circumcised. This is improving for sure, but needs more time.
    2. Get a nice girlfriend.
    3. And the most important - No more porn, I´m done with that crap. Before I have seen porn as something great, now I see it as evil, delusion, lies, addiction... you name it.

    Any questions? I will reply to anything you ask.

    Last edited: Apr 23, 2017
  3. Capt.

    Capt. Fapstronaut

    Great job dude! That's a huge accomplishment.

    Just had a quick question: how did oils/creams help you? I'm confused as to how that would help. Any clarification would be awesome.
  4. xxpjse

    xxpjse Fapstronaut

    Good job man! Glad you've realized how dangerous porn is, I hope you reach your goals !
  5. troyan

    troyan Fapstronaut

    Hey! To clarify - the root of my problems was that I was circumcised because of medical reasons when I was about 12yo.

    Those shitty doctors never told me that I would lose sensation down there and that restoration can be made. After time glans geta keratinized and skin thickens so you lose feeling. I never knew there was a way to reverse this!!! To cope with that you have to use more and more tight grip to achieve the same feelings over the years. So creams and oils are definitely helping reverse those symptoms. The keratin is slowly shedding away and skin is becoming more soft and more pleasurable. I really do believe that coconut oil helped the most because it is a good moisturizer/lubricant. Like said I am not finished with this process, but I believe it will probably get fixed till the end of this year.

    And on the other hand, no porn/masturbation helps me reach orgasm with way less stimulation.
    Hardboiled24 likes this.
  6. troyan

    troyan Fapstronaut

    An important update: I have tried using Eucerin (10% urea) lotion and noticed my glans has became way more sensitive. It looks like it does two things - keep glans moist (not dry) and lactic acid inside helps to break down keratinised cells. I would highly recommend. It is known that well hydrated skin is much more sensitive, this is so true. Now I can feel a feel a very light touch with just a fingertip and it gives me a lot of sensation. Remember, Eucerin helps!!!

    I have tried doing NoFap for another 90 days, but failed a week ago. It is much more difficult to another 90 days, because now my testosterone levels are much higher than when I started. Previously before I started nofap, I was injecting myself with testosterone enanthate (mainly for bodybuilding reasons), so my body stopped producing it after a while, so with low testosterone it was much easier to attempt this challenge. :)

    But I am optimistic I can do 90 days once more :)
  7. Feeling no fapulous

    Feeling no fapulous Fapstronaut

  8. Jonathansierra

    Jonathansierra Fapstronaut

    What herbs and supplements did you use to help with regaining libido and sex drive? Going to a health store soon and will stock up and use as much as I can to help :)
  9. Feeling no fapulous

    Feeling no fapulous Fapstronaut

    Hey Troyan. Thanks for sharing your story. I'm new to this nofap thing. I'm also 28 years old and Im actually starting this journey for the opposite reason you did. I actually have PE and sometimes ED and I know it's due to porn. I started 4 days ago and I was clean up until day 4 which is today I had a relapse. But I didn't relapse because of the urges, I relapse because I'm terrified of this flatline everyone goes through. Exactly how long did it last for you and is it really as bad as everyone makes it seem
    True life seeker likes this.
  10. troyan

    troyan Fapstronaut

    Hi, yes I experienced "flatline", where I had absolutely no sexual desire. I had a girl come over to my place, she literally says to me she would like to spend the night at my place, and I did nothing. This is how it was :) But it's because, I had a strict plan to not touch myself, and I didn't want the sex to end my "no PMO" 90-day streak. I had no sexual desire until the end of 90-day, where I actually "decided" and forced myself to actually try how my situation has improved. After the first "try", flatline magically ended and I became really horny after that.

    So, in short: I had no "urges", but I "would" do it on purpose - feels like I had things under control. I wouldn't say it was bad.
  11. Feeling no fapulous

    Feeling no fapulous Fapstronaut

    So you just had low libido? You didn't have the low energy and motivation and feeling like you didn't want to do anything? I've seen a fair share of testimonies and these guys are making it seem as though it's the worst feeling in the world. I guess I have to accept it if I'm willing to go on this journey but I guess I just need some words of encouragement. How do you feel now and what finally gave you that will power
  12. troyan

    troyan Fapstronaut

    Yes, only low libido. Low energy, motivation? Absolutely not. My energy was great, so was the motivation, knowing that I am doing "the right thing". Don't think about it, do it. I feel now much better, knowing the situation is improving greatly, and I know this was the right choice - probably the best choice I made in my life. My main motivation was - I only have one life and I knew I had to fix this thing, to one day enjoy sexual life with a girl again.
  13. Feeling no fapulous

    Feeling no fapulous Fapstronaut

    Thanks man. I appreciate the inspiration. No more relapse for me
  14. troyan

    troyan Fapstronaut

    You're welcome. And one more thing. You know what was the most difficult thing for me? All those years not knowing there was a solution available to all my problems. Just had to stop fapping. I never thought of that. When I discovered nofap forum, it felt like... omg this is exactly the problems I have and all the people wrote those success stories and how their problems (just like I had) were solved. And it's not like articles written by some doctors to promote their services, those were real life success stories, written by real people. If it worked for them, it has to work on you too.
  15. Feeling no fapulous

    Feeling no fapulous Fapstronaut

    That's exactly how I came across these forums too. I always thought it was only me who felt this way but when I seen there were many men out there going through what I was going through it made me feel a little better. Even before these forums, if I stopped fapping for even a few days I felt different, more lively and energetic. Then right after I fapped I instantly felt like shit. I didn't think much of it until now.
    GoodluckLuke likes this.
  16. Pichaelthompson

    Pichaelthompson Fapstronaut

    Congrats man! I'm in a similar position as you were starting out, I can have sex for an hour, stay mostly erect, but never finish. That's awesome you can finish in 50 secs thanks to nofap! My question is: do you think your body will balance out to the amount of 5-15 mins, in the future? Where do you go from here now that you beat PIED? I'm assuming you don't use the coconut oil any more now that your penis is sensitive enough?

    Sorry if these questions are too forward lol
  17. troyan

    troyan Fapstronaut

    Yes, getting back to a longer time 10-15min should be easy. I think there are 2 things which have to heal - my brain threshold and my penis sensitivity. The latest I still want to improve, currently I use eucerin+man1 man oil and sometimes a little bit of jojoba/coconut oil. I really have to keep glans moist and covered all the time, because I believe I still have some keratinised skin left - not sure how to know how much there is left. Maybe a doctor can tell me this?
    And on the other side, I will be re-educating my penis to very light / soft touch, so vaginal sex will become better experience. :)
  18. pranav02

    pranav02 Fapstronaut

    Congrats man. Really fantastic to hear a success story as good as that, it really invigorates me to continue with this challenge. I am having issues with watching porn without my knowledge pr edging as you'd say and at times I feel lifeless and so damn bored. Did you experience all of that and how'd you cope with them? Plus I'm only 15 so I have a tremendous amount of hormones in my body so it makes it harder to focus on this challenge. What suggestions do you have for me?
  19. troyan

    troyan Fapstronaut

    The main thing that helped me was work and my hobbies. They keep me busy all day, so I don't even have time to watch porn or masturbate. I go to the gym everyday after work, then I'm tired, so I don't even feel like doing anything on my computer :p I hope that helps. Just find hobbies (best is sports), fill your free time. In case you actually have time and think of doing something wrong, just grab your keys and go out for a walk / run. That's what I did a few times.
  20. I fully agree with you...........