Preparation before hitting gym

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Skopcony, Jun 9, 2017.

  1. Skopcony

    Skopcony Fapstronaut


    I recently started nofap, have been reading about self-improvent and decided to go to gym, but I don't know if I should straight away. I am a skinny dude with mostly sedentary lifestyle (little to no physical activity).
    Couple of years ago I went once to gym, totally unprepared. After couple of excersices with empty barbell I coudn't move my limbs for the next week. Should I do some excersices at home or things will sort themselves out after a while?
    I also want to ask about preparation in gym, because in all workout routines there's one line that goes "ah, don't forget to warm up and do stretches" without any explanation how to do them properly.
    Any additional advice for soon-to-be-beginner will be much appreciated.
    R.I.I.P.E.R likes this.
  2. Yes do some stretches(if you don't know any look them up) also eat a snack 15 minutes before going to the gym because trust me going to the gym on an empty stomach SUCKS. For warm ups do a couple reps with light weight. if this is your first time going to the gym in a while start doing simple push ups at home(3 sets of 20 or how much you can do), jog outside, sit ups, etc etc.
    Skopcony and R.I.I.P.E.R like this.
  3. Kennen

    Kennen Fapstronaut

    I've read a blog before and the blogger is a body builder. . According to him, do not hit gym if you can't do 10 push up, 10 pull ups , and 20 sit ups in a proper form.
    ThePMOdestroyer and Hardboiled24 like this.
  4. Hezeru

    Hezeru Fapstronaut

    wtf do you need gym for? everything you can do with your body, don't waste your money on gym, buy yourself a pair of dumbbells, one barbell for squats and sport bench, it would cost you probably not more than 2 months at the gym, and you can easily do everything with that equipment
    I even tried to do some chest workout the other day and my neck hurt - that never happened when I was doing push-ups - never.
    mohammad aadil likes this.
  5. JamesRK

    JamesRK Guest

    If you couldn't move your limbs for a week, you definitely overdid it with whatever you tried back then. You may need to work up to that, but I wouldn't call that the best excuse for not going to the gym yet. Just start with lighter dumbbells, focus on form, and work your way up.

    I know that's more easily said than done because I've been the new guy at the gym a couple of times. It can be intimidating to be training with weights that seem pathetic compared to others, but you've got to start somewhere. I've been stuck in the place where I've told myself, "I'll start my routine once I can... do ten pushups/practice with dumbbells over the summer/whatever," but I've never felt ready. It's just a really great excuse not to start. Jumping right in can be hard, you might have to start small, but I think it's the best way to improve.
    Hardboiled24 and Skopcony like this.
  6. PlasticBoy

    PlasticBoy Fapstronaut

    True story, same happened to me. But everyone has to start from somewhere.
  7. dico888

    dico888 Fapstronaut

    Good for you man! Go for it.

    I started working out about 2 years ago too. Was pretty skinny (also because I am 192cm tall, makes me look like fucking slenderman). Not that I am fat now, but I got some muscle and just makes me feel SO much better and secure, good choice to hit the gym man.

    About preparation, make sure you eat before working out. Don't drink sugars during your workout, but afterwards, drink sugar (like a can of coke or w/e) and take proteins (could be a shake). You can keep a tab on how much calories you eat everyday, I suggest you keep an eye out on that, make sure you get at least 2500kcal. Time to gain weight!

    For workout tips, I suggest you ask a schedule at the counter, I'm sure your gym has one for beginners.
    Skopcony likes this.
  8. Skopcony

    Skopcony Fapstronaut

    Thanks for all the replies!
    I did some research and decided to do calistenics in home for now. I'll switch to weightlifting if I feel like I'm getting weaker results with working only with my body mass.
  9. I've never had neck pain from a chest workout.
  10. Hezeru

    Hezeru Fapstronaut

    Remember, not all excercises boost your testosterone levels, some of them lower it. For example if you train for a short time with heavy weights - you boost it. But when you do a girly stuff like dancing or aerobic then your testosterone drops down, and you don't want that if you want to build muscles. You should have some dumbbells, because they are very helpful in that. Making short series for 8-10 reps heavy weight for biceps or shoulders. But push-ups'd also do the job
  11. Calisthenics is great. However, lifting weights allows you to do more volume in a shorter time. To build muscle you need to build strength. You can either increase the weights you lift or increase the reps you do. I was doing 70 pushups in the past. It's really hard to motivate yourself on super high rep excercises.

    Starting out with calisthenics if dandy, switch to weightlifting later after you achieve high rep ranges. Or just start weightlifting immediately. Build a habit of going to the gym.

    Don't worry about what other people think of you in the gym. I do neck excercises at mine, people think it's weird until I tell them it's for MMA. I'm the only guy in my gym who does them.
  12. mohammad aadil

    mohammad aadil Fapstronaut

    Doing gym is a great idea. But u need to be very carefully regarding the exercises as u don't have the experience. For that u can watch u tube videos. I wud like to tell u that before gym take some instant use able simple carbs like banana. It wud give u instant energy and u can hit gym nicely. Post workout take some protein diet to compensate for lost protein, eggs are good source or some protein shake. Warm up exercises must be done prior to start and most important thing: don't lift heavy weight i.e. start slowly day by day so that ur muscles get acclamatized...
  13. John84

    John84 Fapstronaut

    Since you said your sedentary, this probably means you sit down a lot. So check out if you have Anterior pelvic tilt (A lower curve in the back from sitting to much). If you do, don't do deadlifts and squats. You need to get that fixed.

    I like you at one time was pretty skinny , 130 lbs, I could only 5 pushups, I did pushups at home and dumbells. After a year I could do 30 pushups and got up to 160-170 lbs. Then I went to the gym for another year and got up to doing 50lbs dumbell curls. My arms started getting peaks and valleys. I was really impressed with the change. Surprisingly, I haven't worked out in 3 years, I still have that strenght and peaks and valleys in my arm. This is a good investment for your time. It sticks around long after you quit..

    My regrets, I only worked out my arms mostly. Not my legs, chest or stomach. Make sure you investment the time into those body parts also.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2017
    Hardboiled24 likes this.
  14. dico888

    dico888 Fapstronaut

    Should really do chest and stomach yea. And MOST importantly, legs. I see all these gorillas at the gym, skipping leg day. The thing is, by training your legs, your whole body grows even faster! The legs have the biggest set of muscles, and by training more muscles (e.g. in the leg) your body creates more testosterone. Which will make you grow even harder.
    Never understand why people skip legday, first by not skipping it makes your legs look better in contrast to your body, second, your body will grow faster!
    Hardboiled24 likes this.
  15. Hezeru

    Hezeru Fapstronaut

    This is true, focus on big muscles like legs, chest and shoulders , you don't need to have a six pac as a man - it's just fashions that says so. Even when you do push-ups you automatically train your belly
  16. What did you do for your anterior pelvic tilt?