Is instagram porn?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Blackenglish2017, Jun 8, 2017.

  1. The_Monk

    The_Monk Guest

    Really ?
  2. kevin02

    kevin02 Fapstronaut

    For me the one thing I have realised is that staying away from the computer does not work. I would stay away from it for like 2 weeks and the when when use it again some way some how I go back to watching porn. I think the best way to beat this addiiction is to use the things that allowed the addiction to exist. Like using my computer to actually build my life. I have been using my resources to create destructive habits rather than constructive ones. All that time I spent watching porn I could've used it differently to gain a usefull skill.
  3. Blackenglish2017

    Blackenglish2017 Fapstronaut

    What should I do? I want to change for the better
  4. Shit yes thats what im talkong about! For me PMO is a habit, if you see a sexy girl your mind immediately connects it to fapping, but I think you can broke this habit if you practice it in a different way, like you see porn or sexy pictures, but you just dont react to them in any ways. Habits are built by the same actions happening after each other, its stored in your subconscius mind, like driving a car or a bicycle. But they can be descructed if you start acting on them in a different order of actions. Like seeing, realizing, moving on.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2017
    Username1021 likes this.
  5. The_Monk

    The_Monk Guest

    Everytime i look at any girl, hot girl right, i just think about my favourite quote of a famous saint of India, Adi shankaracharya..."Enticed by the physical glamour of a woman (or a man), do not lose your senses; the body is nothing but a conglomeration of flesh, do not forget this any time"..just think about this logic and the greatness behind this.
    Hardboiled24 likes this.
  6. immortal5

    immortal5 Guest

    Not necessarily porn but has the same effect, constant dopamine. Social media and technology should be as restricted as possible when doing a reboot tbh
    Mixtec and Hardboiled24 like this.
  7. OneWithTheUnderdogs

    OneWithTheUnderdogs Fapstronaut

    Do you know what a relapse is?

    Has a recovering alcoholic relapsed if he looks at a bottle of whisky?

    If anything, the fact that he can look at these images and NOT get triggered into a PMO session is progress in itself.

    I've been sucked into watching porn without even realising it's happening because of Instagram.

    OP, I don't think you should delete all of your social media accounts, especially Instagram, because as pointed out above, they can prove to be very resourceful, especially when discovering new art, music or products. My advice would be to unfollow all of the accounts which post triggering content. Instead, follow accounts that inspire you and give your brain something intelligent to look at.

    Instagram is an amazing tool, when utilised properly.
  8. Blackenglish2017

    Blackenglish2017 Fapstronaut

    Thank you. I was struggling to understand if I relapsed or not. I just viewed the images and not masturbated as normal. Actually it was a brief 50sec look. I did not get an erection. So I do believe I have a new level of willpower and strength.
  9. kevin02

    kevin02 Fapstronaut

    You can't run away from it but you can change your reaction towards it and the fact that you didn't masturbate is a sign of growth. Good luck on your journey
    Blackenglish2017 likes this.
  10. kevin02

    kevin02 Fapstronaut

    The hardest thing about quiting is that the mind can play tricks on you. Its all just a mental game.. stay strong and conquer
    Blackenglish2017 likes this.
  11. OneWithTheUnderdogs

    OneWithTheUnderdogs Fapstronaut


    I was just on Instagram, and having noticed a rise in "sponsored" posts recently, I was met with a picture of an extremely gorgeous girl with a nice big butt advertising some skimpy underwear whilst posing very suggestively.

    Naturally this turned me on and I'm now going to be a horny mess for the rest of the day.

    I'm just going to treat this as a test of resistance against my urges though.
    Hardboiled24 likes this.
  12. oh
    failing is just another starting point. don't you see?? :rolleyes:
    Blackenglish2017 likes this.
  13. Eat lots of vegetables. I take 10 secs on average to take a shit. If I bring my phone I'm like, "Wtf. Why did I even bother bringing this."
    Blackenglish2017 likes this.
  14. Blackenglish2017

    Blackenglish2017 Fapstronaut

    To be honest with you I spend a good 30mins on the toilet. I think it's due to my diet.
  15. lostandfound

    lostandfound Fapstronaut

    dude change your diet honestly your shits should take a couple mins max. If you get bored on the toilet read a magazine, play a game on your phone. social media is a load of crap and honestly what are you getting out of wasting so much time on it? looking at hot girls, liking pictures or posts or whatever. Its just mental masturbation to help you avoid reality.
  16. Blackenglish2017

    Blackenglish2017 Fapstronaut

    Thanks buddy. I do have a poor diet but I'm very fit. I jog 20 miles a week and do a lot of walk if I'm not working, studying or raising a family. But my diet is poor. What do you suggest I eat? At the moment I eat a lot of junk food and macdees.
    Hardboiled24 likes this.
  17. You could try reading a book or maybe sign up to a forum about a subject you are interested in like a sport or a hobby... do you have a hobby? Ive found having a hobby that isnt computer related to be very helpful
  18. lostandfound

    lostandfound Fapstronaut

    Personally Im vegan so thats what I would suggest but I get that its not a choice everyone wants to make. You'll already make a huge improvement if you learn to cook your own meals, avoid calorie dense foods like cheese and dairy, eat lots of vegetables and things packed with fiber. Staples of my diet are beans, lentils, quinoa, oats, rice, brocolli, leafy greens like spinach and kale and whatever veggies I can use to keep as much variety as possible. Good luck to you anyway I know its not obvious when you got work and family but it is your health so dont lneglect it
    Blackenglish2017 likes this.
  19. immortal5

    immortal5 Guest

    Just fapped to insta a few hours ago, so yes it is lmao
  20. Bruh.. we should say that was a test from you for the rest of us to prove it.. I feel sorry, but better days are coming, keep your head up!