Dealing with triggers

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Jun 1, 2017.

  1. Hi guys,

    Just wanted to share a concern of mine, that has been bugging me quite a bit lately.

    I don't want to take time to explain in which stage of the reboot I am since I have already posted everything on my journal (a visits is always gladly appreciated).

    I wanted to share a concern about how we should handle triggers, because even of ai am perfectly in control of myself they are still a deal

    First off, they are everywhere, its really hard to avoid them alltogether. However with time I have been putting up a strategy, I have cut off all useless stimulation, but the only thing I am having hard times dealing with is instagram.

    I am social, not too much, not too less so I enjoy instagram, however I am fully aware how triggers can hide in the home, I recently experienced it a couple of days ago, but in the last moths I have decided to put a hand on the screen and stop scrolling down, this way I can usually avoid sexual pics or at least understand if there is the danger of facing one, and if there is I usually close the app without removing my hand. It's not a perfect strategy since sometimes some slight trigger could still pass through this barrier but they have been reduced drastically.

    Today however I am dealing with a new problem so I think I need to adapt my strategy once more.
    I am dating a girl I really like, and she is quite social so she usually post pics and so on, most of them are not sexual but since I like her, they could still make me feel a slight rush in my head. I know I should just cut it all together but I think she appreciates when I put the likes in her pics an she returns them accordingly, it's just a thing to share with her, but it's a bit awkward to have to be aware and put a hand over the pics that your girl posts.

    I could explain to her why I would stop following her socially, but not at this moment since we have been dating for a month or so. And I don't plan to tell her about my addiction until it's the right moment, so what would you suggest me to do?
  2. Yaji98

    Yaji98 Fapstronaut

    Hey, good post.
    I am also trying to deal with triggers, specially in social media, which is one of my bigger weakness as I "was" also very social. And I say was because what has bren working for me is just to partially quit social media. I dont have the apps on my phone and if I want to log in, I use the browser option which will ask me for my user and password and will set my mind on alert for triggers. I have even unfriended people who usually post pictures that I know can trigger. I know is a little extreme but I honestly prefer to have less friends than continue with this vice. I would suggest to try to log in as less as possible and you can tell your girl that you appreciate her pictures but you are trying to quit social media??... Just a thought. I recon social media is a very big cause of triggers and I just prefer to quit.
    Please receive all my best thoughts and encouragement, you can do it!!
    Dgmili93 likes this.
  3. Thanks for your reply dude! Triggers on social are my biggest weakness as well, but I like being social and I read somewhere that when you give up something you like because of porn addiction is when the addiction honestly holds you, and I believe this is extraordinary true.

    Now this doesn't mean you have to actively search for triggers, but I would like to stay social while avoiding triggers, if possible. I know it's hard, I crossed a few of them even today, although I have built enough will power to just look away as soon as I see one of them.

    But I want to improve further in this field and I am opened to suggestions!
    Best of luck to you dude.
  4. OneWithTheUnderdogs

    OneWithTheUnderdogs Fapstronaut

    Hey man

    I second quitting social media for a while. I gave up on Facebook a long time ago and haven't regretted it once, and I only use Instagram for business purposes.

    This isn't just for trigger avoiding purposes by the way, it will also help raise your quality of life. Social media sucks away so much of your time, and I found for me it was actually affecting my mood, because I felt like I was trying to keep up with the perceived lifestyles of some of the people I followed.

    When I stopped using social media, I started focussing on myself a lot more, and my own life goals became clearer when I wasn't chasing after someone else's.

    Instagram is just playing with fire as far as triggers go in my opinion. There are so many hot girl posting provocative pictures; some of which aren't far off actual porn! I've been triggered into PMO'ing multiple times because of Instagram.

    I agree with @Yagi98, just tell her you're laying off social media for a while to focus on yourself and your real life relationships.

    Good luck man!
  5. Hey dude!

    I understand your position, I have basically quoted fb cold turkey last month and I have drastically reduced instagram usage as well, though I just use it seldomly tbh. Normally just to post a pic once in a while and to like this girl's pic. But I can understand how stupid may sound to give likes just to show interest, especially since I am dating her actually so I doubt she would give away a date with me for a like, she is not that type fortunately. Maybe it's just my mental block that makes me worried how she could feel if I don't like her pics. I enjoy doing that just as much as I enjoy when she likes one of mine. It's a (stupid) way to feel close to her. But I understand the need to move forward, since I can tell in march I basically encountered zero triggers and felt like a god!

    Fact is, this is not the only problem: I wasn't the one that made me notice my girl posted a new pic but a friend of mine that sent me via WhatsApp this pic of her and joked telling me 'you should marry her'.

    Now how should I behave in such a situation? If looking at a pic is required to answer a conversation without feeling retarded, how can I del with it? This is another awkward situation I have often been into, and an advice about this would be much appreciated too!

    Thanks a lot guys
  6. OneWithTheUnderdogs

    OneWithTheUnderdogs Fapstronaut


    I totally get what you mean. I'm always the first person to hit "like" whenever my girl posts a new picture. It's just a sense of validation I think. It's like her asking you how she looked before you went out on a date, and you were like "you look amazing!" That's essentially what you're saying with the Instagram heart. I always feel slightly betrayed whenever one of my close friends or my girl doesn't like a picture of mine :') that's what social media does to ya though!

    With regards to your friend sending you a picture of her, I honestly don't see anything wrong with getting a rush from seeing a picture of a hot girl you're dating. Do you think it's going to trigger a relapse? Have you had sex with this girl yet? (Sorry for the probing questions, I'm just trying to gage an idea of how you're feeling).

    I'd honestly just enjoy that rush and don't let the arousal push you over the edge. I'm a complete horny mess today, but I'm just channeling that energy into my work and being a social butterfly.

    I guess what I'm saying is that it's perfectly fine to check out pictures of this girl, so long as you're not completely objectifying her, or using them as a starting block for some heavier stuff...
    Dgmili93 likes this.
  7. I understand that feel totally.

    TBH I haven't had sex with her yet, she may be the first serious deal I have met since I have discovered NoFap 1 and half years ago. I have basically been in a flatline or mostly in one ever since so I have no idea if I could even perform with her honestly since I don't get that much aroused when I am with her (not because I don't like her but because of the flatline, I was heavily addicted from young age).

    I plan to use instagram only to post my pics, the only doubt is what to do with her since what you have express in words is pretty much what I think when seeing a picture of a girl I like.

    Thing is that this reboot seems already incredibly long and I would like to go as cold turkey as possible so even allowing myself a rush from her pics or watching pics that my friends post in the chats would be like cheating the reboot imho. So this is where my deal begins with actually.

    As for the relapse, no. I am completely in control of that and actually as soon as I started nofap I never really missed old PMO.
  8. OneWithTheUnderdogs

    OneWithTheUnderdogs Fapstronaut

    You feel like you've been in flatline for 18 months? Damn dude that sounds rough. Are you still masturbating? (with/without porn). It's always been a theory of mine that if you quit all sexual activity for long enough, your brain will eventually accept the fact that you're not "getting any" and essentially turn itself off from all sexual stimulus because it deems it unnecessary. I came to this conclusion after reading accounts of guys who had fell into a permanent "flatline", after not engaging in ANY sexual activity for extended periods of time. They state they have no desire to masturbate, look at porn, or even chase after women anymore. This to me, is worrying, but they seem to view it as a state of bliss and complete freedom, as they are no longer "ruled" by sexual urges.

    I'm all for the 90 day reboot, but I think any time period past this renders useless to the individual, and can even be damaging to them.

    I may have gotten completely the wrong end of the stick here though...

    The fact that you've had zero urges to watch porn since quitting does surprise me honestly. I know I've had my fair share and I'm not what you would consider a "heavy user" at all.

    Hey, everyone is different though. You must just have an iron will!

    Fair play man.
    Dgmili93 likes this.
  9. Kind of. I mean, now that I have been experiencing many phases of the reboot I can say urges come here and there, but not strictly urges to fap or watch porn, not anymore at least.

    But tbh porn was starting to getting boring even before reboot, I think I am such a severe case that nothing could turn me on anymore, I have already heard cases like these already.
    I understand what you mean since I am extremly worried myself, but I cannot do anything really ther than abstaining and rewiring.

    I also was one of those woth basically zero sexual experience before porn so my condition could be related to that as well. And tbh again my first year wasn't exactly clean, I masturbated more than once and even PMOed once (I was drunk) last summer. But I was really never enjoying those moments, I don't miss them at all. When I have urges now, they are mostly fantasies, and sometimes desire to meet a real girl but my brain seems to not have fully understood what it really needs still.

    I cannot really say in which phase I am right now, since in is year and half I made progresses but slowly, first giving up porn and M (completly only 6/7 months ago), starting to detach myself from internet and internet/social P subs only recently and still struggling to, actually. And in the last 3 months I have felt most benefits than in the entire previous I can only guess my progresses are slow but still happening, especially in educating myself in the nofap journey, which is as important.