Quitting/abstaining social media

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by FormerFapaholic, May 3, 2017.

  1. LivinginRecovery

    LivinginRecovery Fapstronaut

    I don't use any social media and the porn blocker I'm using also blocks as default social media so that's just fine with me.
  2. I’m not so sure that leaving social media completely would be that beneficial for everyone. The same could be said of the news and media we are constantly exposed to articles, pictures and information about other people which you are likely to compare yourself to. Its damn near impossible to block out news I mean its literally everywhere from newspapers, magazines, the internet are you really going to block it all there is too much.

    My take on it is that it only becomes a problem if you allow it to become a problem. Comparing yourself to other people on facebook and Instagram is only a problem if you allow it to get to you. I too get a bit jealous when I see people posting about their holidays and marriages on facebook but you know what I pay no attention to it. And you know what all of those people are seeking attention anyway you think they are posting those pictures on there for no reason? Of course not, they want and crave the attention of others. They want to see how many likes and hearts their posts get they need that validation and dopamine boost.

    Social media has its bonuses too! I made a friend on twitter we even met in real life a few years ago. And just yesterday I sent out a tweet about this product and the VP of the company retweeted it and said that she would send me free cookies in the mail! So what I’m trying to say is that you should not deny yourself because the world is full of opportunities even though you might not be aware of them. Anything can happen it does not all have to be a negative experience.

    And by the way YouTube has got to be the BEST way for FREE self help learning! I mean it has literally everything! From improving your conversation, to exercise I mean everything! Are you really going to ignore that wealth of information? It is beneficial to your nofap recovery.
  3. FormerFapaholic

    FormerFapaholic Fapstronaut

    It's debatable on whether or not YouTube is a social network. I only go on YT to watch videos, not socialise and interract with people. If anything, I gain something from YouTube.
  4. John84

    John84 Fapstronaut

    I think google tried, but being anon works well on youtube. People didn't want to use their real names and Google+
  5. I use YouTube all the time - its essential. I would never describe it as social media. I can confidently state that nothing positive has ever come my way via personal profiles on Facebook etc - just a whole lot of wasted life.
  6. Mixtec

    Mixtec Fapstronaut

    Well I deleted both Facebook and Instagram...currently it's been 1 week and 5 days being off it. I've had less triggers and less perverse thoughts about women. Although I am feeling withdrawal effects if thats even possible? Like I used to think I had alot of friends until now suddenly nobody messages or calls me except for maybe 1 or 2 people. Isn't it wierd everybody's just a friend online but in real life they don't even remember you? Anyways it feels even more lonely without the constant approval of others online. Strange what our society is becoming.
    LivinginRecovery likes this.
  7. I totally agree - this was also my realisation. I think I came to this conclusion while I was still on Facebook - I didn't see how simply clicking 'like' on something made for a proper human interaction. It was something I wanted to get away from. I too had withdrawal symptoms, but I don't miss it at all now.

    However, I DO have a blank Facebook page, with no friends or photos etc, which enables me to see what bands are up do, look at events, businesses etc. I think Facebook is useful in that sense; but to use a cyber-life as a substitute for a real life? Definitely not.
    FormerFapaholic and Kman20 like this.
  8. Fink93

    Fink93 Fapstronaut

    yes i have quit social media but now i´m wasting my time with other poinless stuff :mad:
  9. MB18333

    MB18333 Fapstronaut

    I'm a FB addict, I don't post a lot but I browse way too much or just chat with people. I'll chat with people until they know not to message me LOL I use like to hang out n bs with friends but I'm out of friends, moved, married or just not friends anymore. W/O FB I'd have no social outlet other than trying to talk to random strangers. I don't flirt and try to avoid fighting, mostly just browse, like-post and sometimes comment. Back before texting was popular I'd call people to chat about stuff n I've always been a good listener. Part of the problem is everyone I know is bogged down with life, debt or drugs and I am not, not that I'm a success just not in debt. My FB friend count is barley over 100 and I don't friend random people or try to have a bunch of filler friends. I've met some people thru FB n started to hang out with them but so many are narcissistic that I've given up on finding any real friends.
    Mixtec likes this.
  10. I think you've summed up the issues very well here. I would guess that you're lot younger than me (most people are, lol), but it's interesting to see that our issues are much the same.
    FormerFapaholic likes this.
  11. notime2waste

    notime2waste Fapstronaut

    Here's my post from another thread like this one

    I didn't necessarily quit because of loneliness but I think its a major contributor to why we're so isolated. If I can just message with you, comment on a pic, like something to show I was there...it becomes a substitute for the real deal of actually hanging out and being with someone. There's a lot of social disorders because of social media.
    Woodchester and FormerFapaholic like this.
  12. Nymeria

    Nymeria Fapstronaut

    I gave up my iPhone and bought a nokia which only lets me text and call and play snake. I got rid of Facebook, twitter, snapchat, instagram, the whole lot. What a life changer. What the hell to do with life now ? well, lets just say shit gets done! I now love reading, doing yoga and generally connecting with life. The problem for me was the same as yourself, i would scroll for hours through social media and comparing my life to other people, this is not good for anyone!

    No hate on it, social media has its uses, especially if you run a business and you want to advertise, connect to people etc. However, for me, someone who has social anxiety, lack of self esteem and confidence, its prevent me from developing as a person. I sought validation and approval off people through social media, became needy and distracted all to often. I you use youtube to watch educational videos now and then.

    I highly recommend getting rid of your smart phone if your serious about it. It helps a lot, and people think your crazy with a Nokia, lol
  13. PasterofMuppets

    PasterofMuppets Fapstronaut

    I have facebook just for stuff like groups about Bass Guitar. It's not really affecting my life.
    Woodchester likes this.
  14. Mixtec

    Mixtec Fapstronaut

    About to enter my 3rd week without social media and this is a brief part of story lol...

    Suddenly after all this "free" time without online distractions...I realized it was the last thing after porn that kept me distracted. I noticed I became really needy emotionally with some of them girls. They were just as petty because they'd hit me up when they needed some random guy to tell them they looked good/pretty/sexy. Without it now I'm like what the heck do I do or talk to? I woke up Sunday morning and decided to attend a church thats down the road from my house. The preacher spoke about being stuck in a place too long that you begin to think that is how the rest of your life is going to be. That's what social media was doing to me. I'd spend most of my time talking to petty females and calling them up but never having any kind of actual relationship with them, ya know what I mean? I was just using them to feel like I was desirable. They was just using me when they just needed somebody to remind them they was still good looking. I never had the courage to actually walk up and spit some game to girl. I was just settling for any kind of affection from a girl. I began to think it was normal. Not good.

    Also today I drove up to visit my sister and apologized for holding a grudge against her for 6 years. I chose to ignore her all those years and she was my ONLY sibling. I spent almost half of my 20s seeking affection and affirmation from petty females while hating my sister. I was such a mess.

    With that being said after 30 days I will probably log back on just because Ive learned my lesson now.
    FormerFapaholic likes this.