Did You Have Any Health Benefits or Withdrawal Effects?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by simplytiredofit, Jul 13, 2014.

  1. simplytiredofit

    simplytiredofit Fapstronaut


    This question is for anyone who has gone more than 10 days without fapping. Did you notice any withdraw effects? Did you notice any beneficial effects from it? Please let me know.

  2. Geyser

    Geyser Fapstronaut

    Where to start Simply,

    Yes there are a multitude of side effects that you may have to endure. And everybody's cocktail of side effects is different. My most noticeable and troublesome are insomnia and nocturnal thrusting, i.e. humping my bed. This combination leaves me worried every night as I go to bed that I will not survive unscathed til morning. I have had others, less severe, that have come and gone like stomach knots, nausea, and my most recent addition to my side effect list precum/semen leakage, just to name a few.

    Yesterday I experienced my first benefit, an increase in energy and confidence. I have read others accounts citing better sleep, less acne, and a more pronounced appearing member,when flaccid, to cite a few examples for you.

    I do not mean to dissuade you, these are just things I have either experienced or read about. Your journey may be vastly different. Do not go looking for problems. Let them come to you. Then you can adjust as necessary.

    I have no doubt that when all is said and done, a life free from PMO and a measurable gain in confidence and abilities, will be well worth the difficulties along the way.

    Stay strong Simply, 4 days is an awesome start.

    Best Wishes,

  3. buncey101

    buncey101 Fapstronaut

    Yes actually, I literally felt energised after only 20days of not fapping and taking cold showers, I had soo much more time during the day and kept myself active during the nights. Fapping takes a lot out of you
  4. Up up and away

    Up up and away Fapstronaut

    I feel like a real man, and I've had sex with 2 women since NoFap. Say no more?
  5. tals

    tals Fapstronaut

    From a females side, ive had bad effects weird body withdrawals. Lethargy, headaches, discharge. Been 15days now having vivid dreams, insomnia, acne(thought i was the only one) increased appetite to name some. Have restless leg syndrome now while i try to sleep aswell. Energy levels are through the roof. Stick in there it will be worth it.
  6. Adjoint

    Adjoint Fapstronaut

    Last edited: Oct 7, 2017
  7. simplytiredofit

    simplytiredofit Fapstronaut

    First thank you all for responding but I have been having crazy bad withdrawal symptoms. I too have have restless led syndrome, headaches, and increased appetite. It's wild. I'm staying strong though. I haven't watched it or anything. It is hard though but these symptoms act as motivators. I want these to go away and thats what keeps me going.
  8. c-l-a-s-h

    c-l-a-s-h Fapstronaut

    My friend. Yes, these symptoms will occur. I like that you think of them as motivators. Good man.

    What helped me was almost exactly that. Think of all these symptoms as your body healing itself. Recovering from being in overdrive/fuck everything (Literally) mode for far too long. You're resetting your chemical levels, everything.

    And as with so many adventurers, embrace these feelings. The journey is what makes the destination worth anything, my friend. It's the struggles you go through that give meaning to it.

    That's what helped me with the symptoms. The head aches, the feelings of sadness, all that. My body was, and still is, healing itself.

    What may help some of you through the urges is the embracing the feeling. Contrary to belief, or what I thought, instead of trying to ignore urges they actually got easier to deal with I focused all my attention on them. It's like the whole your body is healing itself thing. See the urge as your body healing itself. And then focus all your attention on it, being like, "Okay... Mhmmm yeah this is what an urge feels like... Okay. This is my body healing itself. Better not fuck with it and do anything. But yeah, this is what an urge feels like. Okay."

    Basically it's reprogramming your brain. Instead of going down the well ingrained path of, "Urge. Okay, let's jerk off." You're reprogramming your brain to instead choose the path of, "Urge. Okay, body is working. Now get back to work. Knock out fifty push ups, use it as fuel."

    I'm kind of rambling here but I'm being completely serious. These are some major realizations that help me through this PMO urge. Embrace the feeling. Your body is healing itself, these urges are good. Every time you get an urge and resist, you're getting a little bit stronger. You're reprogramming your brain. All good things.

    Hope this helped man.

    Be strong.
  9. Rootbeerdude

    Rootbeerdude Fapstronaut

    I really like what clash and adjoint talk about. A lot of people on here freak out about bad days that they have like if they quit PMO, then life will be perfect. But life already is perfect. Bad days and all. They will always be there, and they make the good times worth living for. My favorite time of year is Spring. Even when it is single digits for weeks on end, and it seems like there is no daylight for months, I just can't wait until the frost melts and the green new life of Spring comes out. It makes all of winter Worth it. Also the snow sports make Winter worth it. Kind of like my bad days, I know it will pass and all be worth it. Also I can do things on bad days like watch a good movie, or read a fiction novel that I might not have time to do if I was feeling better (like snow sports). Haha, done with the metaphor.

    Acne! I haven't heard that yet until this thread. But I totally got bad chest acne after the first week. It was weird, because I've never had chest acne before (I'm 24). It's gone now though. Lasted about a week for me.
  10. dreamedm

    dreamedm Fapstronaut

    Well said, c-l-a-s-h.

    Also, every time I resist an urge I feel stronger. It's one of the greatest feelings in the world - self-control over your impulses.

    To put it simply, the more i go without fapping, the more I feel like a human being - more in touch with myself and the world around me.
  11. Audaz

    Audaz Fapstronaut

    My life was like a calamity.Yeah , i can't say it was all about Fapping.But NoFap helped me out.I can control myself now.I am not a prodigal , extravagant person anymore for example.I can delineate my future.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2014