Any hair growth tips?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Plastic Neuron, May 17, 2017.

  1. Plastic Neuron

    Plastic Neuron Fapstronaut

    21 year old male. I've recently had a spell of hairloss on my right temple, and it's hard to determine exactly what triggered it. Could be either my exam stress this month, the stoppage of finasteride about 2/3 months ago, or the relapse that occurred last month which was prior to starting this reboot streak. Nevertheless I'm taking steps to regrow the lost and thinning hair back by continuing to apply minoxidil and hair oils every night, trying not to be stressed, getting good nights' sleep daily, staying healthy, going back to exercise after these exams, scalp massages, dermaroller once a week, taking finasteride again and sticking to NoFap (I read around that some NoFappers have regrown hair during their long streaks, could be explained by the fact that ejaculation causes a spike in DHT which circulates throughout the scalp). I've noticed this past week that whenever I try to massage the area of hairloss, there's some tingling sensation and sometimes feels like it's burning, especially if you tried to pull a thin hair follicle out (which seems rather easy compared to my left temple). Do any of you fapstronauts have some advice you could give me regarding hair growth?
    Last edited: May 17, 2017
    Lion's Heart likes this.
  2. I've seen people boost hair growth using coconut oil.
    I personally prefer a clean shaved head. All men should have the pleasure of getting rid of all their hair atleast once in their life! :emoji_grin:
    Mo1989 and Lazarus Shuttlesworth like this.
  3. Plastic Neuron

    Plastic Neuron Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the input. I'll try out the coconut oil, but I think I won't go clean shaven just yet as the look doesn't suit me, not at least until I can grow a beard. Stay strong on your NoFap journey
  4. Lion's Heart

    Lion's Heart Fapstronaut

    im suffering from hair loss too,in my scalp, im using garlic oil now,i will try onion juice too, hope it will help, and since i heard from many people that nofap help hair regrowth..i will do my best to leave that stupid addiction,because my hair is very important for my looking..
  5. Plastic Neuron

    Plastic Neuron Fapstronaut

    I know how you feel man, it's just not the same when you start to lose your thick head of hair. Onion juice to try would be a last resort for me a few months down the line if no improvement is made, simply because people have reported a strong smell that's hard to remove (even if you can put up with the smell itself) and that it's perishable I think, so you have to keep on juicing a fresh onion for one or two applications at a time.
    Lion's Heart likes this.
  6. Lion's Heart

    Lion's Heart Fapstronaut

    yes that is true, garlic have bad smell too, but i don't care about the smell because i live alone at the moment,even if im not,i will use it because i think that keeping my hair is more important than people's comfort :p.
    Plastic Neuron likes this.
  7. Testify

    Testify Fapstronaut

    I suggest to never ever take finasteride. I did and im seriously ill. Read my newbie thread for info.
  8. Agent

    Agent Fapstronaut

    Be aware of your genetics first, your granpa from your mother side, your dad etc, could be natural, if not can be due to stress, vitamin deficiencies (recommend you doing a blood test) and rosemary essential oil is pretty good for boosting hair growth, but you have to find a way to apply it not directly to your scalp is not recommended, maybe mixing with coconut oil etc.
  9. Xuarez

    Xuarez Fapstronaut

    Check castor oil (should be used at least 3 months) and zinc.
    Example of using:
    use castor oil once per 2-3 days on your hair for minimum 2-3 hours
    15 mg of zinc daily
  10. Agent

    Agent Fapstronaut

    Gotta be careful castor oil has some other effects depending on the use and hair.
  11. Testify

    Testify Fapstronaut

    I use dermaroller anyway. I repeat you betta not take finasteride, im in big trouble because of that shitty poison.
  12. Testify

    Testify Fapstronaut

    What kind of effects? I read that can be useful to recplour grey hair, anyway.
  13. Agent

    Agent Fapstronaut

    I recommend you getting some recommendation from someone in the area, sometimes we can be doing worse without knowing
  14. Testify

    Testify Fapstronaut

    I usually do not take recommendations, i study and then decide, so no problem. I am cuious to know about side effects from topical castor oil you are aware of.
  15. Xuarez

    Xuarez Fapstronaut

    I use castor oil for few years. I mean not every day but it's periodical - like now, I use castor oil once per 3 days (on hair only) for last 3 weeks, I see no bad effects.
    And, tbh, I've never heard that someone could have any problems because of castor oil. I recommended it to a lot of people and nobody complained.
  16. Probably just gonna shave my head if I ever start balding tbh
  17. Dgibson89

    Dgibson89 Fapstronaut

    I’ve been trying things myself and I’m afraid nothing will come of it, but I’m not going to give up. My wife has been a huge help to me and has made suggestions and done research on things for me as well. She even found me this product on Amazon called Boldify, it helps tremendously until hopefully results start to show for regrowing.
  18. Massage your scalp twice a day. 5 minutes in the morning and 5 at night. Add olive oil to your finger tips a few times a month.
    Use nizoral 2-3 times a week.
    Do all this stuff for as long as possible. You shouldn't be using rogaine so young. You'll be right back to square one in your mid 30s if you go straight to rogain
  19. Muphy

    Muphy Fapstronaut

    Did that during lockdown.

    I noticed that from the time (3 years back) I moved to another city, my hair density has drastically reduced.
    I started reading and found some solutions:

    1) apply onion juice on tuesday and thrusday . massage and leave for overnight
    2) apply coconut oil on sunday night and leave for overnight.
    (make sure to have a separate cloth under your head otherwise you'll ruin your bedsheet)
    3) zinc supplement every alternate day
    4) omega 3 supplement every alternate day

    I am seeing good results.