Dating Girls from FB

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Birthoftension, May 17, 2017.

  1. Since a while i see FB etc more and more critical. Besides the general aspects about it (presenting oneself on the bright side of life... etc pp.) there is the more subjective one: my way to use it went a long with my Porn-career. I did open an extra-account to "check out chicks", and yes it did work. But honestly it feels pathetic spending HOURS searching girls by randomly adding them, then blabla-ing in the chat four weeks, months, yes even years to maybe, maybe one day making it into their panties :p yes it did happen...but honestly only once it did really feel good, the rest of the experiences i did make have been forgettable. So right now, im thinking about closing that second account, as i did stop watching and masturbating on Porn. But exactly right now this super hot chick anounced she`ll be tomorrow in the city i live: only tomorrow!!!!! I feel trapped, tempated....honestly in a way i have simply enough of all of this, i wasnt simply a porn-addict, but a lady-killer too, im not baosting when i say i was successfull...but there is an emptyness in this success and its just not as one thinks it is, as long as one doesnt experienced it....It all lead to nothing. What remained is all in all a couple of not-so-bad-moments that havent been worth all the time i desperatley was "on the hunt" (in the net and outside of it).

    How would you guys deal with it? Thanks a lot for answers and sorry for my english ;-)
    Atlanticus likes this.
  2. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    Well you need to make the decision. If you want to have "nothing" again go for it. May be you will have a not-so-bad-moment along the way.

    Not meaning to sound rude here. If you were a desperate virgin, I might offer you a different advice.

    I haven't had sex in 3 years and I am not planning to have any outside of a serious relationship. And I'm still living, obviously. My experience is that casual sex is traumatic. Not because it's "bad", but because of the emptiness you describe.
    Mixtec likes this.
  3. No you dont sound rude, i actually think your right, the thing is, i dont know what to do right now: searching an excuse for not showing up tomorrow feels lame. Going there to play the same game as often as well not. Having a coffe and then leave? a compromise? The ironic point is that i was just about changing my life and now this temptation shows up....

    Casual Sex is problematic because it doesnt happen between objects but people that act as if we`re objects. So they begin to complain about it - and if you look about what they complain its quite telling: That the other doesnt "function". That they demand more (love, etc) or that they didnt do certain things in the bed etc. At the same time those who complain often realize "hey i want as well more". Its like with those guys going to prostitutes and falling in love. They expected fast mechanical intercourse, but something inside of them wants more. Guys are often like that: they suppress their feelings etc. but finally you cant run away from them.
    Atlanticus and Headspace like this.
  4. It feels like sex is everywhere; like the mind is blockaded by girls and women....
  5. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    Very insightful post. I like what you say about people acting like objects.

    May be, why not? :)
    Depending on what she wants from you, she might end up being pissed a little, but it still might be the best for both of you.
  6. Atlanticus

    Atlanticus Moderator Assistant
    NoFap Defender

    Torn between No-PMO and good memories with FBs -- like the girl you describe who is in town tomorrow -- I've taken to contacting them, personal, non-sexual conversation, saying that I've stopped playing around, wishing them all the best and bidding them adieu! I've only done it twice now, but I did feel good about it... from about 1 minute after the call! Good luck!