My story + recording of my voice every 5 day

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Pafo, Jan 27, 2017.

  1. Pafo

    Pafo Fapstronaut

    Enjoy the flatline, when it comes.I noticed for me when i still had some visual stimulation (pictures) i wasn't exactly in flatline, but when i realized they are no good for me i stopped and after a day, i entered flatline, meaning you will enter in flatline when you no longer stimulate your brain , at least this is what i think is the reason.Suffer now, and enjoy the benefits later.Stay strong and motivated!
  2. Pafo

    Pafo Fapstronaut

    Hello guys, it's been a while since I've been here.I have a little update for you.Since the day i relapsed (60) and wrote this i have been trying again and again to make a streak, but i failed over and over.Almost 5 months I've been trying and now i think i will going to make it.I understood more and more about myself and where things get wrong and now i have more knowledge, which will hopefully help me to abstain from porn.I will again record my voice(actually i just did) and i want to see the results for 90+ days.I want to show you even i posted this successful story, you can still fail later and most importantly rebuild yourself and do it again.Hopefully, after several months i will able to post again some of the knowledge i've gained from this experiance, to help you more and more. :)
  3. silenteagle

    silenteagle Fapstronaut

    Hey there!Great job!I realise it takes a lot more than willpower to drive change.
  4. Pafo

    Pafo Fapstronaut

    Yeah, that's the thing, you always learn more about yourself and that addiction.So until you know what's happening, why is happening and how to prevent it, you can't fully recover.
  5. Pafo

    Pafo Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the nice words, i hope after a while i can share more with you :)
  6. ethan.s

    ethan.s Fapstronaut

    Jesus man, this was a terribly inspiring story, thanks a lot for sharing it. I've been having so many urges lately that are hard to fight, but reading this really makes me want to just beat this thing.

    I particularly like your "tough love" style. You're right, real men do more and talk less. Props to you and your success buddy, and more success to you in the future.
  7. w95chris

    w95chris Fapstronaut

    Well...this is the most inspiring post i have read on NoFap since the day i created my account and helps a lot.

    During the course of your journey you start to see things from a different prospective and to act differently.The only thing i regret about no PMO is not finding out about it sooner but as they say better late than never. @Pafo i also hope to hear more from you during your journey but not on day 60 again i expect to hear from you at the end of your journey so keep up the good work and stay away from PMO.
  8. A41:14A

    A41:14A Fapstronaut

    Great work bud, very insightful and inspiring. Cheers hey!
  9. Pafo

    Pafo Fapstronaut

    I know how are you feeling.After my relapse in january, i felt just like i felt before i even start my long streak.I have managed to do a 10 day streak and then i relapsed.Basically, the same story over and over again, it is hard to reset your counter every time to day 1,day 1,day 1.I realized when i was doing my streak, i felt motivated to record my voice, i was anticipating it, it helped me.Okay, that's one thing i can do.Also, i realized that reading articles and also participating in one keeps you on the right track and of course many more things that i will share probably later.I am thinking of weekly updates or something,to keep me motivated and if there is someone like you interested in my progress.Wishing you all the best :)
    ethan.s likes this.
  10. Pafo

    Pafo Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for your warm words.I also feel like you about not finding it sooner, because i really didn't like my personality is school and would have changed a lot of things.However, we can only focus on the future and feeling regret or anger about past events, will only hurt us.I am very happy to see a lot of interest from you people, because now, i don't want to disappoint you.When a man says something, he must do it, right? :)
  11. Pafo

    Pafo Fapstronaut

    Thank you i hope i can inspire you more and help you with your journey.Wishing you all the best :)
  12. Pafo

    Pafo Fapstronaut

    I have decided that i will do weekly updates and upload the voice recordings,i will tell you when there are in soundcloud. Now, i am in my 6 day and i couldn't wait for day 7 and wanted to share my experience so far.I used 2 techniques that i am sure you have never heard of.I made them myself.
    1. Did you know that sun exposure stimulates production of testosterone?Probably.But did you know when you expose your balls to the sun, it can increase testosterone, by up to 200%.Probably not.So this might by hard to do, because you can't just pull your pants off and expose your dick to the sun.I have been lucky enough,that my apartment i have rented, the sun goes directly to my bed and of course nobody, but me will enter the room, so here it is boom.If you have the chance, do it.Why that helped me?Well,usually you are PMO you feel like a little bitch, so testosterone is always welcomed, even though after weeks and months, my body will absorb more testosterone(androgen receptors) so it will only benefit me in the future.
    2.Now the second technique i am actually pretty fucking proud to come up with thing like that.Be naked.Wait wut?Yup, be naked.You might be wondering how the fuck being naked will help me to abstain.Well, you know how your brain gets used to doing some things and then expects something. For example, going to a porn site, your brain knows that porn will come.I have read stories that men get erections, from strange things, because of something they have done with their girlfriend or even fantasizing about someone might give you erections.My point here is your brain associate an action with something(something will happen and get's ready).Now why staying naked help me a lot.Well do you do before fapping?Grab your dick from your pants and be ready for action.The moment you grab, BOY YOU KNOW IT'S ABOUT TO GO OFF, you get horny, excited and you are ready for action.This is a habit of our brain and when you grab that dick, it expects from you to fap. When you are naked, there are no pants.The feeling that you put your hand under your pants, underwear is gone. You are sitting butt naked , there is no excitement.Also, i found that sitting naked actually helps your confidence a little, because let's be honest, unless you go to the shower, when do you stay naked. You actually accept your body and when it's time for sex, you will confident to the helicopter dick and not feel ashamed.
    2.5 Also sleep naked, super beneficial, google it for more info, not going to list everything.

    So that's all for now, I am doing pretty good and being active here is helping me.That's the knowledge i can share right now i hope it helps you. :)
  13. PUNK

    PUNK Fapstronaut

    ufff..that was a strugle man cograts for your sucess....i m on my day 8 ....of nofap ..i have done so many times but i failed to continue my streak , my longest streak was of 15 days..and i wwas feeling great at that time,,,,i was confused that is nofap helpful or not ,i have read so many articles and stories about NoFap ,,,,now i m sure that NoFap is helpful and i m going through it
  14. Pafo

    Pafo Fapstronaut

    I know how you feel, the truth is every time you fail you learn something and you do it over and over again until you enough in order to make a big streak.Keep going it's worth it.
  15. Toni7

    Toni7 Fapstronaut

    Did your face change?
  16. PUNK

    PUNK Fapstronaut

    mine changed on day7, there is a glow in face
  17. Toni7

    Toni7 Fapstronaut

    In 7 days your face looked more refreshed?
  18. PUNK

    PUNK Fapstronaut

    yah face is freshed,.. i usually do dumbles and push ups daily and masturbate too daily and next morning i feel pain in my hands and after NoFap there is no such pain and i woke up with full of energy ...
    Toni7 likes this.
  19. Pafo

    Pafo Fapstronaut

    Yeah, my face changed.The fat was gone(even though i am muscular), my eyes got brighter with huge limbal rings, i had more rested manly look and yeah, definitely a change.
    Toni7 likes this.
  20. TheBest69

    TheBest69 New Fapstronaut

    Hi, your hair changed? Amazing thread. Thank You!