Making effective study plans.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Protagonist, May 3, 2017.

  1. Protagonist

    Protagonist Fapstronaut

    I want some help from you guys. Well, I have trouble studying nowadays, I guess it's because of lack of motivation. Whenever i sit down to study, my mind wander offs to other things rather the subject in hand.
    Also, i procrastinate a lot.
    So, can you tell how do i make a plan or some sort of schedule for studying that would be effective. It would be great if you give some sample plans as examples.
  2. Calculas

    Calculas Guest

    Nope. Plans dont work here. Trust me it comes from within m8!
  3. sparkywantsnoPMO

    sparkywantsnoPMO NoFap Moderator & Yeoman

    For dedicated studying, try 25 min study, 5 min break.

    Also, put groups of notes on just a couple notecards that you can take with you. When you are waiting in line for something, use the opportunity to review the cards. Quick 5 min bursts
    JamesD, Protagonist and unknown_ like this.
  4. unknown_

    unknown_ Fapstronaut

    Can you give me more details about how you waste time and the subject of your studying so I can be of more help?
  5. HappyDaysAreHereAgain

    HappyDaysAreHereAgain Fapstronaut

    What motivates you? Finish studying before you open any apps, listen to music, play video games, . . . Reward yourself for doing a good job of studying.
    Break up studying: 30 minute chunks with short breaks: drink water, stretch, make blood circulate (10 pushups, or . . .)
    Form study group for difficult courses. You will learn better when you have to help somebody else, and sometimes you need help.
    Some people are very active, but they can still learn. I knew a kid that finally learned his ABC's in 4th grade. Somebody taped them up in a long hallway, and he had to run from A to B to C. . . He learned them in just a couple of days running and went on to learn to read. I doubt that you are that extreme, but it may help you to sit on an exercise ball, use a standing desk, or listen to tapes while you jog or bicycle.
    We all organize in different ways. You need to find your own system. I used folders, notebooks, and piles to keep my notes and papers together, but I was never as organized as my sister. At work, I remember a meeting when we needed a hard copy of a paper from a few months earlier. I had a coworker who was totally organized. We both ran back to our desks, and I came back with the paper; he couldn't find his copy. I just went down my stack of fairly important papers to a depth of a few months ago, and there it was. What is important is knowing your system that works for you and using it. If you put it where you can't find it, you might as well have thrown it away. Textbooks and some teachers help, but you have to become responsible for your own materials.
  6. Protagonist

    Protagonist Fapstronaut

    I always waste my time by watching TV around 3-4 hours, and whenever I sit to study, I just lie down on my bed and I start thinking about bullshit. And when I really begin studying, i lie down again after some time.
  7. unknown_

    unknown_ Fapstronaut

    Well, first of all, you need to know that this is all you, and there's no 'magic' solution that will make you study; however, there are some tips that will help. For one, when you lie down, just think about your grades, this is your future you're talking about here and it shouldn't be taken lightly. Then when you shouldn't worry of all the stuff you have. If you set a schedule for yourself and try to finish everything in the same day, or at least continue the next day, finishing the stuff of it and the day before. It has been really helpful to wake up early in the morning, go to the bathroom and directly to studying. The first period in the morning is the one you're most awake and vigilant in, so you're bound to make it the main. Also, try to download an app called 'Focus', it's an all where you grow trees by staying focused and not using your phone. Try to take it in bursts: 25 min studying, 5 min TV, 25 min studying, 5 min checking your phone and so on. If you feel there's a deadline, you will hurry up, so set a goal for the day and feel like the whole world depends on it. The part that made me think you can do it is that you knew there was a problem and want to work towards fixing it. If you set goals, take it in bursts and expect yourself to get the best grades, you'll have motive to continue studying. If the subject you're studying is something you love, then that's gonna be easy; but if it's not, like I have with my chemistry exam today, then you just say you have to finish it and get it over with. It's more of a challenge to do something you hate than something you love, and you'll be even more proud of yourself after you reach the top there! If you're still reading xD, I wish you the best of luck and really, your future depends on this so you must not screw it up!
    Second_chance and Protagonist like this.
  8. Dude don't worry. I used to spend more than that. Id go to my room, hide a comic in my book and pretend I was studying. If I got the chance to close my door, Id get online on my phone and just lie there. Every single day. I didn't start studying for my Boards till like 5 days before the exam.

    When I was in Uni was the first time I actually learned to study.
    You procrastinate a lot like me. So do short stretches of studying, like max 5 or 10 mins or till 1 topic gets done. Then go walk around for like 5 minutes. Then take another 2 or 3 minutes to see if you can remember anything(concepts or methods/derivations)
    When you sit for those 5-10 mins, have book and write down points that you think are important or could be questions that can show up in exams. You will feel yourself getting into a zone, that's when you start reducing your breaks and increasing the time you sit. You'll understand what I mean if you try it.

    Another method that my teacher used to tell me during PTA meetings were, Keep everything away from you, no phone, no water bottle, no food, nothing. Face a wall and have your textbook and a note book. Derivation do 5 times. First 2 times by copying, 3rd time without and by 5th you should have it. If you cant get it by 5th, do it a 6th and 7th and so on.
    (I'm assuming you're in 10th)
    Protagonist likes this.
  9. Protagonist

    Protagonist Fapstronaut

  10. Protagonist

    Protagonist Fapstronaut

    Well, thanks. And I do love physics and chemistry a lot but I still get bored.
  11. Protagonist

    Protagonist Fapstronaut

    I guess, motivational videos.
  12. I have a really good study regime that allows me to get a high amount of work accomplished with minimal stress. The two main rules I have for myself are:
    1) Do all study at uni
    2) Do all study immediately

    I refuse to do any study at home or on the weekends - I have other things to do! I go to uni every Mon to Fri at 9am, regardless of whether I have lectures that day or not. I spend this time chipping away at assignments, which I start the day I get them, or the day my last assignment finishes. Basically, I'm always working on one or a couple of assignments.

    Most of my lectures finish at 3. Then I normally stay till at least 4, but sometimes I stay till 6 or 7 latest. It's a discipline but then I leave feeling accomplished and totally relaxed when I get home! There's none of that procrastination guilt and stress that can taint your free time. I know I deserve my free time, so I feel good about it!

    Good luck with training yourself to be disciplined with study :)
    Protagonist likes this.
  13. Protagonist

    Protagonist Fapstronaut

    Also, I get urges while I am studying and many times it leads to a relapse. I just relapsed while I was studying.
  14. Maths Computer? Or Bio Maths? :p
  15. Protagonist

    Protagonist Fapstronaut

    Computer science.
    But because I love it.
  16. Good choice, very good choice.:emoji_right_facing_fist:
    I never passed my 11th physics, chemistry or computer science.
    Topped C++ in 12th and now I'm a CS graduate from one of the top universities here :emoji_sweat_smile:
    Don't stress, Id actually advice you to focus more on your PMO addiction:emoji_grin:
    You're in a system that's going to put a lot of pressure on you academically. Don't let it get to you.
    HappyDaysAreHereAgain likes this.
  17. HappyDaysAreHereAgain

    HappyDaysAreHereAgain Fapstronaut

    I would suggest that you avoid studying alone in your bedroom. Removing the option of PMO will be difficult, especially at first, but it will give good results. You are not at your sharpest after a quick relapse! Post PMO brain fog does not help you learn. Doing drugs, getting drunk, or playing video games, would also be easy escapes from studying that you hopefully do not take. Consider PMO another bad option and choose/design your study time and place to help you stay on task.
  18. Someone else said:- do all study at university/college. I think that is a great idea - you cannot go and lie on your bed! :rolleyes:

    Start studying straight away. If you do this, you will even enjoy your free time more. Atm, study hangs like a black cloud.