Celibacy and NOFAP

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by aberration, Apr 26, 2017.

  1. aberration

    aberration Fapstronaut

    I am considering celibacy/avoiding relationships (not for religious or medical reasons) and was wondering if anyone on this forum was celibate and if they could describe the trials and difficulties of being celibate while also avoiding PMO and MO? Also how do you keep motivation for avoiding PMO? Since most people on this forum are often motivated by the prospects of being in a relationship or curing their pied (which I dont have), if you are like me and are are looking to avoid relationships it seems difficult to have consistent motivation to keep away from PMO and MO.
  2. I am celibate. For me it's not difficult, because of flatline. I can't really give any difficulties cause I have no attraction for anyone or anything at the moment. My motivation is that I want to be pure after dirtying myself due to PMO. Sorry if I couldn't help.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2017
    Marcel0404 likes this.
  3. diddykong

    diddykong Fapstronaut

    I'm celibate. It's actually really easy for me because I have no interest in relationships or sex (never have had really). What I don't find easy is the societal expectation that you should be in a relationship or looking for one. I am religious though and I do think that it brings me closer to God, which is my main motivator not to PMO.
    Marcel0404 and Deleted Account like this.
  4. Yeah me too. I'm celibate and it's really easy and it makes life less stressful and I agree that it's not easy for society to expect people to be in a relationship or have sex, just because they find it taboo. I think that celibacy is great and it does bring you closer to God. I don't like sex either.
    Marcel0404 likes this.
  5. aberration

    aberration Fapstronaut

    Interesting, but how do you deal with sexual desires and/or a high libido? I know you mention flatline but isn't that temporary and most people come out of it after a few weeks? Also when do you experience flatline, even after 2 weeks of hard mode (my longest streak) I still did not get flatline (which I was kind of hoping for)? Also you might not be attracted to any person in specific but you still must encounter sexualized media in modern society (i.e. tv, internet, etc.), does that have no effect on you anymore?
  6. I have no libido and this has been going on months now. Sexualized media doesn't affect me. I'm so free. Having no libido is awesome.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2017
  7. aberration

    aberration Fapstronaut

    dang lucky, I wish I had no libido, or at least total control to turn it on and off :emoji_sob:
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2017
  8. You can control by focusing on other non sexual activities such as sports.
  9. Long time ago I was living in an ashram for 1 year and it was a non-sex-lifestyle. I like to compare it with the question how to make a wooden stick smaller without breaking it. Sure - we have our sexual desires and I think there is nothing wrong with it as far as you are not addicted. To many people these urges and desires are too strong to control. This is the wooden stick I mentioned. How to make it smaller? Lay a much larger stick next to it. And to me this larger stick which had much more attraction to me than any sexual activity was the journey within. It was not some religious belief but some intense inner feeling of love and joy inside. "The kingdom of heaven is inside." I didn't had to fight or struggle- I just enjoyed being alive and feeling my heart.

    These ashrams were closed because they didn't fit in Western society. I appreciate having the choice which priorities I give things in my life. Sex is not my No. 1 - it's life itself and the true happiness waiting for me. Maybe sex is my No. 3 or 4 or 5 - I don't know and I don't care.
  10. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    Another celibate here. With a more controlled libido, I find I appreciate the attractiveness of the whole female form... as opposed to a single body part.:rolleyes:
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    This reminds me of the 'fasces' which the consulates of Rome held in hand to symbolize their power. It is a bundle of sticks symbolizing a people with discipline. Combined they have the strength to do amazing things. Apply that to psychology - when you harness and combine all your energies, you become super-resilient. Plato is the go to psychologist/ philosopher for this.

    Last edited: Apr 27, 2017
  12. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    If you want to be celibate I assume you don't enjoy sex? I would assume you don't enjoy masturbation either. Or even if you don't find the actual act of masturbation unpleasant that the cons out weight the pros. That how horrible you feel after brain fog, guilt, the destructive behavior it might lead to are motivations not to do it.

    This whole nofap thing is not revolutionary. When I was young I saw really bad effects from masturbation happen to my friends and porn jack off junkies were around before the internet they used to go to wack off booths and theaters and had more soulless looks in their eyes than a drug junkie. The sex drive is powerful and it can warp your mind and ruin your life and cause you all kinds of suffering. It can eat you up and take away your joy of everything and leave you a soulless junkie chasing dragons.
    Estus likes this.
  13. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    I've been celibate for a little over a year now & I will say at times it's hard but other time's I don't care for females much . It all depends on the day,week... or month for that matter .
  14. I misread that at first, I thought you said:

    This reminds me of the faeces which the consulates of Rome held in hand to symbolize their power!

  15. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    Sacrilege! ha ha
  16. aberration

    aberration Fapstronaut

    Well I dont exactly know if I enjoy sex or not as I am a virgin (not something I would admit elsewhere), I only know that I enjoy masturbation (which is different of course). I am not interested in dealing with all the drama and annoyances of being in a relationship with women (but I am not gay trust me I know) and I also dislike the whole hook up and tinder culture most young people are into, so in my case having high libido and sexual desires is a weakness. Contrary to many people on this forum I actually enjoy masturbation to an extent (obviously not including binge streaks), however I am trying NOFAP and trying to avoid PMO to rid my self of a porn-induced fetish. In the end I hope to rid my self of the need to PMO or even MO.

    Yeah I have also seen many guys do crazy impulsive things and make stupid decisions while they are sexually aroused and are in pursuit of females. What shocks me even more is the number of medical professionals and psychiatrists who say there is nothing wrong with and even advocate masturbation multiple times per day, they dont consider it an addiction at all, hopefully this will change going forward.
  17. Jonny123

    Jonny123 Fapstronaut

    I was celibate for just under a year and am trying to get up on that horse again. Although married and happy we have drifted away from sex ( she is not really keen) .. For me celibacy means no sex, including no masturbation whatsoever. I think it is good that you want to rid yourself of PMO. If you do not want a sexual relationship, I believe you should not masturbate either.
  18. I agree.
  19. The Errol

    The Errol Fapstronaut

    I'm celibate by beliefs. I don't feel bad about it. I'm just having a normal life with friends, and I have a GF right now, but I share with her my reasons to don't fuck. If she left me by that reason, then she wasn't meant actually a very good mate at all.

    Celibacy isn't need to be a self-destructive behavior. Just focus your attention in other things. Self-defense can improve and enhance your self confidence and can found a reason to stand up for somethign bigger. If you don't want ot have sex, then avoid everything that you could know that triggers your urge. Just focus in selfness.
  20. SheMonk

    SheMonk Fapstronaut

    I'm abstinent on 1 year and 9 months. I don't have a super active libido these days, and I don't care for sex with people I am not emotionally connected with.

    It was hard going abstinent at first, but only due to other people's reactions. Scorn, pity, misunderstandings, jokes, ignorance, you name it.

    But the act itself was the most liberating thing I've ever done, and the journey has been amazing. My 'deadline' was 1 year, but as you can see, I'm still going strong and I'm not about to change that any time soon. It gives me peace of mind and lots of time to focus on things I like doing, rather than chasing men and relationships I don't care for in the first place. :)
    I can now focus on men as whole individuals, rather than them being dicks with legs who are unable to offer me anything else than undesired sexual attention/tension.