Whats the purpose of NoFap or Nopmo?!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by gogibasket, Apr 18, 2017.

  1. gogibasket

    gogibasket Fapstronaut

    Even if Im here on this forum for nearly a year Im wondering what's the purpose of NoFap or Nopmo?! My biggest streaks was 54 and 75 days but I was always back to PMO again... I read so many stories and watched so many videos and I know this is real addiction, but what about being on porn every couple days, then weeks instead every day... Don't know. When I PMOing I feel OK, if not there is anxiety, depression, lethargy, anger, mood swings. Sometimes I doubt in this process, cause it's unnatural to stop that natural force or cravings?! PMO will increased anxiety and anger or solve it,like other emotions that we covered with PMOing to feel good... I really would like some support and answers guys...
    Smartboyj and sparkywantsnoPMO like this.
  2. sparkywantsnoPMO

    sparkywantsnoPMO NoFap Moderator & Yeoman

    Some may say this is disputed research. Those of us who are No PMO would cover ranges such as:

    -People who have significant others who feel betrayed by P or M
    -People who have issues such as Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction (PIED)
    -People who are spending numerous hours every day with PMO
    -People who are using PMO in inappropriate places, i.e. work, public places, etc.
    -People who are more interested in P than in real people or sexual experiences.
    -People who believe that P has contributed to objectification and control of their SOs.
  3. PMO is not a source of health in your life. It is harmful to you, your mind, your relationships with others, your vitality, your spiritual health. It is like a poison which you have gradually made yourself accustomed to, so that when you're without it, your body is upset and wants its fix again.

    It is not unnatural to resist cravings, if you have accustomed yourself to craving something harmful. Yes, human beings have a natural sexual drive but we should not be slaves to it. We need to strengthen our hearts and minds so that we are the master of our impulses - we control them, not they us. Self control means thinking rationally and, with inner strength, choosing what's best for our progress, not just giving in to base desires.

    Being without Pmo isn't what's causing anxiety or lethargy. Part of it is the reboot - weaning yourself off a poison you're addicted to. But the other part is your life, your progress into the best version of yourself. True health of mind, body, soul. Don't use a quick fix of pmo to numb yourself from opportunities to improve.

    Good luck, buddy :)
    sparkywantsnoPMO and gogibasket like this.
  4. gogibasket

    gogibasket Fapstronaut

    Thanks for great answer @Sweet ... What a great post!
  5. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    The purpose of PMO is to eventually break free of the addiction. The above bolded shows progress on your part. But the danger of continued use, even if diminished use, is regress. This always threatens with porn - before you know it, you may find yourself using daily again. You want to continue your progress to the point that you stop using altogether.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2017
    gogibasket likes this.
  6. Health is key

    Health is key Fapstronaut

    The impact on sexual health is undisputed. I have pied and basically want to blow My brains out because of it. Each time you watch porn you will impact your arousal levels. Avoiding it and being abstinent will mean sex omf get boring when you are in a relationship.
    gogibasket likes this.
  7. Health is key

    Health is key Fapstronaut

    Sex won't get boring*
    gogibasket likes this.
  8. Smartboyj

    Smartboyj Fapstronaut


    Hey man … You seem to be in agreement that it is an addiction, which it is.

    It is such a hidden toxic addiction that robs us of being truly happy people

    But if you think about a different addiction, if you knew someone was a alcoholic. They cannot drink at all , if they told you that they have a bottle of whiskey ever few weeks or the odd beer you don’t have to be a therapist to know they are heading for disaster.

    We need to get to a point where P is just not an option in our life’s , no matter how shitty , low , lonely we feel we can just not turn to it. And its fucking hard!!

    Look man I have still not got there myself but that’s just what I think.

    I think where I have messed up in the past is that when you take PMO from your life it leaves a hole in your life , all those hours you would have spent in front of a screen. And we need to fill that with real life and that’s the real life we avoided with P.

    IN past when you went on long streaks to you get out for exercise , join a club , a new past time anything that brings you joy and in the company of other human beings. Otherwise we quit P and then have hours of time alone which is a horrible place to be and will eventually lead us back to P.

    Anyway just my thoughts, I hope you are in a good place, keep fighting and moving forward.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2017
    gogibasket and sparkywantsnoPMO like this.
  9. You have my empathy for your struggle with this brutal addiction. Your first point is: "what about being on porn every couple days, then weeks instead every day... Don't know." In other words, is there any benefit on gradually reducing the times you masturbate. The answer is yes. However, if that is the start of your strategy to recovery, it is going to take a long, long, time. To put it another way, it will extend the agony. Of course, I would not recommend that for you buddy.

    "When I PMOing I feel OK." That is understandable because you are giving your body what it craves. But is it advisable to remain addicted? No, because what is at stake is not simply how you feel. You also want to have a healthy sex life. That is not possible with a damaged dick i.e. porn-induced erectile dysfunction. You may think you feel better in the short term, but you will not in the long term, i.e. the rest of your life you will remain impotent an and not enjoy sex. :(

    "Sometimes I doubt in this process, cause it's unnatural to stop that natural force or cravings?!" You have a good point. However, remember that a year or so of suppression (approx.) is relatively short to the years of abuse you have inflicted on your body! :eek: What you did for years and years and year was unnatural! This is also unnatural, but will lead to your recovery. That will mean, not only an freedom from your addiction, but the chance of a health, natural sex life.

    "I really would like some support and answers guys." I am happy to encourage you and support you through this dark period @gogibasket. I would also direct you to your own encouraging and supportive words when you joined NoFap. :rolleyes:
    Smartboyj, gogibasket and SnowWhite like this.
  10. NoFap is for quitting the PMO addiction. Now, whether you do it or not is up to you, whether it fits into your moral values is up to you. For the majority of people here, PMO is a problem in their life, affecting their confidence, self-esteem, social life, possibly even physical health. Keep in mind, 90 days is the average amount of time for the average Fapstronaut to quit their addiction, but there's still a high likelihood of them falling back into the addiction. Realistically, you'll want to look at NoFap as a lifestyle, and keep doing it because of your goals and reasons. Even after 192 days, countless 30-day streaks and 3 years of experience, I'm still here. It will take time, because the addiction didn't come overnight.
    gogibasket likes this.
  11. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    The idea is to really cure your anxiety & depression, instead of only fapping them away. You are using PMO like a drug.

    The way is to take your life into your hand.
    Don't wait for luck - rather, make your luck.
    Self-responsibility, self-discipline and self-autonomy are the keywords.
    gogibasket likes this.
  12. This is true @Kallosthenos, because taking up the NoFap challenge has to become integrated as part of our lifestyle. Thank you for your experience-based comment - most valuable buddy! :cool:
    SnowWhite likes this.
  13. FormerFapaholic

    FormerFapaholic Fapstronaut

    Initially, NoFap was done for physical reasons when I realised I suffered from ED, and started to suffer from PIED from too much PMO. I decided that this couldn't go on much longer. So I put to an abrupt end to it.

    Make no mistake, it was very hard at first. But overtime, I'm starting to see and feel the benefits of doing NoFap. The changes I'm seeing and experiencing from doing NoFap is not just for helping me downstairs. There are also mental and emotional improvements as well as physical ones. I have a much clearer mindset, more time, more energy, and motivation to do things.

    I have learnt the hard way that porn is evil. Life is so much better without it. NoFap is not a temporary thing, it has become a lifestyle choice that I've made as well.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2017
  14. Calculas

    Calculas Guest

    Do whatever you like.
  15. gogibasket

    gogibasket Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your support my dear friend @IGY!!! U gave me great answers here...I need to reinforce my strength and make good strategy for new beginning! Thanks
  16. gogibasket

    gogibasket Fapstronaut

    Thanks @SnowWhite
  17. FormerFapaholic

    FormerFapaholic Fapstronaut

    PMO is very much an addiction. Like smoking and drugs. NoFap for me is similiar to when I was quitting smoking. Very hard at first, but gets easier as the mind, body and soul adapts to the changes by kicking these bad habits.
    gogibasket likes this.
  18. gogibasket

    gogibasket Fapstronaut

    So true
    FormerFapaholic likes this.
  19. Happy Man

    Happy Man Fapstronaut

    The purpose is life changing
    FormerFapaholic likes this.
  20. gogibasket

    gogibasket Fapstronaut
