Why the weaning method doesnt work to quite fapping?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Sakhi, Apr 14, 2017.

  1. Sakhi

    Sakhi Fapstronaut

    Its been two months That Im struggling to quite masturbation. Although the weaning method helped me but not much.. at first I was fapping 6 or mor times a week. But recently I have fapped 2 or 3 times a week. The problem is that the weanning method doesnt work well for me because once I jerk off my body urges me to do more.. that is why mabye It will increase again.. what you people suggest. .what if I try cold turkey method. .. cause Im really tired of struggling. ..
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  2. Gradual method is good for building new habits, but I think it awful for braking them down. Because your body will urge you to do more, that is natural response. You are teasing your body and mind. Once it starts to forget about addiction you remind it about it once again, not letting it to fully forget and reboot. Think of it like trying to heal a scar. At first at itches. But if you scratch it all the time you just tear it open again and again, preventing it from healing faster and prolonging the itching period. The fastest way how to heal a scar is to just leave it alone without constantly picking it. Your mind works the same way. By repeating unwanted behavior that you are trying to get rid of you are just exercising the same neuro-pathways in the brain, preventing them from fading away and rewiring your brain. So yes, you should go cold turkey. That is the best method for quitting addictions and getting rid of negative habits.
  3. no, quit changing. just do it. that is your mind tricking you. if u go cold turkey, you will still fail. your doing great. just don't let the failing days let you down. it takes time and patents with your self. not rigid control
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  4. if you start trying diferent ways to stop. that will be a new addiction, you will be addicted to finding the "right way".
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  5. He will probably still fail and relapse. But at least he will go for longer streaks, because he will stop giving in intentionally. Hence he will be feeding his addiction less.
    HopefulChristian likes this.
    A person you have EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENT to and who is willing to sext you.
    Sext like usual BUT include resistance and loving gestures.
    For example, for me I'm not into fingering. So if my sexting partner says that is what he'd do to me, I'd respond: "I don't actually like fingering, try again." Or, "I'm (an emotion) because..." Because I did (don't sext anymore, just tease) this with my boyfriend, we'd include things like "I kiss you and say I love you." Then after we finish (come), we end the scenario with "I hold you/cuddle." But maybe cuddling is not your thing? So, I don't know, "We go back to binge watch whatever TV show." lol.
    p.s. this also helps eliminate homosexual thoughts. But you need to be sexting the appropriate gender then. Hope this helps!
  7. Sexting is a form of pornography. I hope you know this. Mild form of porn, but still porn. Just saying.
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  8. Not the way I do it. But it takes a couple tries. Look I'm not here to convince you. If you don't want to sext, then don't. As a person of faith I highly suggest you don't. My boyfriend is strong enough in his faith now that he understands why we don't need to. I look forward to sex in marriage. But the post in question was about weaning. Cold turkey can work but it's very very hard. This is a secular site so my answer remains the same. Have a nice day.
  9. Not sure how could you possibly do it that would make it anything but a porn. But hey, you do you.
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  10. Always. It's a p-sub.
  11. No.
  12. hiddentaurus

    hiddentaurus Fapstronaut

    No offense because I know you want to help but this advice isn't even remotely helpful to most people struggling with this problem. I say that because your post assumes quite a lot and addresses literal none of the assumptions. Even when we break those assumptions down to a granular level, at each step there is a potentially huge hole in your strategy. I'll explain:

    1. You assume everyone reading your tip is in a position to just pick up a phone and sext willy nilly. What about those of us who are single?

    2. Some people like dealing with their problems in private. You don't know how a person's partner or family or friends might react. Ideally the ppl in our lives should be supportive and we can make the argument that an unsupportive partner may not be the right one for a person, however attraction is non-negotiable even in cases where it could mean supporting a partner. In other words if a man suggests to his wife they should sext all of a sudden because he needs it to break a porn addiction, its easy to see a person on the receiving end wanting to help but unable to gain true arousal from the activity considering the root cause not being all that hot. But because of pressure amd love for their partner they might acquiesce, attempt sexting and things end up awkward because they aren't fully into it. This could lead to lying and discomfort on behalf of the supportive partner or them being honest and feeling guilty since they know what abstinence from the sexting strategy will mean for the struggling partner. (SN: Telling someone flatly to "Try Again" instead of just lightly steering the convo into something you are into midway through a sext exchange when they say something you might not be into seems like building a brick wall on the road to attraction but to each their own. It's your sex life so you do you.)

    3. For men with pmo problems I can guarantee you that texting a partner (should they have one) about cuddling and kissing ain't doing anything to assist his addiction. Men and women are not wired exactly the same when it comes to attraction. Furthermore, the whole crux of porn addiction is that sufferers have most likely wired their brains to seek instant gratification over the slower but ultimately healthier behaviors. Telling someone (even another female) to send romantic/errotic texts as an answer to pmo addiction, is like telling a crack addict in the gutter that the answer to their probs is to spend more time with their family, hit the gym, and get a job. Not incorrect advice per se, but skipping a LOT of steps.

    4. If someone has pMo (the key letter being M here), sexting will mostly lead to a relapse. Maybe a woman will fare better here but I will tell you for a fact, a guy in the midst of pmo addiction is not going to walk away from a sext exchange 'satisfied'. He will crave a release for the pent up sexual energy he's now introduced to himself. Mind you, this isn't automatically game over as he can transmute that energy into other things but you didnt include that in your advice and based on all the other assumptions you've made I'm unsure whether you thought that deeply into it.

    Don't mean to pick on you, just saying this stuff to clarify for other guys who may stumble across what you said. Perhaps you can do a little more to describe your personal journey so we can get a better idea of the person behind your advice. Because as it stands, if your saying what you've suggested worked for you, I'd almost venture to say you may not have been fully addicted to begin with.
