What constitutes porn?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by stacey, Apr 9, 2017.

  1. stacey

    stacey Fapstronaut

    I was talking with a friend about porn addiction. She started to say that she think porn can be a good thing, and used "recreationally" within a relationship. I said I'm going to stop you right there and cut her off. Told her I used to think the same thing, but after having seen what it has done to my own relationship and reading journals here, I no longer believe that. She then asked what about movies that have sex scenes. Are those harmful? I didn't have an answer. I no longer view them the same way. They make me uncomfortable now, when I'm watching something with my SO, because I start wondering if it's triggering him. I suppose anyone here who may answer is jaded in the same way. I'd still like to hear thoughts from others. What about sex scenes in movies/TV, etc?
  2. I suppose there's no strict definition (hence the famous phrase, actually about porn, "you know it when you see it").

    The purpose of porn is to arouse it's viewer. That's pretty much its only purpose. A sex scene in a movie can serve many plot-related or artistic purposes. So I guess it's whether it feels justifiable outside of just to arouse the viewer, and whether the content feels unnecessarily gratuitous or not.

    Personally, I get what you're saying about sex scenes in movies. I personally am happier to avoid them for the time being, but that's because I'm in the early stages of dealing with my own issue, not because I think they're porn.
    I Free I likes this.
  3. jocad

    jocad Fapstronaut

    from Your Brain on Porn:

    "However, porn-induced brain changes occur on a spectrum and cannot be classified as black and white, either/or. Asking where one crosses the line ignores the principle of neuroplasticity: the brain is always learning, changing and adapting in response to the environment. . . .

    "Studies reveal that even a small amount of supernormal stimulation can rapidly alter the brain and change behavior. . . ."

    "This is why posing such questions as "What is the definition of porn"?" or "How much porn use constitutes an addiction?" are misleading and irrelevant. The former is like asking whether it's slot machines or blackjack that leads to a gambling addiction. The latter is like asking a food addict how many minutes she spends eating."

    basically, the question of "what is the definition of porn?" misses the point that, like AverageBear said, porn is supposed to arouse the viewer. it stimulates a particular reaction in the brain. so in a sense, the answer really is "you'll know it when you see it."
    I Free I likes this.
  4. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Look it's really simple.

    Porn is not a standardised thing, it's individual to each individual.

    Simply put if it makes you fantasise, get aroused or makes your heart race...it's porn to you. Key word YOU.

    One person may get turned on by the feel of silk clothing, another person just likes silk clothing.

    One person may get turned on by a certain colour nail varnish, another person just sees another colour nail varnish.

    Individuals define porn as different things to other individuals.

    Obviously however what humans deem sexual has been linked to what most people find sexual. Mainly nudity etc.

    On the flip side nudists aren't nudists because they want to be sexual, they simply like being nude and feeling free.

    Basically in summary I come back to my point that one person's idea of porn is not the same to another person. Vise Versa.
    Some things are porn to anyone, e.g. Actual porn, sex scenes in movies etc.
    But anything else can be porn or not depending on the individual.
    JimmyJohn and I Free I like this.
  5. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    I used to think the same way as your friend that porn was no big deal. I was open to using it together in past relationships and had no issue with partners using it. That was until I got involved with a man with PIED and started reading and learning and wow I had no idea how damaging it was. As far as what is porn I don't see sex scenes in movies as porn. But for someone trying to detox they are not a good idea and send you down a slippery slope.
    I Free I likes this.
  6. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    All these responses so far are great . Their answers are right on the money .
    Star Lord likes this.
  7. D2dak1987

    D2dak1987 Guest

    If you have a porn addiction then anything that can trigger a relapse is bad.

    But, if the addiction has been beaten generic soft core could be enjoyed mutually between two lovere provided they both understand the risks of what it can lead too. I also think it shouldn't be necessary at all. As long as both partners are abstaining from p and m then performance shouldn't be an issue.
    JimmyJohn likes this.
  8. JimmyJohn

    JimmyJohn Fapstronaut

    Yeah I think boycotting movies because of the sex thing is too far.

    I don't know about you, but I am interested in NoFap so that my dick works properly, I have better relationships and are in general happier in life. I think getting upset over a sex scene in a movie is just silly. You don't have to like it and certainly don't need to masturbate to it lol, but I wouldn't let it get in the way of enjoying a good movie. If you stop yourself from enjoying a movie because of a sex scene how can you be happy? Thus I think by doing that you are taking yourself away from a "happier life".

    I think if you are in a stable healthy relationship and you and your partner use porn for a little bit of cosplay, new positions etc I think it is fine. It sounds like you have an understanding partner so I would just enjoy the movies, enjoy sex, enjoy a little bit of porn and enjoy life.
    D2dak1987 likes this.