To inspire.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by FapoleonBoneparte, Mar 31, 2017.

  1. FapoleonBoneparte

    FapoleonBoneparte Fapstronaut

    Brothers (and sisters),

    For years I’ve struggled with the same problems as you. But now I have made my resolve. From today on, I WILL NOT FAIL. No excuses, just (hard) work, reflection and progress. I’ve lost so much. But the beauty of desperation is motivation. In other words, I have the world to gain and so do you. Though this is my first post on NoFap, I am no stranger to this site. In the past I’ve been inspired by many of you and your struggle. Well today marks the day. From today on, I will be here for all of you, but most of all, for myself. I invite each and every one of you to join me in my journey. I will keep you posted as much as time allows, just to keep myself on track, accompanied by sprinkles of testosterone infested motivation. Here's to day 1.

    "You the people have the power, the power to create happiness, the power to make this life free and beautiful, the power to make this life a wonderful adventure."


    Fapoleon Boneparte

    Protagonist likes this.
  2. J247

    J247 Fapstronaut

    Meh. Just wait till you hit a low point like me. You kinda lose hope in stuff, you just plug along. Good post though. Hope it helps others.
    EverythingIsConnected likes this.
  3. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    My signature
  4. FapoleonBoneparte

    FapoleonBoneparte Fapstronaut

    I see where you're coming from. I've been at this for a few years now, so failure is no stranger to me. But I don't fear failure anymore, I simply learn from it. Don't lose hope. Remember that your low points are a mark of progress.
  5. FapoleonBoneparte

    FapoleonBoneparte Fapstronaut

    Wise words. Positivity is key. Your sig video is great. I wish I would've seen that one before!
  6. Smart work is better than hard work :p

    Good luck m8!
  7. FapoleonBoneparte

    FapoleonBoneparte Fapstronaut

    3 days into the recovery fellow Fapstronauts. I think the title of "Fapstronaut" is badass btw. The first 3 days have been a little tough, as I've had down time and am coping with a lot, but I will continue to struggle. Question: When does the flatline usually kick in for you? Does it vary? I want to prepare myself as much as possible. I'm typically very skeptical of self improvement but I've found that daily inspiration is..well...inspirational. Here's to the rest of the journey.

    "There are two kinds of motivation...Push...push is will power and never lasts. What will last is pull. Having something you desire so much you have trouble going to sleep at night."

  8. FapoleonBoneparte

    FapoleonBoneparte Fapstronaut

    Coming to the end of day 4 and I feel a bit BETTER today. I did have some urges but NOTHING YOU OR I COULDN'T HANDLE. I am setting a new goal: Tomorrow I will quit smoking and hit the gym. This might sound trivial but I've been a smoker for quite some time so I need to get in shape. Can't wait for day 5. More motivation brothers:

    EverythingIsConnected likes this.
  9. FapoleonBoneparte

    FapoleonBoneparte Fapstronaut

    I'm now on DAY 7. I've had ups and downs, but I'm preparing for the worst! So far, the most efficient way to fight temptation is to go out and stay busy! Do it as much as you can! MORE MOTIVATION:

    HappyFuck'nDays likes this.
  10. Great username.
  11. FapoleonBoneparte

    FapoleonBoneparte Fapstronaut

    Thank you brotha!
  12. Splendid reports from the field, Your Excellency.

    You are exactly like your French historical namesake, firmly taking on two formidable enemies at the same time.

    His tactics, were very much divide and conquer. Annihilate completely the first enemy and then move very fast, with totally coordinated segments to his army (the famous Cohort system) to take on the still slumbering second enemy.
    The Austrians and Prussians fell to this countless times (and famously Waterloo was a 'near run thing')

    I don't want to warn you unnecessarily, but be aware of the enemies you are picking fights with - and have a clear strategy if you going to do this.

    PMO is why you are here and there is plenty to aid you here with that.

    But Nicotine? This one can be very hard indeed to kick IF a tested strategy is not out in place.

    If you are doing fine, then well done, you are almost there.

    But if you fail on you attack on cigarettes, it might undermine your other front.....PMO. And then..defeat.

    Giving up nicotine after a habit of 10 years was one of the greatest achievements of my life, oddly enough.

    Don't use Nicotine patches. Why would you pay money to pharmaceuticals to administer the drug you are trying to kick? It's like 'edging'

    I would heartily recommend the Allen Carr Easyway technique.

    A short, but very, very powerful book. And the best thing about it? It attacks the cravings, which like cavalry sweep down on you when exposed.

    Bon chance and vive L'Emperuer.
  13. Covert

    Covert Fapstronaut

    Nice username.
    FapoleonBoneparte likes this.
  14. FapoleonBoneparte

    FapoleonBoneparte Fapstronaut

    That is great advice sir. I look forward to reading that book. It's not the first time it's been recommended to me. Although I forgot about it until you brought it up. I did cave, smoking briefly after quitting. I won't lie, smoking is an entirely different battle, one which could kill me so I want to rid myself of it asap.
  15. FapoleonBoneparte

    FapoleonBoneparte Fapstronaut

    I mean "afap."
  16. FapoleonBoneparte

    FapoleonBoneparte Fapstronaut

    Thank you man!
  17. FapoleonBoneparte

    FapoleonBoneparte Fapstronaut

    So today would be day 8, but unfortunately I relapsed this morning. This truly sucks but the beauty is that I have another chance, but this time with knowledge and experience that I didn't have before. I'm going to reset the counter and start over again. Here's to the next move being the best move:

  18. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut