My Friend's Godmode: PART 2

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by MercenaryKing, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. MercenaryKing

    MercenaryKing Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,

    I'm sorry for the wait. This post originally got taken down when I posted it because I mentioned the blog Alex and I have started. I think that's fair enough, we're here to share success stories after all. I removed that stuff, so there shouldn't be any reason for this post getting taken down again.

    The post was longer than the forum's character limit, so I've attached it as a PDF. I know it's a little long but I've really poured my heart and soul into making this helpful for you guys.

    *Trigger warning*: page 17 and 21 of the pdf file contain possibly triggering text.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2020
  2. projectexperiment

    projectexperiment Fapstronaut

    Really good stuff. I appreciate your taking time to write it.
    Bryaan, eddie.n.32 and MercenaryKing like this.
  3. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Because the original post got deleted i write it again: It's worth reading it. So many quality tips & inspiration!
    Thanks for sharing again!
    Bryaan and MercenaryKing like this.
  4. Thorric

    Thorric New Fapstronaut

    Thank you ever so much for the follow up post. It adds greatly to the content of the original and shows just how much you've developed. I've already begun using some of the techniques you have described and they have been working to great success. I'm also interested to see what you choose to do with the blogging venture. If that does become a thing, I will definitely read it. Keep it up man!
    Bryaan and MercenaryKing like this.
  5. PedroCalrissian

    PedroCalrissian Fapstronaut

    Really inspirational. I can really relate to a lot of how you felt, like overthinking and caring too much what others think. I probably missed it in your book, but could you give some tips on how you got past the two things I listed thanks

    Ps checked out your blog and it was pretty good
    MercenaryKing likes this.
  6. SuperLulox

    SuperLulox Fapstronaut

    I just finished reading those wonderful 21 pages, and oh my. As soon as i read that last sentence, i almost cried.
    Recently i went through a really rough patch, but the words you wrote made me remember things i had forgotten, and understand some concepts that were dwelling in my mind but i couldnt completely get. I cant thank you enough Conor
    I wish you and Alex and Maeve the very best from Argentina
    MercenaryKing and vibemaker like this.
  7. MonkGenerations

    MonkGenerations Fapstronaut

  8. Spurta

    Spurta Fapstronaut

    Thanks mate.

    You have a story telling gift, and this story showed real heart. Thanks for sharing.
    MercenaryKing and vibemaker like this.
  9. Den24

    Den24 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for sharing your experience and ideas, Conor! You wrote about the very important things in the perfectly understandable way. I am thankful to you for sharing your thoughts, which are much more relieving than motivating. You are truly talented writer. Wish you to enjoy your life and to do things that bring you the most satisfaction! Farewell
    MercenaryKing likes this.
  10. MercenaryKing

    MercenaryKing Fapstronaut

    Thanks man! Yeah I go into overthinking and caring what others think in the post. With overthinking I think the two biggest things are practicing mindfulness (so you can watch your thoughts and feelings coming and going without identifying with them) and just practicing taking action without too much thinking. You get more in the habit of engaging with life instead of just thinking about it all the time. In terms of caring too much what people think, there's a couple things. One is a perspective shift where you remind yourself that you and everyone you know is going to die and be forgotten. It sounds grim, but when you're in the grips of social obsessiveness it can really help to keep reminding yourself how little other people's opinions matter. Regardless, it's more attractive to be a guy who's lives congruently with his own values, so you'll generally be less of a suck-up and way more likable if you start listening to yourself and no-one else. The other thing to remember is that no-one cares that much about you. Everyone's too busy thinking about themselves, just like you do! That's kind of a relief to realise.
    vibemaker likes this.
  11. MercenaryKing

    MercenaryKing Fapstronaut

    Thanks man, I'm really glad it resonated with you. I think the best we can do is keep coming back to those kind of concepts, reaffirming them, adjusting our course continuously. It doesn't mean we'll never mess up but it means we can live more fully in the process of developing as people. And at every moment, we are enough.
    Best of luck my friend.
    SuperLulox and vibemaker like this.
  12. sean66

    sean66 Fapstronaut

    Hey Conor, i finished reading the pdf and i got to admit i see a lot of myself in you. I feel this journey is more about adjusting your mental state rather than curing yourself of any of the physical symptoms or getting better with women. I have just 1 question though, although i feel this is kinda abrupt, you said that while going through the challenge you never went cold turkey and that you masturbated once a week right? Does that also help or will it kinda hamper the reboot? Im thinking of releasing only through M once a week too cause if i go past a week without PMO i go into flatline where i dont really feel like doing anything and this is a crucial time for me to study for tests too so im not sure if want to take too much time healing myself, but i heard that in 3 weeks or so feel the superpowers if you really persist. Please post your reply cause im confused under the notion if its just the excess porn rather than the masturbation that affects your focus, thanks a lot :)
  13. MercenaryKing

    MercenaryKing Fapstronaut

    I think it might differ from person to person honestly. In general I've found the less you masturbate the more energy you have, but I've also found that I can get really distracted by sexual thoughts. The most important thing psychologically is quitting porn, and masturbating *less* is helpful for energy and social engagement. I think you kind of have to figure out what works for you. I don't really deprive myself but I still don't do it very regularly!
  14. SAM778

    SAM778 Fapstronaut

    A fantastic read; thank you!
    MercenaryKing likes this.
  15. Thanks so much for the update and all the effort you put into it :), I was a bit saddened when you didn't update the original post when you said you would and I thought it would never happen, but you did an absolutely amazing job and it was well worth it!
    Congrats on all the progress you've made over the last year, you seem to have really gotten into a better place due to your own determination and hard work.
    I just wanted to say that reading that really struck a chord with me. I graduated from highschool last year and started uni a few months ago, which I've been really struggling with academically. I had also fallen into rough and hardcore porn, which I'm thankfully distancing myself from now, but reading a noticing the similarities gives me a lot of hope that I can also improve myself and try be the man who I want to be in the future.
    Thanks again for the amazing write up, you really touched on some important and personal points which are often ignored, and that really helped :)
    Best of luck to you, Alex and Maeve!
    Last edited by a moderator: May 2, 2017
    MercenaryKing and vibemaker like this.
  16. fan_of_all_might

    fan_of_all_might Fapstronaut

    Part one is literally the bedrock and foundation of my nofap journey. Thank you so much. I'm looking forward to reading p2 tonight.
    MercenaryKing likes this.
  17. Baller123

    Baller123 Fapstronaut

    I'm so glad I found this, it was an incredible read!!
  18. dzigi

    dzigi Fapstronaut

    Oh man.... Just gonna say my tears almost started when i read last sentence. All the best mate!
    solp likes this.
  19. Just an excellent reading, thanks so much for all the work you put into writing that mini book for us, it's inspirational, motivating, practical, really goes to the point of the struggle many of us have, it's a must read everyone!

    And for me it arrived in just the perfect timing. This morning I was talking with a friend about my impatience for things and how I'm taking everything too seriously. After reading the whole story (the two parts) and all your tips/ideas, I feel more grounded and I'm now feeling so grateful because I'm doing really great, I need to start living the moment and things will start to thrive in my life very soon... right now, I am enough.

    Hope this post lets this thread be one the surface again and I really wish more people give this a read, you will not regret boys... and stay strong!