Been in a relationship for two months; how it's changed my PMO habits

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by gre3nrain, Apr 1, 2017.

  1. gre3nrain

    gre3nrain Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, I thought I'd take the time to share my story, as PMO is something which has been on my mind a fair bit recently.

    Basically, prior to my relationship with my girlfriend I was watching porn and masturbating two or three times a week. I honestly didn't feel that bad about it. I've had my stints of NoFap, and I have to say, some part of me gave up last year. Or at least I accepted that PMO was a part of my life and that I wasn't equipped to deal with it. This is a lot different from how I used to be with regards to PMO. I used to think that doing NoFap would change my life, make me happy, and get me a girlfriend. After trying and failing over and over I realised that I was putting too much pressure on myself. I actually decided to feel OK about PMO, as long as it didn't feel excessive, and focus on other parts of my life. In some ways I think this approach has been a lot healthier for me, as I don't believe it was PMO that was hurting my life, but video games and self-doubt and depressive thoughts.

    However, in the back of my mind I did always believe that although PMO may not be the biggest vice in my life, it's still a vice nonetheless. It's not helping me, and it's a crutch that makes me feel sexually satisfied in an unnatural and unachievable way. I personally think it has many subtle mental side effects that chip away at a healthy sense of sexuality and feed into negative ways of relating with women. Now to the relationship part.

    While on my summer holidays here in Australia I continued to work at other parts of my life while PMOing two or three times a week. I started exercising and going out more. I met a few potential girls that I liked. I noticed that I didn't have that much confidence in my ability to initiate an intimate or sexual relationship. Anyhow, somehow I managed to push through that and ended up with a great girl who's my current girlfriend. In the beginning stages of us dating I was still PMOing, but as soon as our sexual relationship started I stopped for the most part. I would PMO once a week maybe every two weeks. Then for the last month or so, I've PMOed once. Although during this time I would still check certain sites to see if there was any new material I could PMO to. So the habit persisted in this form. The material itself always paled in comparison to the real thing, so I never ended up acting on it. Recently though, I've felt much more drawn to search for it, and the other day I did PMO in full for the first time in 2 - 3 weeks.

    I think initially the real-life sexual relationship with my new girlfriend completely blew masturbating out of the water. However, now that the excitement is dwindling a little bit I'm trying to fill it in with porn. Also, I have to admit I miss all the different types of girls and scenarios I can access online. But after PMOing the other day, when I saw my girlfriend, my usual sex drive wasn't there. We've also been experiencing some issues in our relationship and I didn't feel like I was dealing with them that well. So, as a result of all this I want to make a commitment to NoFap and my sexuality again.

    I have to say though, I really struggle with the idea of just having her as my only sexual outlet. I have come to enjoy masturbating quite a lot. I'm wondering how people on this forum have approached this issue, and what your thoughts about any of this might be.

    TL;DR: In a new relationship, want to stop PMOing and particularly searching for pornographic material. Struggling with the idea of only having my girlfriend as my sexual outlet. Thoughts and comments welcome.
  2. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    Congrats on getting a girlfriend, and congrats on writing a sober and insightful post. You know exactly what you need to do. You know your girlfriend is deserving of your sexual energy, and you know you don't want to be sucked into P again. Do the discipline, and kill it once and for all. You may be amazed at what it will do for your relationship.
  3. Ezpz

    Ezpz Fapstronaut

    The problem here is all this time your brain has been wired to porn. I believe you first need a full reboot to rewire the brain. And then you can see how you feel from there.

    After a while those cravings for porn will go away as the pathways in your brain start to weaken.

    No harm can come if you just give it a shot !
  4. gre3nrain

    gre3nrain Fapstronaut

    I appreciate your confidence and positivity Buzz Lightyear. Discipline is something that I want to build up this year.

    Ezpz I think you are right about the wiring. Despite not actually masturbating as much recently, I have still engaged in the searching and fantasising of pornography.

    Thank you both for your responses.
  5. Whalenz

    Whalenz Fapstronaut

    Yea agreed on the porn and full reboot. Looks like your mind is still searching for the next more exciting thing.
  6. fuzzywaz

    fuzzywaz Fapstronaut

    Your PMO habits have less to do with "sexuality" and everything to do with dopamine addiction. This addiction does and will effect every facet of your life, not just your sex life. The more you indulge in activities that alter your dopamine balance in addictive ways, the less satisfying you whole life will become, not just your sex life. I recommend you really read up on dopamine, addiction and how it effects your brain and your ability to live a healthy, balanced, and happy life. :)
  7. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    If you have to masturbate do it without porn and see what happens. Think about your girlfriend alone not porn. You say your six drive for your gf was not as strong as before when you pmoed. Eventually this will lead to ED of some form, be that the inability to ejaculate with a partner or inability to get an erection with a partner. I know that's hard to believe but it will. If you enjoy masturbating more than sex then that's okay but understand that will lead you to a life of solitude. No woman will tolerate that and you will never have a full happy relationship if you don't fully commit to a person and stop the PMO. You just need to decide what's more important to you. I'm glad to see you have found this site now before you have had any serious relationship losses due to PMO and/or while you are not suffering from ED. Far too many don't realize it's a problem until they are far worse off and have a harder time fixing it.
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  8. gre3nrain

    gre3nrain Fapstronaut

    Hey fuzzywaz, thanks for your reply. I found what you wrote spot-on the more I thought about my habits not only to do with PMO but also my life in general. I am often looking for a hit. Whether it be through the thought of specific porn, watching a video game stream, playing a video game, eating a certain thing, or wanting a specific response from my partner. Even this site can be a part of my dopamine addiction if I'm checking it all the time to see if I've got replies or likes on my posts. Since I read your post I've been looking at the 'why' in what I'm doing, and identifying what I can change and avoid to help me overcome this mindset of craving stimulation.

    GG2002, thanks for your reply also. It's true what you say about it leading to a life of solitude, and I agree that this behaviour can only lead towards an unsatisfactory sex life. I also think I'm at a stage of my life where I can kick this addiction, and moreover, this mindset of always needing another hit of some sort to make my life 'better' or 'alive'. Looking forward to sharing my journey and helping others with theirs. :)
    HopefulChristian and GG2002 like this.
  9. I second with the replacing porn stars with your girlfriend during MO. @Star Lord contribute pls.
    GG2002 and Star Lord like this.
  10. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    HopefulChristian likes this.
  11. gre3nrain

    gre3nrain Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, thought I'd share an update.

    Things have been going mostly well. About 4 or 5 days ago I did search for porn for 20 minutes and touched myself for a moment but then stopped myself. Apart from that I haven't searched for any porn, and rarely fantasised about it. I've masturbated once in the last 12 days and that was on the phone to my girlfriend. The sex we've been having is getting better and I'm finding her more and more attractive as time goes on.

    It's seriously amazing to me how much more real and sexually vital she's become to me as a result of putting porn out of my head. I'm interested to see what the effects are long-term. I'm aware that my 20 minutes of searching definitely threw me back a little bit. However, I think overall it didn't have too much of an impact. I have noticed that my gaming has increased this past week. So my brain is definitely looking for some replacement dopamine. I feel that the next step for me now is to set clear limits on how much I game and stick to them.

    Oh and my girlfriend is going away for a bit over a week in a few days. It's not long but I have been used to having sex with her at least twice a week, so this will be a challenge for me to keep clean. Looking forward to it, though.

    Thanks for everyone's support.
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  12. Woo congrats! Good luck and keep us posted.
    gre3nrain likes this.
  13. Ezpz

    Ezpz Fapstronaut

    Hey man, just thought id add some insight as ive recently completed my 90 days, and then DECIDED to relapse with porn and masterbation.

    So ive found out that even searching porn, plants something in our brains that will keep wanting to search and search until we relapse. The only way we will get rid of this is to completely remove pmo and i think we all know that. IT IS DAM HARD, just saying fuck it is so easy.

    Even after 90 days i tried it and today i dont feel great at all, like i let myself down.

    Im here to tell youto keep going! We can do it
  14. gre3nrain

    gre3nrain Fapstronaut

    Hey Ezpz, sorry for the very late reply. I've been really busy with uni as I'm doing my Masters this year.

    That's awesome that you completed the 90 day challenge! I hope you're still going strong since that conscious relapse. I agree with you that searching for it plants it in your brain. I'm happy to say I haven't searched for any since my last relapse. I felt like looking tonight but I came here to post instead.

    In general I've been watching a lot less porn and have only been orgasming with my partner. I've found that our attraction for each other has only been increasing (which feels remarkable considering we have been going out for over 3 months now) and I find her extremely attractive. More than I ever have, actually. Also, I really love and care for her, and I'm getting much better at expressing my feelings to her. So staying away from porn has been really awesome. However, I will say that not everything is good regarding my brain wiring. I've been playing a lot more video games, and today I actually decided I'd quit for awhile. I was replacing the porn with video games, and as a result I've been experiencing some level of brain fog, and a lack of motivation to do house work and complete assignments. Pretty much every day I've woken up alone I've had this instant desire to play video games which is reminiscent of how I might think of porn when I used to wake up in the mornings. Also, it reminds me of when I was really stressed at uni the last couple of years and I'd find myself watching more pornography than normal. So all-in-all I need to tackle my video game addiction and my porn addiction. Both seem to stem from a desire to get a quick high and distract myself from anything stressful going on in my life. Today I took the disc out of out of my console and put it away. I forced myself to have a productive day and I achieved a lot. Planning to do this for the rest of the week.

    I hope everyone is facing their demons and trying their best to overcome them. It's really worthwhile to do so, and remember that you can always redeem yourself no matter how far you fall.
  15. Ezpz

    Ezpz Fapstronaut

    Hey bro, I have in fact relapsed, about 11 days ago now so i only just reset my counter.

    i had the same problem as you a huge video game addiction, so over the 90 days i didnt make much progress. about a month ago i cut that off completely and over the last few weeks ive been spending a lot of time in nature, learning to cook, go on walks, exercise instead of games and porn. Also id like to add i have a bath every day which is a massive help, it leaves me feeling really calm and quiets my mind after the day.

    Im currently going through my 3rd withdrawal symptoms with headaches, fatigue, no motivation because ive completely cut everything off, no porn at all, no facebook or social media, no games, hardly any TV so my body is in a lot of pain everywhere right now. Also having strong dreams.

    In my honest opinion you wont make any progress until you cut out porn completely, and i mean 100%, not even an image. Same with the video games just give it a rest for a good month or so. This is the thing i have figure out, if i want to get better i have to give this lifestyle 100% of my effort. i have to go all in.

    Go all in with me bro, lets make it through this! im not far off your days again and i know i can do it now.
    gre3nrain likes this.
  16. Happy Man

    Happy Man Fapstronaut

    Don't relapse and over time, have more sex with her.

    She becomes more addicted to you, if you don't relapse because she knows, you want her more.
  17. gre3nrain

    gre3nrain Fapstronaut

    Wow man. That's brave and steadfast of you to kick all those habits at once. I'm happy to hear you've been making good use of your time. I can only imagine how hard it must be at times. I've still been watching some gaming streams (too much) but I haven't been gaming, and I've got more done in the past few days. I've felt pretty depressed at times going through this. I often want a high or a release. As you say though, you can only get through it if you commit.

    I'll go all in with you man. I'm tired of time wasting activities that are sucking up my energy and I'm feeling a deeper desire than I ever have before to improve. I'm going to cut out the video game streams from today. I want to start meditating daily, so I'll begin doing 20 mins of that starting today.

    One thing which I've been struggling with is sleeping properly, because I've been watching video game streams in bed. As a replacement to that I'm going to read when I'm in bed. I'll keep you posted on how I'm doing. I'm going to make a journal now to track my progress so look out for that.

    Let's do this!
  18. Ezpz

    Ezpz Fapstronaut

    Yeah man, to be honest when first cut out gaming i found i had no idea what to do, or how to fill my time in. Even if i was just sitting around doing nothing at all its still so much better than sitting there getting the dopamine release.

    Im starting to feel my confidence in myself and as a person is going up with each day.i cant wait until i get where i want to be but im loving this journey, the ups and the downs.

    Hope you stay strong man! Ill be around every few days because i also find the forum helps a lot
  19. mb1989

    mb1989 Fapstronaut

    Hello mate, I have a similar problem with P and my GF: from one side, you want to stop PMO for good, because you KNOW that it is ruining your sexual life; but from the other side (RHCP reference haha) you don't want to left P because you start thinking that you'll loose access to a whole lot of different scenarios, girls, fetishes, etc. because you know that, if you stuck with your GF for a big period of time (or all your life) you'll never have those other feelings.
    Let me tell you that that's the part when you have to decide: A life giving up to P or a fulfilling and positive life with the person you love.
    On this crossroad I'm choosing my GF, since P gives me nothing but a life of addiction.

    Cheers mate and keep fighting.