Long time Fapper, new to NoFap. Any advice on abstinence

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by jatlar, Mar 29, 2017.

  1. jatlar

    jatlar New Fapstronaut

    I hate the idea of posting something on here asking if others have been through what I have because I feel like I know the answer already and it's something I have hated to admit. I first heard about NoFap back in Sept/14 and it pains me to think that was when I first struggled to come to the conclusion that I may be jerking it way too much. I turn 24 this year now and the past 2 and a half years have seen little to know progress in abstaining from PMOing and it is absolutely driving me crazy, my complete lack of self control. I read about 100 day reboots and cannot even fathom such a long streak, and it really makes me question myself and how far I've come (I truly have so much to be thankful for) and how far back I am really lagging. I don't know why but just the enticement of porn is too much for me. I will continually make concessions with myself, just another site, just another page, one more tab. And then the stages of no masturbating, okay edging, to just plain finishing. And then the near immediate regret.
    I hate it when my girlfriend of 3+ years things I am losing interest in her or sex because I can't get hard enough or finish. I hate the fact that I can name more porn sites off the top of my head then regular websites. I hate to think about the sheer amount of time I have spent watching porn the past few years. I used to think if I painted it all in a negative light that I would turn off of it, now I just feel that way about myself. I can even see the extremes and the notches my porn addiction is increasing, to more and more ridiculous, disturbing and depressing fantasies. I don't know where to turn or how to even progress to a month, I have done cold showers, love them in fact, I have hobbies to consume my time, thought I truly believe it comes down to flat out self control. What I want to know from you guys is how was your first month, hell, a week without PMOing? What changes did you push yourself to make, and implement? How were you able to keep it in the back of your mind, and stop yourself be consumed by temptations? I want to be free but with how convenient it is with just a login from my laptop I don't know how. I will tell you I have struggled with a variety of drugs, and have been able to stop them cold turkey, albeit with difficulty, however successfully. Despite that, this is a whole new monster for me and has been the most struggling and one of the most hardest things (figuratively of course) I have dealt with.
  2. Some solutions would be to:
    - Talk to God and read the Bible
    - Put a porn blocker on your phone such as K9
    - Going a walk when tempted
    - Finding a new habit/hobby such as a sport, exercising, reading
    - Getting out of the house more and socializing
    - Right all your goals and keep them somewhere you could see them do that when you are tempted you would look at them and be reminded what you are fighting for
    - Take some time to reflect on your past and identify what led you to your addiction.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2017
    Brian O likes this.
  3. Brian O

    Brian O Fapstronaut

    What is K9 I looked it up and there is nothing there
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. It's a program that blocks specific websites that you want blocked such as p sites.
  5. Kexas23

    Kexas23 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

  6. Danjabo

    Danjabo Fapstronaut

    K9 worked well on my laptop but didn't block anything on my phone. If you are anything like me you eventually find a way around any blocking device though. You are right that it ultimately comes down to willpower. In addition to forming new, healthy habits I think it's important to break old ones that put us in jeopardy of relapsing. For me that means less mindlessly surfing the net.
    jatlar likes this.