In love but out of control

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by from-deepest-fathoms, Mar 29, 2017.

  1. from-deepest-fathoms

    from-deepest-fathoms Fapstronaut

    Just recently my boyfriend of 4 yrs (and the love of my life) came clean about his porn addiction to me for the 1st time. He's been watching it nearly daily since he was about 13. It turns out it's been right under my nose our entire relationship, and I had no idea.

    The thing is though, that during the beginning of our relationship he was very open with me about his porn use. In fact it was something that we bonded over, being very young and feeling judged by the conservative communities around us, feeling ashamed, feeling curious...

    But then, shortly after we moved in together 2 yrs ago, he went out of his way to tell me that he had realized he didn't desire porn anymore because he was so satisfied with me... and I felt the same way. Our sex life was magical. He was the first, and is the only person I've ever been intimate with. When he made that statement, it was a turning point for me. I mentally committed myself to him - and I began my own, rather painful, journey of giving up the moderate porn habit I still quietly upheld. I don't think I was ever quite on the level of an addict, but even now I still wrestle with it.

    But as it turns out, what to me was this unexpected declaration of love was just a lie. He doesn't even remember it now.

    What I don't understand is why, especially after everything we had been through and all the openness and validation we gave each other, would he decide to suddenly switch and put up this wall for me? We had been so open and communicative and we shared everything with each other... at least I had.

    I feel so hurt and betrayed. I feel fooled. I feel like these two years we've lived together have been a lie. My efforts to do anything he wanted in bed have been wasted. All my insecurities about not being his first, about always being his second choice, about not being sexy enough, interesting enough, bad enough... it's overwhelming me. I can't stop thinking about all the times he's been watching it in the same room as me. I can't stop thinking about what kinds of women does he really want, what are his actual fantasies that he doesn't tell me, what or who is he thinking about me when we now occasionally make love?

    But the most difficult part of it is simply that I am not at my best. I have severe depression and anxiety and PTSD that I have only begun to understand in recent months with the help of a psychotherapist. I already feel like I am drowning in darkness every day and I'm just an enormous burden on my boyfriend. I don't know if I have the mental/emotional strength to support him. I could very well just be contributing to his addiction.

    My boyfriend is far too kind and intelligent for a porn lifestyle, and I just want to accept him and support his decision to try to change, much the same way he has for me and my mental health issues. I just want to love him and make him feel okay. But I don't know if I can reconcile what I thought I knew about him with my own sexual trauma and this new reality of lies and deceit.

    I apologize this is so terribly long, I don't have any friends to confide in. Thanks for reading.
    i_wanna_get_better1 and fuzzywaz like this.
  2. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    Welcome. I am the partner of a man with porn induced ED and I share all of your feelings you are not alone. I feel like I can't tell friends or family because I'm embarrassed but I know it's not my shame to bear nor is it yours. I am a month out from discovering my partner was using porn for the entire relationship, for me only a year. He also told me he was no longer using it after he could never ejaculate with me and we decided together the porn was the problem. I actually checked in with him regularly and he lied to me repeatedly. Funny when we got caught he also said he did not remember that agreement. I don't believe him and I don't believe your partner does not remember either. It's just one of the ways they try to diminish what they did and also a form of gas lighting or making you feel crazy. Like no id course not I never said that you are losing your mind, it shifts focus and blame and does legit make you feel crazy! I discovered as well I have betrayal ptsd and I have all the same symptoms as you. I feel like our entire relationship was a lie and that he's a total different person than I fell in love with. It is not your fault. It has nothing to do with your looks. You are not alone.
  3. fuzzywaz

    fuzzywaz Fapstronaut

    I can relate. It is really hard to come to terms with knowing the one person you trusted more than anyone has deliberately deceived you. And the fact that the subject of the lie and the addiction is sexual really makes you feel like the very core of your relationship and connection might have been a lie too. My SO has been clean about 5 months and I am still trying to figure out how to reconcile these feelings and move forward. I still find my mind going back to events over the last few years and making painful connections. I am still having days when I am awake at 3 am, obsessing about something to do with this whole issue. It sucks. I am sorry. Thre is a great support group here for SO's you might consider joining.
    from-deepest-fathoms and GG2002 like this.
  4. from-deepest-fathoms

    from-deepest-fathoms Fapstronaut

    Thank you, it is comforting to have some validation at least. Im sorry you're hurting as well. This is a difficult journey we didn't sign up for... anyhow I'm new to forums, so thank you for the welcome.
  5. from-deepest-fathoms

    from-deepest-fathoms Fapstronaut

    Thank you, I did join the group. This is a great community. I'm sorry you're going through this too. Can I ask you question... having a bit more perspective on the whole thing (you said your SO is clean 5 mos) does it feel worth it to stay and keep working through the muck? Is it possible to fully repair the trust?
  6. fuzzywaz

    fuzzywaz Fapstronaut

    For me, at this point, it is worth it to stay. We have kids together, so I need to consider them as well. If not for the kids I would likely have left, at least initially and possibly permanently. But going forward I will never tolerate P or lies in the relationship again. I was at the point of being ready to leave over the betrayal alone, but also ready to support and rebuild if I was confident we were on the same page. My situation is a little different. We've been together 12 years, he comes from a traumatic childhood and used FMO as a daily thing since early teens as a means of coping with uncomfortable emotions. He used P in the form of magazines and DVD, intermittently over our 12 year relationship, and lied and kept it hidden. It wasn't until he started using internet P in the last few years that the addiction developed to the point that it was seriously negatively impacting our relationship and his wellbeing. I don't know if it is possible to fully repair the trust. Right now I am confident he is on track because the changes I have experienced. Even though I know logically right now that he isn't lying and deceiving me again, I still have times where my mind says, "what if he is lying?...what if this is just another big smokescreen? what if you really don't know him at all?" I believe this is the trauma talking. So yeah, 5 months in, the trust has not been repaired. I am struggling a lot to be vulnerable again because I was for 12 years and it got me fucked over so.... Overall things are going OK and I am feeling way better then I did when this all came out, but things are not healed or fixed yet. I do wonder sometimes if things are too broken to be put back together. Like, I don't think things will ever be the same because what I thought we were was never real so.... It's a bit like starting a new relationship with the same person
    from-deepest-fathoms likes this.