New record! 30 days strong

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by fjerid, Mar 28, 2017.

  1. fjerid

    fjerid Fapstronaut

    okay, the benefits are here. More enegy, I give less fucks about people in general what they think of me, more motivation, chicks look more often and speaking with strangers/people is smooth and natural.

    One thing though..

    In the past 4 weeks I've seen 3 chicks which I fell in love with. Three of which two were strangers. But all three kept looking, only had the balls to approach one (which is a miracle for me) she was a co worker which made it easy for me.

    Two days ago I was at the library and this fine girl was reading a book. She kept giving glances and my heart started pounging harder with every glance. So when I decided to approach her I froze. It almost felt like I was having a heartattack lol. My heart was poundint in my throat and out of my chest. I quickly turned back and tried to calm down for my healths sake lol.

    Brothers... any tips? It feels like im easily attracted to girls. Before I never ever fell in love at first sight. Now it happened three times. Note that i dont have any difficulties speaking to normal girls.

    How can I prevent my heart from ripping through my chest when thinking of approach succh a gall?
  2. Jack Erwin

    Jack Erwin New Fapstronaut

    To tell you the truth you really can't. Its a natural response and the only way to suppress it is to actually talk to her. I always use the three second rule: when you see a girl you like wait three seconds then no matter what happens pursue. Trust it is never as bad as it seems. Good luck!
  3. fjerid

    fjerid Fapstronaut

    Holy shit. That's exactly what I did with my co worker. And she was literally one of the most beautiful girls ive seen. Saw her, greeted her, talked to her. But that was purely because i felt happy that day.

    Thanks for the advice lad!
    Bryaan likes this.
  4. PieLover

    PieLover Fapstronaut

    My best advice would be "getting used to it". You first must fail to succeed. And by fail, I mean looking anxious (some girls are into shy guys, so you might get lucky). But after 2-3 times your brain will get used to it, and you will start approaching girls with more confidence.
    MrGeonov and fjerid like this.
  5. fjerid

    fjerid Fapstronaut

    You're right. If I can just force myself to approach them and perhaps start with the less beautiful ones first... i might get used to it! Appreciate the advice man. Ty!
  6. Hey brother, I have a similar experience. You can check out my post "I chickened out" to see my story. It has just been a week since I got past that failure of talking to the girl I like in my class. Got some pretty good advice such as treating all girls as normal human beings. Of course, it is a natural thing to feel nervous in front of love interests. But the key is to treat everyone equally as you normally would, with respect, and not expect anything from them. When you expect too much from the girl and you don't get a positive response, you are going to feel crappy. So take it easy and just be yourself. In other words, let nature takes its course.

    fjerid likes this.
  7. fjerid

    fjerid Fapstronaut

    I know... it will take awhile before I can implement that mindset. But I will do my best! Thanks bro.
    calistenicshype likes this.