Tips to stop edging?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Mar 27, 2017.

  1. The most difficult challenge for me is to stop edging. O is a discrete moment and I can tell myself to not do it, but edging feels less descrete... it feels harder to stop so completely "if I just do a little it's ok" I tell myself.

    Of course once I start doing a little then it escalates into a lot. I might be able to pull myself out of it and then say "good I'm on track! I didn't fail my goal" and yet rationally I know that edging still gets the hormones going and also even though I didn't O in that session I know the next day or in a couple hours I will be back and eventually I will slip up and relapse.

    So in other words I'm engaging in behavior that is self destructive and always leads back to exactly the thing I say I won't do! I know rationally that if I want to stop PMO then a big component of it is to stop edging but I can't get my rationally to take control on this one. Any advice?
  2. TheLoneDanger

    TheLoneDanger Fapstronaut

    You know what worked for me? The fact that because I've edged for years, now I have ED. If that's not enough to wake you up, it's going to be a tough road.

    MO was never really a big problem for me. But edging was the thing that always drew me further down into the rabbit hole. What I didn't know was that edging keeps the dopamine levels high for much longer, doing much more damage. You've gotta find something to get your mind off of sex. Find that thing you have a passion for and pursue it. Stay away from edging until the habit goes away is the only advice I can give you, or else you'll end up with sexual dysfunctions like me.
  3. Thanks for the advice, I think it will help me a lot. To be honest I haven't been with a woman in so long that if I had ED I wouldn't have a clue, but the thought of it is enough to be really disturbing. I've been reading a lot and watching videos on Your Brain On Porn and was really aghast at what I learned. I knew I had been PMOing to much but I didn't realize how physical and mental damage I was doing to my self. I hope that it will me enough to scare me away from continuing on this path.
    Ghost_Rider and TheLoneDanger like this.
  4. h215

    h215 Fapstronaut

    Hey bro, you gotta be aware of why do you have these urges to edge.

    You must act on the root problem instead trying to run from its effects.

    I mean, why do you feel like edginging? Is it because you are stressed, angry, sad? In case so, the best tip I could give you is to take care of the emotions that are leading you to edge...

    All the best
    Noobotron52 and Bowcaster like this.
  5. Edging is further running away and keeping yourself in a further delusion.

    This is what edging does to you
  6. This stuff is like horror films for me, but I know it's exactly what I need to see
    Towards the unknown likes this.
  7. I'd say a major factor in it is sexual frustration, and not just sexual but relationship-frustration if there exists such a term. Unfortunately it's not something so easily solved.
  8. Best advice I can give: That discrete moment of "O" is not a standalone event... whether conscious or subconscious, you're building up to that. That's where the edging starts. You have to protect yourself throughout the day from the little things. We're given choices all the time; the choice to lust over a hot girl, the choice to linger on an ad with a swimsuit model, the choice to checkout someone's facebook profile. It doesn't help as men we're bombarded with sex and sexual innuendo on all forms of media. You have to avoid it, and if not possible, acknowledge that it's only a tool to keep you sexually aroused ALL THE TIME. In that state of mind, men make stupid decisions. That's what corporations using sex to sell count on. Realize when you're being manipulated and break free from the chains.
  9. It's so hard to cut out because in modern culture it really is EVERYWHERE. Everywhere you turn there is some trigger. You always have to be on your guard.

    I just started a new reboot log if any of you guys want to give it a look!
    megaman85 likes this.
  10. yep!