I feel like shit

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Rimejkdrama, Mar 27, 2017.

  1. Rimejkdrama

    Rimejkdrama Fapstronaut

    I'm on the end of 6th day of NoFap. Today my mood was pretty good, I was very talkative. But since day 4 my acne is starting to get worse. For last 2 weeks I have strict rules, I drink as much water as I can, I don't it any junk food, occasionaly some cookies, very little dairy but still it causes me big red bumps and red marks on my face. It is also very very dry even tho I clean my face 2x daily at least and use moisterizer of whatever it is called. And I feel my skin is worst in a while. Because of it I feel like a total shit. What to do?

    I'm so unconfident because of that. Normally all my friends say I'm very confident but inside I'm very anxious about my acne and now when I do everything I can do make it allright it's all dogshit.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2017
  2. I never have had problems with acne, I only really have blackheads on my nose and chin but thats just genetics. My skin has got better looking though and I can give you advice to make your skin get better and tell you what I do.

    Dairy has a hormone that increases acne so eating less of it can be good. Grass fed butter is still very good so get some of that but find a dairy alternative that isn't soya since soy is bad for male health.

    Spot cream is just a load of chemicals usually so ditch that, I challenge you! It may even make your skin better if you stop using it.

    Cold showers are amazing for skin and hair also, make sure you take them.

    Getting more sun and eating slower digesting carbs may also help.

    Good luck!:emoji_sunglasses:
  3. Rimejkdrama

    Rimejkdrama Fapstronaut

    Thanks for advices. But my cream is exacly made for acne. 1st I wash my face with special anti acne soap which is foam and then when my face is dry already I use moisturizing cream but my face still feels tight. I'll try cold showers tho.
  4. I have had acne for a decade and feel I'm pretty much an expert in it. It sounds like you're as desperate as I was to cure it. I did, eventually.

    You need to quit gluten entirely. You need to quit dairy and sugar. Wash your face a maximum of twice a day, though preferably once - in the evening. Your face is very dry because you're washing it too damn much and stripping away all the natural oils. This exacerbates acne and makes your skin more red/irritated.

    I promise you if you follow my advise you will no longer have acne. Acne is 95% dietary related in all cases! Quitting gluten is the most important thing you can do! I'm not going to bore you with the science but research it and you'll be amazed!

    Good luck.
  5. The creams make your face dryer IMO. Washing with cold water whilst your having a cold shower is peobably your best option. What I feel like these creams do is make your face more moist for a short amount of time but then leave it dryer than you started. Chlorine is another thing you also must avoid since that dries out your skin.