I've been struggling for years finally getting serious!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Whalenz, Mar 21, 2017.

  1. Whalenz

    Whalenz Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone! My name is Will and I've been struggling with masturbation and porn addiction recently so I've decided to get serious about it and join the forum as a subscriber. I'm extremely happy to be here.

    My Story
    I'm 21 and like most dudes my age I was introduced to porn at a very young age. I think I was 11 or 12 when I started watching porn and fapping regularly. One of the memories that stands out so much to me was how awkward and embarrassed I started to get once I started watching porn. I thought it was just puberty at the time but now I realise how bad I really was.

    I started sexualising woman from such a young age that whenever I talked or saw a chick I thought of sex, got embarrassed, blushed and acted so awkward. It's been that way up until around 2015 when I found NoFap. I still experience that "flight" response regularly and I'm just straight up sick of it. I want my life back...

    My Goal
    Honestly, my goal is to reach the 90-day mark. I've only ever got to 14 days... I've also thought about doing the Monk Mode to give me that extra push and discipline. I worked out recently that one of the reasons I relapse is because of social media and websites I'm on have sexually suggestive posts and sometimes straight up nudity. I feel like cutting these out of my life would help a lot.

    I'm thinking of giving up:
    1. Facebook - Except keeping the messenger app installed so I can keep in contact with friends.
    2. Reddit - There's a lot of awesome subreddits on Reddit but all it takes is going to r/all and bam.. relapse.
    3. Youtube - I think youtube is mostly fine. There's not really much on there that I watch anyway so this isn't too much of a problem but I will reduce my time browsing in suggested because that can lead to problems.
    4. Instagram - Too many beautiful people...
    5. Twitter
    That's about all I use really. I notice Facebook takes up a shit load of my time anyway so this should give me a lot more free time. I'm going to start doing Yoga in the morning if I can get up early enough and have cold showers. That should help a lot.

    So that's my experience with fapping and I'm excited to get my life back on track. I'm currently at 3 days... Only 87 to go! Any advice on how to do Monk Mode well would be much appreciated.
  2. vxlccm

    vxlccm Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Welcome! You're in good company.

    You starting on this as a younger man will serve you VERY well compared to a lot of us on the 40+ area that spent so long not fixing our problems and then causing even more.
    Whalenz likes this.
  3. Whalenz

    Whalenz Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot man. I am definitely glad I am making an effort now and not ignoring it anymore. I could only imagine what kind of havoc it could create when older. I wish you all the best for your future.
  4. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

    How are you progressing today?

    What are your current strategies for combating the enemy called PMO?