How can I stop feeling so lonely?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Sergey Sokolovskiy, Mar 16, 2017.

  1. Sergey Sokolovskiy

    Sergey Sokolovskiy New Fapstronaut

    Honestly I know I'm not handsome and even quite ugly. I don't blame guys around me not turning up.
    But I just can't help myself not to feel depressingly lonely.
    Especially I really feel like I'm an absolute outsider of this country! I can't make friends with the locals just because I'm from a completely different culture. I also feel like British guys pretty much don't fancy making friends with me. So I guess I won't be able to find my Mr. right here.
    I don't expect anything but just wanna see if there is a way for me to stop thinking about that?
    esforzado likes this.
  2. Well, let me tell you that if you're calling everyday yourself ugly and incapable of making friends and relationships... you won't actually. If you even dislike your own self, then why others will like you? Start having confindence, do understand that no one is perfect, everybody has his own imperfections, some people just know how to hide them well.
  3. Waldo101

    Waldo101 Fapstronaut

    If you join a club or organization that supports your hobby. Maybe you can start one yourself. Go on Craigslist or some internet site and try to organize a gathering of whatever your interested in.

    Join a political organization. Whatever politics your involved with, you may meet other people.

    If you have no interests in anything, get involved with some type of volunteer work. Helping other people gives you a good feeling about life.
  4. Waldo101

    Waldo101 Fapstronaut

    Also, if you feel that British people feel superior over you and you are a minority, you will be discouraged.

    You can make friends with some fat nerdy British guy who has no friends or some other citizen who is like an outsider.

    But seriously, there are British people who want to make friends with foreigners too but may feel shy. Many people in the UK are actually open to being friends with anyone but probably feel that you may not want to be friends with them.

    You have to more assertive. You may get rejected like anyone but eventually you will find a good happy English man as your buddy.
  5. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I empathise with the loneliness you feel. It is a horrible feeling. Worst still, it distorts your thoughts and you can start to believe some things which are untrue. For example, you are handsome. You have an open, friendly face with lovely eyes. We have a thread about eyes somewhere atm, you may want to contribute.

    I am English (south coast). For many years I lived in Sheffield and the North is a nice part of the country (see if you can make a visit to the Peak District). As far as interpersonal relationships go, we all find that tricky sometimes Sergey.

    Why not try joining a badminton club (you may be able to join an informal group playing if there is no club). I did this and it helped a lot when I changed area. I also signed up for two terms of coaching, so you end up meeting people there when you are playing and later when you are cleaning up. If you are not sporty, then pick something you enjoy or at least want to try. You have youth and health on your side, so make the most of it. Make an effort. Good luck in your quest for friends. :)
  6. esforzado

    esforzado Fapstronaut

    Sergey, it is much better to have a good heart than a handsome look. I would be happy to have you as a friend.
  7. señor

    señor Guest

    here are some quotes which really illustrate how your attitude is the biggest impasse towards your happiness. how do you expect to make friends when you project your insecurities like this? and I don't even know why you're bringing up appearances because that has almost nothing to do with it tbh

    IGY is right when he talks about hobbies and how they help you socialize. but more importantly, these things will help your self image blossom, because really self image starts with how effectively you spend the 24 hours you get each day. the way I see it there is a sort of holy trinity when it comes to these things
    1. a productive hobby - something that will assist you in your work/school related world
    2. an active hobby - lifting, running, badminton - an active hobby not only puts you out there, but it greatly improves self image as you start to see progress. people notice this
    3. a creative hobby - This can be any damn thing, but having a creative hobby makes you a much more interesting and intriguing person in conversation

    but at the end of the day you just gotta keep trying man. socializing is like showering -- if you don't do it often, then you're gonna stink. I know it must be weird being from a different culture, but hell use that to your advantage, you'll find that people will take an interest in you because your not a local. so just chat everyone up you see and be independent of any outcome, you're just practicing after all. it won't be long before your social skills and charisma really improve and it'll be easy to make friends. just stop thinking bad about yourself and good things will happen
    vibemaker likes this.
  8. I look at myself in the mirror, I recognise my cheekbones, eyebrows, dark brown hair, from a third person view I see a handsome face with tired eyes. But as of now, I have zero friends.... zilch. I live in a different village, and lost contacts, ditched jealous friends or jealous people.

    This isn't a real problem. Because such state is temporarily, as in it's impossible for this to stay for an eternity. I haven't really tried to be that social either, so I can't blame others. But I also feel different from the locals from time to time.

    Sometimes the fast paste of life leaves me feeling like I am in this twilight zone or something. It's like I can't keep up sometimes. It's a good thing I have a therapist appointment because such issues need to be talked about. Some days are worse than others. Right now I am waiting for the weather to clear up so I can take my skateboard and go outside, and try to stay outside for hours.

    I guess we all have our problems, some people just hide them, aren't honest, and some people will talk about it like on NoFap.

    Humans aren't robots, and no one, literally no one is perfect.