Buzzfeed Feminists THE CRINGIEST VIDEO EVER!!!

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by minionnomore, Mar 14, 2017.

  1. minionnomore

    minionnomore Fapstronaut

    Don't get me wrong here guys and girls I am all about equality.But this shit is nothing but craziness. I mean I don't know but are these people retarded or what.I don't understand what has happened to our world.I mean people are literally starving around the world and here we have three feminazis complaining about manspreading. Check this video out and I am sure you will understand what I am saying

    lol here's the link to the youtube video
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2017
  2. django.the.chainbreaker

    django.the.chainbreaker Fapstronaut

    Agreed. I'm all for gender equality but this isn't doing much for the cause.
    ZenoStyleLogic likes this.
  3. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut

  4. Those types of videos are there simply because they generate the most views. Same goes for articles on websites of such nature, it's all clickbait. That's how Buzzfeed make the most money. That's how internet money making business works. So I just completely ignore this crap. It has zero value. And I would recommend ya all do the same. :rolleyes:
  5. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut

    Wise man thank you for this.
  6. I'm not surprised, I expected no better from Buzzfeed. Their demographic consists of mostly liberals. I do agree with you on how feminists complain about literally nothing and they never focus on the bigger problems in the world. These Feminists aren't even after equality but rather they are after an ideal utopia for all women and they're actually succeeding in doing so. Personally, I blame men for putting women on a pedestal and making them think they're equal, when in fact they're really not and the current state of society proves that. If these feminists really cared about equality and the well being of society, then they would be promoting fatherhood and motherhood.
  7. ZenoStyleLogic

    ZenoStyleLogic Fapstronaut

    Superb keep it coming.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. "manspreading"? There's a word for that??? lol

    Anyways, feminism (with the meaning of giving a chance to women to get out of their kitchen, start a career, get more educated, have the same rights as men) is nice. But anything over that isn't healthy and right. Nature hasn't made us equal. Extreme feminism is actually bad for women, and in general 21st century feminists don't seek equality. I once read an article of a feminist and basically what she was saying was that if a man likes to be a man, then he's a fascist. Crazy and dangerous things...
    Deleted Account likes this.